USED PARTS HUNTING Ft. A.N. Bogan & Channel Situation
USED PARTS HUNTING Ft. A.N. Bogan & Channel Situation
welcome back to tech city guys and today
we're going to be used punning another
loader you guys love that stuff they're
going to take a look at few pots that
actually need for an upcoming youth
build a lot of people have been
demanding a new skill so go on coming up
and also there's a lot of things I want
to talk about too so let's get on with
so here is the used build here this is
the one that I'm going to piece together
I've got two sticks of memory here this
is eight gigabytes of ddr3 memory of all
the little board that I picked up from
Japan this is a H 81 and I think I
picked this thing up for like $20 we'll
find like that is Japanese can see those
Japanese on the board and we've also got
this case I picked this case up to 20
bucks but it is a little bit broken I'm
going to have to silicon gun that
together fix that up and I'm going to
power flag up that for really cheap -
that is a source life I like to say sis
since I like this board and then that
we've got to get a CPU and a GPU for
this build so I've got to put that
together but we've also got a Seagate
hard drive that's going to be going in I
picked that up for really cheap as well
actually even thing I called it out of a
build where I put a one terabyte in like
a pea 55 so that's that build is going
to be coming up I'm going to pick up
some pieces later for this thing so
let's take a look at what else we got
around here so here's another build that
I got sent in from a subscriber so thank
you so much I'm actually going to turn
this into a community build and then I'm
going to be giving it away to someone
who needs a gaming PC so we have a 78
7255 motherboard a 5-4 core we're going
to overclock it have a lot of fun with
it I'm going to be thrown into the
memory hard drive and stuff like that so
there's still going to be hitting the
channel 2 in probably the next month
hopefully and I want to move on to the
backlog here guys as you probably
already know I've been wide just been
getting stuff done but it's been pretty
slow and the reason why is because
Christmas Eve I left early in the
morning to a trip we went on a boat so
we went down to Sydney and we got on a
boat went to a Vanuatu and New Caledonia
and then after that I got back and that
wasn't the problem the holiday wasn't
really the problem I had about 10 days
or 11 days on holiday but the problem
after that is I got this really bad
illness like it was flu that went on and
affected my eyes and it was just
terrible it took me out for like a good
10 days as well so there was like you
know over 20 days it just me not being
able to do content at all which sucks
so you know this massive backlog
developed and like I couldn't get sort
of those used build and also the trick
of the trade videos that you guys love I
couldn't get them done cuz I just had to
get through a massive backlog but I've
also got a laptop here which I picked up
in Japan the meaning to get that done
like a legal legend hundred dollar
laptop go get these done well these are
the 600 P things from Intel there those
are rate m dot to the chief one soul is
going to put them in raid 0 see how they
perform then we've got the azarov's e
270 ITA board here we've got to get that
done and then Juno cron as well you guys
asking about the jewels Xeon workstation
that's coming back so on the topic there
just to help charge the circuits a
little bit but that's going to be
getting in this BitFenix Shogun here so
they send me eight this out for review
but I'm going to do something really
cool with it
put Unicron in that since this support
extended ATX then we've got some mics
laughs sorry no shotgun mics I want to
improve the audio for you guys so I'm
going to be getting that done shoot out
then we've got these robots here I got
to get this done for Kagame or that's
the brand they got these little robots
they wanted me to take a look at I said
yes ages ago
so I've got to get that done as well as
on the backlog and then we've got here
over here the Bulldog I've actually
finished this review I've got to post it
back so that's their new bulldog chassis
that's coming out really cool products
but that will be coming out later in the
week and then we've got the other
benchmark build that's going to be
coming to benchmark PC is going to be
hitting the channel stay tuned for that
and then we've got cool I'm kind I'm
running out of breath here you go
so after a bit of looking around here
I've soft out an AMD 7950 for $80 which
I'm going to try and lowball a little
bit but the thing is this is a be
Australian 2 for the American viewers
Australian dolls are a lot weaker than
us solar so they'd be maybe like 60 or
65 USD next year we've got up here is a
r9 280x so that's 120 AUD so I'm going
to give this guy call see if see if
he'll take a little bit low so if I mean
I pull up a few of these whoever gets
the lowball offer then I'm going to take
that so now the next bill I've got up
here is a G 32 58 as going for $80 but I
wanted to just probably get this for
around 60 but I've got that H 1 H 81
board and now that should be able to
overclock so I believe you can overclock
with the right foil from this so that's
the next thing I'm going to give a call
and then we go to this one the EVGA GTX
770 has 120 bucks so again we'll give
this guy a call in the next and last
we've got a 660 but I really can see
myself only paying about maybe 60 bucks
max 70 Australian for this thing so
let's give all these guys are called but
one thing to remember guys when you are
on gumtree
you can't come across as like this
camera you can't come across as sounding
too intellectual because then that
particular person will be like look this
guy sounds normal
I want him to go out and pay full retail
so you've kind of got to dumb it down a
little bit how you talk and stuff like
that but also since we're in tech you
can't do it too much people are going to
be like what the hell is this guy doing
so we're going to give these guys a call
and give it a little bit of a spin
hey George how are you mate Deborah
Neriah yeah good I saw your ad on
gumtree for a 7950 yep do you still have
it available okay I can pick it up
would you take $70 for it I'm
comfortable at 18 okay mate could you
text us the address doctor okay mate
thank you right success so that guy I
ended up texting him the address and he
was the same guy who's selling the
online 280x as well so I sent him a text
message and asked him if he'd take 110
because the first time the 7850 I mean
7950 was reluctant to let that go for 70
bucks that was just $10 on the cup so he
sort of pretty firm on his prices so you
don't want to go to law though so I'll
just tell you to get locked but we're
going to try out the Intel g32 58 now
and see if we can pick this up the fixed
because it does have negotiable in the
title so let's give that a go
oh no response so the next one got up he
actually doesn't have a phone number so
we're just going to send the guy a
message and ask him would he take a 100
bucks for it so we just made an offer
hopefully goes through now we've got the
gtx 660 and this guy's just lifted it so
I got no it doesn't have negotiable in
the price so I really don't think he's
going to take much less than idols that
will drop in a $60 offer anyway so fun
so let's do the person you are calling
is not available
okay so only manage to get through to
one person there and I mean it's a
Saturday so you'd think it'd be the best
day to hunt for parts and have people
pick up their phones and whatnot so at
least we're getting a 79 50 for really
cheap the Pentium I'll try and call that
back later but I want to get this bill
put together pretty fast with a good
graphics card and also good decent CPU
anyway because one thing I do want to do
for you guys is compare the G 32:58 like
overclocked to the G 4560 especially in
games that like csgo and stuff like that
where people are really going to be
looking for a budget PC and they want
the best FPS for those games go away
let's go pick up these cards or look
good whatever let's go do a few things
so I just got back now from picking up
these two graphics cards you sold me the
pair of them that's the 7950 I don't
know which ones which and a r9 280x so
we just got those for 180 AUD which is
ridiculously cheap for these gravis
cards and look at this this is the first
one I should don't know which ones which
there's one of the cards and here's a
well just in there and there's another
one of the cards so whoever sold these
graphics cards they clearly love the
Zeus direct CEUs and that's awesome
that's the first part of the deal let's
try and pick up some more deals and some
of you guys have requested that dad man
he comes back on the channel so what are
you going to say dad Yeah right
do you know what I mean when I show you
you know what I mean well that depends
if you know what you mean before you
knew what you meant
okay so I just got back I went and
picked up this penny mg 32:58 the guy
says it works
apparently so I haven't checked any of
this to see if it works yet but we got
that for $60 with the Intel stock cooler
we got this I don't know which ones
which but we got one of these for
seventy one of these for 110 and good
news is I'm going to go pick up the gtx
770 tonight the guys getting Latta back
from a trip so he'll be able to give
that to me too for a hundred dollars
later tonight and that's about 7:00 p.m.
I'm going to go pick that up tonight and
looks like we've got a bill coming on
here so we're going on the G 32:58
probably just 79 50 cents it's probably
probably the best days for money out of
all those fields and we're going to be
putting together an awesome rig for you
guys use price-performance we're going
to see how this thing boots up it's also
going to be small form-factor too which
is awesome so that'll be out in the next
couple of days so ever hear old doesn't
z170 Pro 4 I wanted to talk about this
thing it's going to be testing a couple
of CPUs it's going to be testing an
engineering sample which I wanted to try
and it's all going to be testing that
cavy leg a lot of people wanted me to do
those two videos they'll be coming but I
mean look I've had this thing for a week
and I haven't even used it yet
like it's just been insane like getting
through that backlog is just insane I
want to get through it all and nothing
I'm getting through it now so I'm able
to do things like this vlog and the use
parts coming up so I've got a little bit
of a break but there's still a lot to
get through that I hope you guys
understand this is awesome we're going
to get this done we're going to have all
the awesome videos coming that a lot of
you guys love as well and goodness
anyway guys that's about it for this
weekend's of deal hunting and getting
those used parts I hope you guys enjoyed
it if you did then give it a big thumbs
up let me know in the comment section
below what was your favorite deal but
also something I wanted to talk about
before I get on out of here and that's
sort of like what's been going on with
the channel lately some people have been
disappointed that I haven't been giving
you guys like the used parts the
enthusiasts hunk and pull like that
tweaking you know real niche sort of
stuff and I'm getting back onto that
when I get the free time that's going to
keep coming but you know like I know and
I get it use parts performance mental
price performance it can't be beat and
it also some of the best price
performance out there but at the same
time use parts isn't for everyone
so and also on that note with the new
pipe is really helping the channel out
it's helping me stay afloat put food on
the table and you know I'm going to keep
giving you guys those used
price-performance and real enthusiast
videos that's coming up just had a huge
backlog and also something with the new
parts as well before we get on out here
I will say that a lot of the parts that
are coming through a lot of products
they're not the best value for money but
that doesn't exactly make those products
bad products like for instance the sound
from creatives that I reviewed the
katana that would you know there was I'm
sure there's even used sound bars out
there that have better value for money
but it doesn't exactly make it a bad
product like I had I couldn't find
anything wrong with it
other than it was expensive that doesn't
exactly make it a bad product so anyways
I'd love to hear your thoughts and
opinions in the comments section below I
always read those comments even if I
don't reply to every comment and I'll
catch you guys in another tech video
where actually the build videos use
price-performance build video very soon
the peace out for now bye
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