I think we're live right about now and
welcome back guys to episode 27 of the
tech lounge where I'm joined by my
co-host keV from that tech showdown how
you doing man doing good Brian
just been trying to get through the
content as best as I can how are you
yeah really good man I just completed a
few builds and also have to do now the
windows 10 creators optimization guide
and I'll get that done hopefully like
today or tomorrow and then I gotta head
to Computex like tomorrow night I'll
leave it like just perform midnight so
have to leave here like eight o'clock so
I gotta catch a flight from Brisbane
which is like an hour away and then
after that we'll be giving you guys a
lot of content at Computex so that'll be
really cool I can't wait for that
because I've never been to Taiwan before
and it's like one of the places that I
really want to check out so it's still
only definitely want to go list in terms
of places I want to visit so can't wait
for that really excited hopefully I can
get you guys because I'm leaving a
couple of days early to set up but I
also want to go use parts hunting in
Taiwan check out what the deal is there
see if there's any bargains just go
hustle see if we can build a computer
and maybe even possibly give it away at
Computex if there's going to be any you
know viewers there so yeah so yeah meet
up and give away a used price
performance gaming rig so that'll be
really cool looking forward I don't know
but it's crazy I know but worst comes to
worst if no one's there to give it away
to I'll just bring it back to Australia
just take the case you just ditch the
case that's usually the way then you
take the path back with you rest in
peace board yes five dollar case rest in
ah now you're on your being Ellen with
these use part bills lately what I use
GPU you liking at the moment they're too
90s 290 X's or maybe something from the
900 series from a video like a nine
eighty or ninety DT eyes I see you know
they're still you pay a little quite a
bit full and but for the performance you
get out of them I think some of those on
the use parts market can be quite a good
deal to be honest man there's so many
different GPUs out there and I think
that's the main catch now as opposed to
like last year when I was looking at
GPUs there was a lot of GPS that were
coming up for sale at good prices now
it's more like people definitely just
want to offload any graphics card to get
an upgrade to like a 470 or a 1060 I
think they're very popular cards at the
moment and so yeah now the 570 and so
people just offload any type of GPU and
of course you've got the 1080 out there
which is dropped in price you got the
1080 Ti
and you know any graphics cards should
be on your radar if you're looking to do
a use price performance build like any
graphics card and so with that I'd be
looking at you know even like GTX 580 if
you can pick it up cheap GTX 575 96
Series cards if you can pick them up
cheap enough there's just no limits to
what deals you can get because I think
the new GPUs have been revolutionary in
ways that they've been so disruptive to
the market especially the year's price
performance market that you can just
pick up deals for people like no I want
to upgrade my graphics card and like my
friend eight years ago as soon as the
1070 was released I was like dude look
at it look at a 970 in Australia and he
picked one up for dirt cheap and I go I
guys said to him a guy found the deal
for him on gumtree I found this deal and
I told him I said to him dude I
guarantee you this guy is upgrading to a
1070 or a 1080 and he went and called up
the guy said I've got cash you know
would you take $50 less than already his
really low price I think it was like two
hundred Australian dollars for a 970
else he was asking - he's asking 250 I
was like this is like ages ago - as soon
as those cards were released and he said
to the guy would you take 200 cash I'll
come pick it up right away and the guy
was like yeah sure
I just just wanted to get rid of his 970
like that was just a really good deal
because my friends one of his old his
old grabs card ID on him and so yeah I
just said doing what he's like what's
the best price performance I'll take a
look for you and so a generally any
gravis card that's just going out
someone wants to get rid of it to
upgrade that's where you're going to get
a really good deal
so anything should be on your radar
really I know a lot of guys out there
just want to build a price performance
PC because it's a lot of fun and that's
what that's right that's why I got into
it because just a huge amount of fun
yeah you can have the latest and
greatest but I don't know just building
computers is just fun in general
especially can you can see what you can
get out of them because a lot of people
have been messaging me they're like dude
how do you get those settings out of
that computer out of that potato like I
can't even get you know this amount of
frame rates like you are with this
better gear and it's about overclocking
like overclocking is a big part of it
especially on the older gear like lgsm
zm5 LGA 1156 so but those those like you
need to overclock because the gains to
be gained on those platforms especially
the older ones are huge she's going to
take talking like 40 50 percent gains
and not only that just tweak your games
as well like there's some settings
that'll just absolutely hammer
old-school gravis cards with less fear
am less shaders on there so really just
tweak everything in general I guess that
just comes from experience maybe I know
know but yeah that's why I mean when I
sell computers as they like all tuned
ready to go so yeah man it's good and
you're right here 1060 boosts favor vidi
video it's interesting when I was
reading through the comments last night
some guy said oh you know my GTX 580
doesn't get this kind of performance and
I thought what what GTX 580 it does not
have performance maybe if you put it on
day yeah lnto yeah liquid nitrogen yeah
maybe maybe just but that nitro 580 it
seemed like a quite a nice model of
graphics card I've heard good things
about them I mean sapphire in general
does a pretty good job
yeah um but did you like it yeah like I
liked the guard it was really nice of
the cosmetics were good the performance
was good I don't understand how the
performance can get a whole lot better
exhaust people in the comment section
are like oh you should have compared it
to the gaming acts from MSI the 580 it's
like men I can't I can't get these
graphics cut light I can't just you know
I can't afford to go down and buy a
gaming X for a comparison when I've
already got a 580 that's already
apparently one of the best cards out
there that's a great one man yeah like
I'm hearing in the comments some people
like oh man so far is like one of the
worst brands now it's like huh like a
year ago apparently they were like the
best AMD vendor so I've got no idea like
what's going on sometimes in the
comments I just think the best thing to
do is sometimes ignore it but at the
same time you've got really cool people
in the comments people who get it people
who are really nice I love reading the
you know these smart comments I guess so
I don't know at the end of the day I
thought the comparison was really fair I
overclocked both the graphics cards and
the 1060 just did it for me that was
just my my opinion my recommendation and
I think the biggest thing was people I
you miss freesync and yeah I did so that
was just something I lost over and I
guess it's probably because I just don't
use either like I actually had a g-sync
monitor on my 4k monitor and I just
never used g-sync either I just really I
like to pull high frame rates and drop
graphics settings because like I like to
play competitively even though I'm not
like a pro I still enjoy playing the
best I can play so I'll be like a
Logitech G 302 some of the lowest input
lag out there I've got a really fast
monitor and so with that I like to get
the highest frame rates falling to my
monitor and then also have no free sink
or g-sync enabled because the input lag
is again a little bit lower so I guess
that's just I guess there might be a
little bit of a bias as a reviewer but
again every review is going to have a
bias like depending on how they want to
test things in what they do so that's
why I said go check out Steve's video
man he's got a different opinion like
it's it's important for people to go
grab as many opinions and like which
reviewer they aligned with the best so
for instance if I don't
get so much of a bias I think it's more
of like different people depending on
how they test different things can come
to different conclusions but the the
fact of the matter is both cards are
very close in all the reviews my review
which will be coming out either today or
tomorrow the cards are so so close
together that it's very there's no clear
winner like when we test with other
things we can clearly see which one is
better that's just not the case with
these graphics cards they're so so close
together in terms of price and
performance and and many other ways so
yeah it's it's interesting and we just
got a donation from Alex Piven top
thanks Alex if thanks for all the good
info keep it up oh yeah no worries I
guess I mean whenever you come here I'm
not gonna sugarcoat anything
I never sugarcoat I just say it how it
is I do my testing I just give an
opinion and that's the main if people
can't respect that then seriously
they're at the wrong channel like just
go head off into yonder I mean I'm
always going to have an opinion I'm
always going to treat my viewers like
friends and that's what I'm saying if I
was recommending a graphics card to a
friend it would be a personally the 10
60 over the 580 and that's just me like
you can go ask other people for their
opinions and it's because of my testing
and my testing was apples to apples it
always is it will never change I'm
always going to test two graphics cards
both out of the box settings and now
overclocked I like to do both to get a
bit of insight and honestly I think the
five 80s have been pushed to the brink
they're essentially four 80s refreshed
with higher or with more aggressive over
clocks and with that you gain even less
overlocking headroom and so I'm going to
look into under vaulting the card
because a lot of people want to see how
they perform when you undervolt them and
see what kind of prior performance per
what you can get out of the card but
other than that like we're talking like
the 1060 I put that in and I can
overclock it and the it's really good
when it's overclocked the performance is
so I don't know yes in 1060 just did it
for me that was just me like yeah if I
had to pick two I'd pick the 1060 so I
don't know take it out it is yeah it's
ya know they're they're very close
together two very extremely close and
I'm you could make a case for either
from my testing anyways that are already
done you can really make a case for
either GPU it's that close together I
know it's just crazy though some people
in the comments just go off man it's
like it's like you literally pooped in
their breakfast and like and all we did
was make a video like really in essence
we just made a video yeah I mean it I
think the average gamer you go take out
there whatever GPU they had and put in
the other one and they probably wouldn't
notice because the performance is so
close together um if it was in a
specific game maybe that one does much
better than the other but for the most
part the average gamer is not enough
difference with them once you add
together you note in-game averages and
that it's very very close that most
people wouldn't notice but it's very
good in the sense that um it's good
competition at this price point that
both of the cards are very similar so
they're kind of fighting for that best
price type thing and depending on where
you look in the country living it seems
to go one way or the other some places
the 580 is cheaper than a 1060 depending
on the model you know I'm talking about
equivalent models and in other places
it's the reverse here in New Zealand
it's pretty close very close
um so that it just depends on where you
live as well that will also influence
your position on which one you will go
for but yeah it's quite a cool it's
quite cool to see the competition at
this at that value for money price point
that the majority of gamers will be
buying at yeah I mean the bottom line is
that if you bought that's why I said if
you bought either gravis card you you
haven't made a wrong choice they're both
great great cards with me today it's
just I mean when it comes down to it
it's such a really fine line
but at the same time I'm still just
going to make my recommendation like
it's not the end of the world guys it's
just a graphics card in the mid-range
and they perform very similar so those
videos you can never sort of win on them
you go to expect that people will get
yeah I grumpy to a certain extent but
it's just because of its Nvidia versus
Andy it's always going to be when we do
when Vega comes out yeah we do 1080i
verse Vega Nova or whatever then it's
going to be the same sort of thing
people will probably go crazy and then
sale the rest of it but um they're just
it's just how it is man
after all these years it's just you just
deal with it but uh are you there you do
yeah yes yeah so I'm looking forward to
your video so you have the ten sixty
verse of the five eighty Gabe's going to
have a showdown of his own so make sure
you check that out but we got up here
first off the Radeon Vega Nova Eclipse
and core reportedly launching on June
the 5th so right after Computex is um so
right off the copy text finishes
essentially they plan to launch this
graphics card now there is an AMD booth
at I think they're announcing it on May
30th at like 10:30 in the ten o'clock in
the morning so there is an AMD meeting
at Computex and that'll probably be
where that announced Vega so may
thirtieth guys keep your radars up
you'll get our 31st our 31st 31st at
10:00 a.m. yeah you're early first at
10:00 a.m. so we've got AM D should be
announcing Vega right then and there
it'll be huge I'll be covering it I'll
be up Computex live baby covering that
stuff for you I'll hopefully give you
guys the I'm hoping to get the first
video out on YouTube but then again
they'll be in probably not realistic
because you have guys on their
smartphones texting the deets and then
being like yep backs confirmed run the
story like they might have liked to like
a guy lined up to different stories and
whatnot launch it Hillary went Lin wins
the election Trump wins the election get
those two stories ready launch yeah well
I mean I'll make a video that day um
after this announcement goes through so
I'll be waiting to read all the details
about it and then I'll make a video
about it but uh yes it's looking quite
interesting so so the pricing they're
saying is $5.99 for the Nova which is
going to be the top Vega GPU the big boy
then $4.99 for the Eclipse which is
going to be the middle Vega GPU and in
399 for the core which is going to be
kind of like the Fury nano in a lot of
ways so pricing wise if you're not aware
that means that the Nova will sit
between the 1080 and the 1080 TI 1080
sits at about $4.99 1080 TI sits at
$6.99 so it's sitting between the two of
them the eclipse will sit exactly at the
same price point as the 1080 and the
core will be sitting at that 1070 price
point yes so interesting interesting
that they've structurally this the other
thing that we notice if we look at their
graph and these are just rumors right
now but it seems correct from everything
we've gathered is that it's looking like
a copy of what they did with the Fury
lineup said the fury X at the top which
is the big powerful all the bells and
whistles GPU then you had the just plain
fury and that was an air-cooled graphics
card remember the fury X was purely
liquid called the fury was the
air-cooled version and they had fewer
stream processors but it still had all
the power and everything enabled full
power but just with cut-down GPU in
terms of stream processors and then you
had the Nano which was it had all the
stream processors but it had the speeds
cut down the power cut down and other
things and that looks like the same case
is what we're seeing here you get the
full pallet Nova the eclipse will be air
cooled and that will be trimmed down in
terms of stream processes and then
you'll get the core which if you were
just looking in terms of stream
processes you say why is that one
cheaper that that will have lower power
send it will have lower speeds so in
terms of performance the eclipse will
still be better it's not I see a lot of
you guys just think it's just purely
about the CUDA cores or stream
processors there's more to it than just
that it is a good indicator for the most
part but it's not the Beall or end-all
there's more to a GPUs performance than
than just that clock speeds
yeah clock seems to pay a big big big
thing in end of power as well if it's
going to be power limited the core model
then and that will hold it back quite a
bit as well just like what we saw with
the Nano so this is looking pretty crazy
12.8 teraflops on the nova that is not
mucking around that's a powerful GPU no
matter which way you look at it that
thing is going to absolutely halt in the
memory bandwidth there at 410 that's
more than 10 ATT I order the Titan XP so
a lot there two very very high-end GPUs
very year so they're looking really good
I'm worried about the clock speeds
though I mean we saw that rumor well not
really a rumor I mean it was an official
score loaded into the database so could
that possibly be the core at 1.2
gigahertz I don't imagine this one at
1.6 gigahertz versus 1.5 I mean that
would outperform the vaguer eclipse I
mean looking at this yeah it just it
looks a little bit weird how they've got
this graph I mean you'll get more
details when it's out on 31st of May but
I think you're right like this will be a
the Vega core will be like the Nano and
of course the clock speeds is
interesting that's I guess the eyes are
all on the clock speeds at the moment
but if the Vega Nova is confirmed at 1.6
gigahertz then we can look at
performance that will be better than a
1080 but less than a 1080i and I think
at the price point that's where it's
going to hit a
syriza yeah man just sorry this is my
internet guys so we we dropped out yeah
that's a films strange backup now
Telstra Internet guys this is a strain
internet this is what I got to deal with
on a daily basis so so if it cuts out
again I'm I don't know it just dropped
for like it for like a second but yeah
it seems okay now so so that's fine from
there yeah I mean it's yeah it seems
exactly like what I predicted with the
Nova I mean I said weeks ago maybe even
like a month ago that I predicted that
the top Vega chip would sit between the
1080 and the 1080 Ti and that's looking
like exactly where aim DS positioning it
because I just saw such a large
performance gap between the 1080 and the
1080 Ti that and that would be where I
would want to put a card right between
them for those people that maybe want
more power than a 1080 but they took I
guess don't want to jump as high as the
the 1080 GI and I guess the Nova will
come right in there more interestingly I
think is the Eclipse because that will
be the same price as the 1080 so you
gotta hope that the performance must be
it doesn't look like a big drop down in
performance compared to the Nova but um
yeah let's hope that that thing maybe if
they come out with some crazy extreme
models of that the different companies
do because it'll be here called um
there'll be something like that so
hopefully we see that I'd Jim just a sec
Brian Jimmy o donates as well and he
said made you look okay hahaha and so on
else--if telstra sucks
yeah australian comcast apparently oh
it's a sad life guys it's hard life when
you got two megabits per second uploads
that's 2 megabits so that's like rough
you know it is rough I am dealing with a
tough internet here so now we've got
here like so that's why I was worried
about the fire
SCOR though when we saw that at 1.2
gigahertz effectively that was not a
real good indicator I mean we still have
to see some driver updates come through
but I think the performance of these
cards will sit a little bit above a 1080
and more so like the 1080i is a lot
faster than a 1080 it's like what are we
to a math LD percent on average 30 to 35
here yeah I mean it's a big gap and so I
think that this is just theory crafting
just based on numbers I've seen in the
clock speeds at 1.6 gigahertz I can see
it may be beating at 1080 by 5 to 10%
and that's their flagship card this is
just again I know a lot of people are
going to go apeshit especially some of
the AMD fans but that's just the numbers
that we've seen so far based on this
spec sheet here so I think that I mean
the 1080i was a beast it's a massive
graphics card and it does of course
consume a lot of power especially when
overclocked I made no mistake so be
interested in what they're doing with
the Vaganova they're going to be
slapping a water cooler on it like they
did with the fury out of the factory I
would expect so yeah and of course the
HBM 2 is going to be impressive as well
the Eclipse is going to be an
interesting model that'll be a really
cool model to see like if you can get
the clock speeds similar to the Nova and
then see what you can do with that so
yeah Kevin keV has a vehicle inspection
too so I've got the Telstra Internet
drop out and now Kev's got a guy coming
around to look at his car which was
meant to happen an hour and a half later
so all bets are off guys so yeah Vega
I'm really looking forward to it of
course I want to actually do a full
image comparison between like 10
different games so I'm just going to
look at a screenshot on 10 different
games at the same sections of the map
look at static parts of the map do an
apples-to-apples comparison where we go
in and pixel peep and really just report
this across 10 different games I think
you guys would love to see that
I want that's one thing I'm curious to
see with Vega when I get one of these
cards in tested against the 1080 1080 I
and the 1070 because this is where
this lineup will be specifically
targeting to hit and then give you guys
not just the frame rate comparison not
just the FPS comparison but also going a
bit more in-depth and looking at things
like image quality as well same settings
out of the box out of the factory you
install this gravis card this is how the
image is going to look without tweaking
any settings because of course the
average gamer is just going to get a
graphics card in my opinion drop it in
there and then play games so I think
that's important to look at that side of
the fence with the performance figures
too so I look forward to doing that for
you guys with Vega I'm going to wait
till Vega comes out because again it's a
high-end graphics card and it's going to
compete with another high-end graphics
card from Nvidia so I hope to see you
guys looking forward to that comparison
- and now we've got that another rumor
here so tech power up of I think they
originally released this rumor so this
is just more sort of fuel to the Vega
file and just to back it up and sort of
their theory crafting as well I did read
this article and I thought the 1070 s
performance can be easily overclocked to
reach eternity is not that valid I think
at 1070 my overclocked to the brink
doesn't even match a 1080 like out of
the box like I think this time around
the 1070 can't like the 970 you could
overclock it and get 980 performance but
1070 s there they're kind of still a
little bit behind a 1080 even when you
overclock them that's just my experience
so we got here the 14 sorry you want to
add some you want to add oh no no no use
your own senses onto this metal
no no just trying to get back up to
speed sorry I think Bryan says again
interruption but uh yeah no I just
wanted to add one more thing we won't
talk about the big excuse was young the
TDP is at 275 yeah ah that's pretty
decent if I remember back the fury x
fury X was at 275 I believe as well so
it's the exact same but I mean the 1080p
is at 250 so that's quite close
how much do you think
HBM 2 is going to help by comparison to
what say the node will be going up
against if it if it is like that it will
be wedge between two in nvidia gpus
which have gddr5 X I mean clutches no
hbm's broadly more efficient but at the
same time doesn't it contribute to the
overall die heat a little bit more I
like I haven't really looked into it too
much but yeah so it's a huge die because
of the interposes and stuff like that so
I think yeah and that diamond tribute to
the heat on the die per se so I'm really
curious to see how the TDP will perform
with a cooler in the real world that's
something I'm actually looking forward
to testing with Vega and the HBM 2 we
know from the fury that that was
actually a pretty it was a hot running
card like you know they were hard to
keep under control both the fury and the
fury ax so the Nano of course being cut
down as much as it was in terms of
speeds it didn't pose much of a problem
but again a lot over clock as well is
remains to be seen - guys so much of its
up in the air but it looks to be like it
will be a competitive lineup it's just I
think it was it's very late that's
that's a long an ad very late for AMD to
be releasing this lineup if it's
competing similar to the 1070 and 1080
and 1080 TI like and then coming under
the 1080 TI of course so I think yeah
yeah yeah to a certain degree I would
say that that's true um I don't
particularly remember the fury X and
personally from my testing being a
particularly hot graphics card um but it
was under water though that thing yeah
yeah it was it was so that me that me
but I mean I've tested 1080s which had
the like the MSI Seahawk I believe it's
called and stuff and they they had
liquid cooling and it was about similar
so um did you do a question
did you feel the radiator as well the
heat coming off the radiator because I
mean I tested a 980ti with a water
blocker 120 mil rad and I overclocked
that to the brink I got some impressive
figures out of it but the radiator was
heating up as well like quite getting
all the rims get hot yeah and I just
approached your videos oh because I
couldn't mount the I could mount the
radiator in my case because it wouldn't
fit so what I did is I just left the
door of my case off and had the radiator
point at me and it was at winter man I
just play a game with the pro geo in
that the radiator was just blowing hot
air I mean man it was like having a nice
little air heater next year was all good
you get a nice and warm so and but it
got exceptionally hot the radiator you
like if you were gaming for like an hour
if you try to pick that thing up or boy
wow do you know okay so that was on the
radio they got cool okay well there was
on approach you Oh though that was
pretty kind of ridiculous but um okay
there you know there was two Fury nanos
on that thing so it was quite ridiculous
but ya know that that will be
interesting in the HP m2 will be quite
cool it would be a very good selling
point for armed Vega as well just from a
marketing perspective having such
advanced memory and not having the
drawbacks of the fury remember guys that
was restricted to four gigabytes and
that was yeah for a lot of people that
was like a deal-breaker so yeah the fact
that you're going to be able to go all
the way up to 16 gigs with the Nova
apparently um is going to dispel that
very nicely even eight gigabytes right
now honestly I think that's a good
amount but hey if you can have 16 where
you want 16 then more power to you but
but it's still a solid amount right now
yeah even if I gave me a like I do
on that note though AMD are releasing a
new caching technology with their GPUs I
think this lineup more specifically
where they use memory more efficiently
and they do get higher frame rates I
believe there was a Tomb Raider
benchmark where they showed the
performance being increased with just
two year but it's a VRAM it went up
quite substantially and with that
there's also another rumor of 14
nanometer plus with vega 2.0 it's to
compete with voltar in 2018
again this is where it starts to go too
much in the rumor mill you know like we
haven't even seen Vega getting they're
talking about the next lineup of Vega
2.0 cards I'm just going to personally
say like with this article it does a lot
of it makes sense of course aim D will
want to get on a more refined note
process and be more competitive and I
think 2.0 could be 40 nanometer
plus with higher clocks better yields
but again this article is really too
much too soon you know like they even go
on like this is when you know you guys
got to jump off this article whether
it's worked up like hypothetical
situations of if this happens for and
this happens in this happens if vague is
not you know the clock speeds are higher
and then volt is not that good and it's
just a bit too much for me this article
though with the 40 nanometer plus so it
does like some of it makes sense but of
course I think we're just way too late
this is just going way too deep for me
how about you yeah I mean it's it's
interesting but yeah there's not much we
can take from this aside from the fact
that looks like Andy will be going to
seven nanometer with not Navi um whereas
you were saying earlier that Nvidia will
be going to 12 nanometer next with our
second video yeah if we're going from 12
nanometer down to 12 where AMD will be
going from 14 to 7 apparently which i
think is quite ambitious not yeah it
depends it depends we know we'll be
coming out as well I mean when Volta
comes out and when this comes out but
yeah you put it put it right this is
bigger isn't even out yet and people are
looking towards this so let's just see
how big it goes see how good the
architecture is and how what kind of
performance I mean as as we can only
talk about what we what we think based
off those specs on paper but at the same
time we don't know actually how good
it's going to go and certain games in
that so I think it will be interesting
we start testing vega to see actually
how much performance it has and it could
be more than we thought it could be less
than we thought
could be right around where we think but
as I said my prediction right now that
top card I would say is the Nova will be
10% more powerful than the 1080 and it
will be 20% slower than the 1080 Ti so
to be almost in the middle of those two
graphics cards and once maybe drivers
get good for it maybe it'll go up to 15%
over a 1080 but um so to be did
smack-bang between those two but that's
my prediction right now and that's what
I would think but um but what's your
prediction before we because we're
almost there Vegas okay so so what they
do to final prediction so we get with
the 14 nanometer plus Rho this is that
I'm saying this one's way to find the
future but with like with darshan stuff
we'd like to make sort of short-term
predictions I mean look at the horizon 5
1,600 be 350 combo I predicted that like
a month before was even released or even
before Drazen was eoseo it did right on
the money man dead on the money I said
like yeah because it was rumored to come
with a stock cooler 6 cores 12 threads
the price that it was rumored to come in
at and then I was like well we got be
350 overclocking you got two less cause
it's going to produce less heat than the
eight core this one looks like a
no-brainer this one looks like it'll be
the king of price performance and came
out it was yeah we also looked I I saw
the Joule to die design I said maybe
that will introduce some latency you
know and I got called an F an idiot and
stuff like this in chat and no but it
was right and yeah so with predictions
okay so my prediction is going to be
that Vega will be released and it'll be
a little hopefully a little bit in front
of 810 80 though they novo I'm
predicting will be about 5 to 10% faster
and I'm thinking more along 5% because
it's an infant graphics card lineup and
so that's where I think they're going
with the nerville and of course as
driver optimizations come in and
refinements come in you'll see
performance improve over time but that's
my prediction so yes I mean I mean
people in the chat are saying that 4,096
stream processors at 7,000 17,000
megahertz which we're seeing here on the
article we were just on said it was
going to be 1.6 but they that might be a
base caught there may be a boost clock
or something as well um versus the 1080
has 2,000 are you can't like base money
okay and yeah that that doesn't but but
guys look at the RX for 80 / 5 it and
compared to a 10 60 if you're doing it
if you're going to go like that look at
the difference there um there's a huge
difference in stream processors for
scooter cause it didn't take an
apparently different architectures it's
not that completely different so it's
not you can't just compare them like
that it doesn't it's not that easy if it
was we could make pretty much like bang
on predictions based off different
things um but it doesn't work like that
the 10 60 is nowhere like like it yeah
it was like okay so basically you've got
two different radically different GPU
architectures they are completely
different like okay comparing Maxwell to
Pascal is kind of a little bit valid
because they were using a similar they
were getting similar gains per mega or
per Hertz so per clock performance was
still pretty similar there so you could
excite to kind of make some predictions
that were sort of a little bit shaky but
you can't say okay the NVIDIA GPUs got
this many CUDA cores and the ami has got
this many stream processors of this
clock speed because they're two
radically different architectures that
work in different ways to get different
yet to get the FPS that you see on your
monitor so what you can do though is say
how much of the difference are these
stream process is going to be compared
to the RX 580 and so you can look at
those and you can say is AMD going to
gain a huge increase from their
architectural updates or are there
improvements and that remains to be seen
no one's got their hands on Vega just
so that's the one thing that I'm curious
to see is how much of an improvement
their architecture makes over their
previous GCM based architecture that's
one thing I am looking out for of course
yeah yeah that's a good that's a really
good point in that that the the thing is
like with our testing as we said we
talked about earlier with the how
similar the 580 and 1060 are in terms of
performance you have to remember that
the 1060 has 1280 CUDA cores to the 5
2304 stream processes there's difference
in clock speeds and architecture and
everything else so the two dunk
so people saying well 1080 has so much
less CUDA cores than the the vega's
stream processes yeah that that does
throughout your a bit but it's not that
keV already talked about bro it's okay
we can move on so the next item is the
next item we've got up here is Intel is
licensing aimed these graphics cards
like this was the one done and in the
title here it was a done deal I mean
it's pretty you know you're pretty
courageous just to say it's a done deal
and then Intel comes out and refutes it
and says no it's this is just a rumor
and basically the stock prices go up and
then they come crashing down my yeah the
old room will bring all the traders all
have it I this is just crazy one of the
craziest examples because it dropped a
crap-ton man that was a huge drop for a
stock of AMD's volume that's a huge drop
off a rumor of a cross-licensing
agreement now what Nvidia and Intel and
AMD and Intel are doing is anyone's
guess again this is I mean man this is
going a bit far with the rumor mill but
I mean a done deal like saying that in
the title man I mean you could be up for
some litigation here like damn like you
can't say it's a done deal in your title
of your article because it's not a done
so man I mean I thuds illa could be up
for a lawsuit with that because I know
with financial stocks you can't you can
only give opinions you could say
possibly you know loss that you got to
reword that man it's not a done deal so
anyway it comes out to refuted and then
the stock prices crashed like I feel
sorry for the guys who read that room
room like oh my god this is another
goldmine for AMD stock then they bought
it and then look then when it goes down
to ten dollars and ninety seven cents a
few days later they're like literally
themselves so man I mean it's
always risky betting on a rumor but the
yeah I mean this would have been good
for AMD if it was to be true would give
them a lot of extra revenue I gotta say
some buy on the rumor sell on the news
just when it's not fat Zilla yeah I mean
well if you did that um you maybe would
have been ok I mean if you'd if you were
holding on AMD stock and then it came up
after this and you sold that day or
something then maybe you would have been
alright but it didn't go up I mean what
it was trading at what 1150 a share and
then of the views it went up to about
1250 to twelve seventy at its top so
they'd only went up a dollar per share
so it's not as as huge as I mean that
that's still an increase but it's not
why that's it that's still it's still
big for just a rumor from you know in a
net yeah like a little thing yeah
exactly so I mean one thing you can see
from this though like what to do from
here with these stock prices take a look
and you can see now AMD stock a volatile
so if you're game and you do like
trading stocks MD might be a hot stock
to trade if you're looking for
short-term gains because I mean this one
here this is sitting shallow but I
guarantee you after the announcement of
Vega this stock will move a bit so you
can maybe if you feel like it's Vegas
going to be really good you can bet on
the stock market make a gamble if you
feel it's going to be bad and you know
someone who shorts the slock so you can
put on a short so it's up to you but
yeah so basically any way until the more
news on this though is Intel apparently
they really they have to have a cross
licensing agreement with either AMD or
Nvidia and apparently in March this year
the cross License Agreement finished
within video yes so they're looking for
their next cross-licensing agreement now
the details of that license is very you
know I don't think we'll be able to read
it and if not how long after that ends
how long can they continue to use those
products that were made because they've
already not like they're really got
their architecture designed for their
next products so once that's finished
and designed they can still use that for
the ongoing sales so for instance the
core whatever's next out coffee lake is
finished it's already done
then they don't have to worry about it
cross-licensing agreement till they're
ready to make the next architecture so
what they're going to do is anyone's
guess but again an aggressive article
like this like a done deal is kind of a
little bit I don't know it's yeah so
very yes I mean Intel and NVIDIA aren't
exactly getting along are they yeah and
so there was a lawsuit as well and Vidya
sued Intel and God rewarded like 1.5
billion dollars or something so it was
it's a big a lot going on in the tech
world but again in the world of business
I don't think that would stop Intel from
still doing a cross licensing agreement
within video and of course they've got
the option to go with AMD it's just
nothing's concrete yet so yeah anyway
next on the news here something has
raagh and literally it's like 30 seconds
of horizon logo so I watched it I was
like okay and a little laptop in there
so apparently a azusa's tip to release
their or least showcase their rise in
laptops at Computex so they're using
Rison chips which would be really cool I
really like what Rison is about I think
it offers great price performance but of
course in a gaming laptop
I mean I
I honestly at the moment I'm not really
liking any gaming laptop except the one
that Steve reviewed it did look at that
a gigabyte one with thee that was very
compact I did like that like I like the
compact laptops that have like maybe a
1070 in there are 1060 I think they're
the ones that I could see myself buying
if I wanted to get a laptop which I
don't need so a bit you know I like that
and this would be good for AMD this
would be really really good because
Intel's had monopoly for ages well they
had it pretty much on the cpu market the
desktop market I'm sorry I as well but
but much more so on the laptop so this
would be very very good and this is what
a lot of people are waiting for um for
until AMD to hit back in the gaming
laptop market so to be good for them but
we'll have to see what their what it's
going to be um well I really like Eliza
Neeson I mean rise uns are really good
thing for the scene like if you're in a
tech you've got it even if you're an
Intel guy you've got a respect prize I
mean I've been loving the risin 5 1600
line up the 1700 I'm waiting for the r3
lineup as well they've been absolutely
killing it with that lineup of CPUs it
performs really well and they are doing
what they promised to do I mean you've
seen him go on optimized games like dota
2 like csgo and get legitimate gains for
those people who were worried about that
I was worried a little bit when I
initially tested it in dota 2 I was like
damn the frame rates are way behind the
but I go back and test it more recently
and you can see that the frame rates are
really good now in dota 2 so rise ins
really really gone up to the next level
it's it is doing what it was promised to
do and that's be a really good price
performance if you I'm loving raisin at
the moment I don't think you'll meet
someone who's got a bad thing to say
about the price performance on Rison and
if you do I'd like to speak to them and
find out why and where because I think
it's offers exceptional performance for
the dollar and you get the free
overclocking you don't pay for
overclocking and you get an included
cooler that's actually decent so just
all those things coupled together really
make rising
a really good choice I now to see how
that hits in a laptop though of course
we've got a different kettle of fish
because the with that said the
performance per watt is still really
good with rising too that's another
thing that AMD did do well with Rison so
performance per watt is pretty good of
course with laptops it comes down to
lower clock speeds better prior
performance per watt so I think they've
got it they've got a good solution for
laptops and looking forward to see what
they do with that yeah I mean the the
workstation laptops especially if they
could hit that market putting a core
CPUs in a workstation laptop that would
be really really good um yeah yeah I
could see that working out very very
with the gaming ones they could also do
quite well but yeah you sit a'right the
performance / what will be the most
interesting part of it but the
workstation laptop market actually isn't
that um good right now in terms of your
choices so I think that would be a good
place for them Ted to because that you
could make good money there a lot of
businesses need to buy them for various
reasons and they will just pay $5,000
for a workstation laptop yeah so if they
can chuck or something like the 1800 X
and a laptop ah then you know the power
drawer might be you know pretty
considerable but but if it's just going
to stand a charger and it's you can
after this whole round that brick wall
the time then not a bad one of those
laptops may like to power bricks and
then it's really heavy on top of that
it's like a thing is not a laptop if you
put it on your lap it'll literally kill
your legs it's that heavy so it should
be like a desk semi portable top
so semi portable anyway is it we move on
to the next topic destiny - oh my god
destiny - anybody know guys ja ja ja ja
destiny - destiny - gonna be awesome
oh good I guess our destiny - guys it's
coming out on PC as well and apparently
the pre-order date at least on EB Games
is for 8th of September as well so
destiny - we've looking like it's going
to come out in the same day as it's
coming out of ps4 and Xbox one and the
good thing about the PC and destiny -
will be that apparently we're getting
uncapped frame rates with destiny - on
PC Wow not only that you've got 4k ultra
wide support as well 21 by 9 ultra wide
support adjust that's field of view this
is what I guess like I wanted to play
destiny on the ps4 my brother was ABS
he's a console fanboy he's absolutely
love and destiny on the console he has
been for years he tried to get me on it
and I was just like I tried one of those
Mouse to PlayStation converter things
and it just worked terrible like it was
like input lag 30 FPS and then like the
mouse movements were like really weird
like it was just terrible as the whole
tails like damn I can't do this I just
can't do this the destitute native out
on the PC it's going to be insane
they're optimizing it for PC as well
just like that with consoles but this is
going to be absolutely incredible I
think this is a game that will be met
with a really positive reception because
a lot of people have been to these sort
of destiny to events and they've seen it
on console and looks good on console
power it's rumored to be like again
30fps on console which is a bummer but
apparently they've seen it on PC they
just can't record the footage and they
reckon it looks gorgeous like destiny -
looks absolutely amazing on PC so we got
uncapped frame rates I think this could
be a catalyst to pull a lot of people
from console to PC and the yes-man going
to be right there harbour and everybody
come over to PC brother get over here
here's all the gear you need let's start
getting a better experience and this is
a game that I'm going to be getting into
because I actually sort of like want to
try something completely new and I think
like an MMO kind of FPS shooter would be
something different to your world of
warcraft and Diablo 3 and what some
other MMO is out there give me some
I mean Diablo 3 is not an MMO I don't
want to get like politically correct in
the comments like you do no you idiot so
it's dumb but what some other games out
there keV did I remem oh so we got Elder
Scrolls online so ah I don't play MMO
see you probably know the name okay so I
do it's going to offer a different
experience I think it'll be really
awesome and I can't wait for it the
actual the I think the PlayStation 4
will carry the advantage of getting more
exclusive content earlier as opposed to
the Xbox one and the PC in terms of
cross-platform PvP I'm not entirely sure
on that they reckon it's not going to
happen I'm hopeful that it will at least
happen between Xbox one and PC I think
that would be a good catalyst to drive
people over to Xbox one or PC from ps4
of course I want more people coming over
to PC because the more people on PC the
better and the better experience so it
really looks cool I'm actually thinking
about pre-ordering it too because I'm
just really awaiting it I really will be
doing like PC builds for it optimization
guides for it it's pre-ordering yeah I
know I know man I'm at that stage where
my brother says it was an excellent game
he said look if you're going to preorder
a game this is the game to preorder he's
been hyping it up to me so I might even
say if he wants to go halves he can use
my computer
occasionally when I'm not on it he can
play destiny too so I might even make a
deal with my brother guys hustling for
life should do a destiny to build man to
a destiny to that's that i spelt
and then use parts build mode yep use
parts build new build there'll be a lot
of deaths I'm looking forward to this so
I really want to get into Sega so I want
to play a new game as well a new genre
kind of a bit bored on some of the games
that come out now
so this might be the game that I need in
my life who knows let me know that what
about us
right that's heavy have you tried that
yeah praise just like RPG okay
I haven't even played it at all like I
had I'd heard good things but um thought
maybe if you wanted something different
that's cool like I gotta get into pray
more of course when I get there free
time at the new studio we're moving into
the new studio in like a month I'm
hoping to get some free time once I get
everything out like I'm in a shoebox at
the moment so it's kind of hard to do
anything but yeah big plans big goals
and yeah so there's some other reasons
why I think WCF tech ran an article on
why the console could have 60 FPS it's
just a black screen try and refresh it
but it could run on 60 FPS on the
scorpio on the ps4 pro so that's still
out in the air and I think it's been
confirmed to be 30fps I think the actual
developers have said it will be 30 F FPS
so a lot of people on the consoles don't
notice though that's the interesting
thing we all like to laugh and that but
a lot of people that play there they'll
be playing at 30fps and you'll come by
you're we walking by and go like oh well
it looks awful when they'll turn around
or what looks fine to me and I say you
know that some people just find whether
they don't actually care at all yeah I
mean it's the end of the day it's just
different strokes for different folks
it's not it's not a thing like I'm not
going to go hey Don I mean I'll just say
yeah it looks good looks hideous but I'm
not going to tell that guy is in the
wrong I'm just going to say hey how
about just try it on the PC see how you
go you got to think idea do you give it
in a positive nature got to be a yes man
so yeah B so we've got here I will move
over to QA but of course if you like the
stream like the content like what it's
all about can head over to patron little
as a dollar a month and get access to a
live monthly stream with Steve and I so
Steve from hardware and box we do a
monthly live stream which will be coming
from Computex this month so head on over
we talk about all things off-topic all
things answer your questions
why not so we got the QA I had it up
before but now it's just here it is so
Q&A goes down here hey Dan what's up is
got a question have either of you
dabbled in phase change cooling no my
friends have or even TC I'd like what
what does that a stand for again I'm
such a noob when it comes to extreme
overclocking as more of a Daly intended
use than extreme overclocking so I phase
change I couldn't do phase change simply
because of the background noise
especially because I use my main rig for
editing videos backdrop it's always
where I'm close by so if I had a phase
change going on while I'm recording
videos and I've got yeah I just couldn't
admit I just couldn't see it happening
even though I love what phase change can
give you it can give you really good
performance increases and do we have any
horror stories no not with I really
haven't touched on it other than having
some friends who are extreme
overclockers and they've touched on it
there's no real big horror stories that
I've got to report except just stuff
just dying which just happens so no like
no things shorting out and blowing up so
his wife left the chiller on overnight
by accident oh and he woke up to ice all
over my motherboard and yes it did
survive and it's still going strong oh
well that's good so if the chillers yeah
you know if it's freezing a pure air
then it shouldn't be a problem unless
you live near the beach yeah not too
sure on that one haven't it's good that
it still works so glad the x58
motherboard works best advice would
debating actually get a hairdryer on
like low heat so don't go turn it up too
much but get it on low heat where you
you know you can't really burn your hand
and then just blow that over and dry up
all the water make sure there's none in
any of the components so number two is
keV he really enjoyed your core
comparison of the 1600 X and the 6800 K
and he did a comparison of his own was
pretty poor
he said no don't think of your own
comparison support you gotta say this is
the best comparison out there do you
think when considering in value for
money how valid is 3930k versus the 1600
I believe both systems had can be had
for similar amounts of money and who
knows how badly it's been treated you
that's an interesting one I would just
go with the 1600 I mean it's hard to 39
yeah the 1600s is such a great value a I
mean the 3930k the CPU itself is still
solid the old six core but it's the
motherboard that you have to peer them
with how dated is what is that's all I
betcha sandy Bridgman yeah yes so I mean
I would go with the sixteen hundred
purely just because you get to go on you
know either X 370 or be thrifty so
thrifty burn
that's thrifty it's fifty that's where
it's at yeah when we say yeah you're the
money right so yeah value for money yeah
I mean the 1600s quite cheap to begin
with I mean you might even find a
secondhand one now that a few people are
buying them maybe some guy that's jumped
up to a high one or jump ship or
something so yeah I would say that I
would go with the 1,600 personally gets
you on the current platform the current
AMD platform as well and that's good to
current motherboard with nice things on
it USB 3.1 and all the rest of it so
yeah so I would go for plus you have a
better upgrade path as well
you've got no upgrade yeah so value form
I mean the 1600 just with a b3b
Thrifty's it's a hard to beat man it's
so hard to beat even in the use price
performance segment it's a really hard
combo to beat getting like a really good
CPU a decent cooler with it and then
those be 350 motherboards they're xane
ly cheap they're overclockable
motherboards I mean I picked up one for
like 70 us or 80 us or something like
that because I got it for a hundred AUD
shipped on a discount on eBay stuck a
few little cheap MOSFET heat sinks on
and it was still handling an r7 1700 so
you can really get some good performance
out of the rise and chips on not just
the cpu lineup but also the motherboards
the included cooler so it's such a good
value offering and next one good hey
guys I got an X 99 model that had some
bent socket pins 425 pounds
ooh nasty depends our bent they are is a
straight is best to bend the pins back
into place but need a CPU to test it
I've been looking at the engineering
sample a 526 30 LV 3 1.8 gigahertz a
core 16 threads or something similar
with something like that be
on the x99 chipset bit clock
overclocking and what sort of o clock do
you think I'd get out of these with the
x99 chipset and B clock overclocking I
think depends on the motherboard
but even then you'll still only get like
five percent five five megahertz on the
B o'clock so it's base is a hundred
megahertz right on these x99 chipset and
so the I know the for instance the
frontside bus option is disabled on any
BIOS I know it's disabled so you won't
be able to get that v3 overclocked via a
frontside bus overclock but with the B
clock itself the base clock you probably
get like five megahertz five percent
like actual stable like ten megahertz
you might be if you're lucky and you
know what you're doing e again you could
get again it wouldn't be much and even
then the B clock is sometimes even this
the actual raw B clock adjustment is
disabled depending on the motherboard so
yeah just be careful with that one also
on that note of bent pins I have had a
seller sell me a motherboard with bent
pins I've bent them back and man this
thing looked perfect it was like brand
new after that and it still didn't work
so I'm guessing that some sellers yeah
like serious man no no bull I'm like
I've seen it all man I've seen it all
when it comes to like PC parts I'm
guessing that this guy would have had a
bricked motherboard bricked it from
overclocking or did something stupid on
it bad BIOS flash and he just like
mother was completely bricked and so
he's got um bent a few pins and it like
deliberately been a few pins and then
sold it like okay you know hey someone
will just buy it thinking they can bend
the bends back and then I'll get some
money for it a quick quick cash grab I
mean there's like this is what I got
dealt so don't be surprised if it
doesn't work for 25 pounds so you know
yes I mean I get that and I mean would
this be a cheap engineering sample CPU
to buy though because I mean that is
still a was an a core 8 core 16 thread
1.8 gigahertz extremely low clocks I
mean I would just do my best to find out
someone on a forum cuz you're in England
25 pounds I know a lot of the guys are
really friendly they're on the
overclocking forums
I just find someone who lives close by
on the forums just say hey I know like
overclockers Co UK or there's some real
O's you know there's some really good
overclocking forums where I'm sure
someone would be like hey I live close
by could I just test this CPU out and I
just test the board out that would be
the best bet rather than buying a CPU or
even just take it into a computer shop
and see have you got a spare CV you
could just drop in and test out this
motherboard for us because yeah buying a
chip like that is going to be
practically useless unless you're
running a server that's like a server
chip so our server grade chip the e5
2630 lv3
solo clock speeds it'll perform terrible
as a workstation CPU or any games yeah
that's just the Australian 2 cents keV
you got your new Z 2 cents
not so much adding to to this but more
arm someone was saying that we didn't
the show needs a bit more interaction
with the with the viewers with the fans
so you guys want some interaction here
we were level
well well we'll save that guys now we'll
say this let us write right in the chat
if you're watching put what CPU you're
running right now in your in your rig
and what motherboard you're using
we'll have a bit of a chat about that
how are you Brian what cpu are you
running what motherboard are you running
and in your personal regen what do you
do you like them okay so I've got 1,800
X 4 point 0 to 5 gigahertz 64 gigabytes
of RAM I need that for video editing
because I take a lot of footage and then
I just cut the best parts out and of
course that needs memory in itself I've
got the memory clock 2 to 9 33 megahertz
1080i the Auris in there at the moment
and it's overclocked as well
performance is insane ultra wide 100
hertz 1440p gaming ultra settings is
extremely good even though I don't get
much time to game which is something but
like I'd love to make some more time to
just game I love gaming man gaming's
awesome so that's my rig at the moment
what are you running for your main me
I'm still on broad welly so 69 hundred K
at 4.2 gigahertz and the msi x99s our
band motherboards so the CPUs been good
that eight core is crazy powerful but
compared to riser now it's pretty much I
wouldn't recommend anybody to buy the
motherboards being decent not so much I
think it's MSI's fault it's just
exciting lines always been buggy and my
own continuous ability so I will be
I was going to say this announcement for
a little bit later but you guys may as
well know I will be changing upgrading
to either skylake X or rising depending
on what happens with the i9s once we do
all those videos so I'll be weighing
those two up and I'll go for whichever
one I like out of those two so and
reading your guys did a lot of your
running quite cool things FX 8350 7700
KS 5820k oh well it's a nice yeah that's
why so that's the really good CPU even
dear quite a few 58 twin gigs actually
quite a few people running those someone
back on Sandy Bridge well 2600 K at 4.8
yeah and those in those legs and those
and those are the guys who know price
performance they over
Lock and they know that it doesn't get
much better than those CPUs the six core
12 threads from back you know a few
years ago because they still perform
extremely well in today's games and only
better because those six core 12 threads
is now being utilized so those guys know
what's up yeah I would interact more
with the chat guys on the live stream
sorry about that
it's just my internet I literally don't
have the download and upload speeds to
have the live chat going with the live
stream bar like that's why Kevin chat
open and he just monitors it and watches
it right that's how bad my internet is
it's it's terrible yeah oh no it's it's
still fine though man everyone's are
enjoying quite a few people it's bad a
few people here running Rison which is
good to see we're sink 1600 X's give me
the exes
I need a v8 1700 train in and out it's
bad guys a breakage an extreme I'm
breaking down a stream I'm about to cry
yes that's how I hear man it's it's good
now wouldn't bet on Zed Rhodes you don't
get tach at all like you get a little
bit of tech yeah well you get less than
Australia at least the Internet's pretty
good mmm
via quite a few people we're one of the
one of the good ones I saw is a 1500 X
with uh with a msi tomahawk be 350 the
be thrifty I haven't personally tested
out that motherboard yet but everybody
keeps telling me about it so it must be
pretty good if everyone keeps going on
about it I mean the tomahawk family's
quite a good one like dude I'm finding
the bottom of the barrel of Zeus one
that I got off eBay is good like I mean
I'm guessing like the fatality was
pretty good like I mean I've tried a few
now I've even got the gigabyte one here
the a be 350 I mean they're all the b33
phil will be through he's a performing
really well I mean you know like yeah
I'm sure the msi tomahawk does a really
good job too like I actually asked them
aside for that because I thought it was
going to be a hard-hitting motherboard
so they sent me over an X 370 carbon
instead that's the funny thing like a
lot of the companies out there like
I asked for the budget stuff all the
because it's what I'm more interested in
like I'm more interested in the bargain
stuff like their hard-hitting value for
money stuff and a lot of times the
companies will just send us out like the
most expensive stuff and I'm kind of
like you know it's good like I'm sure
it's good but my passion isn't there for
the more expensive stuff as it is for
the budget stuff you know like I've got
this really cool video coming where
we're going to do cosmetics on a budget
and it's going to be mainstream like
anyone can buy these parts and I'm going
to look what happened okay
voices died on me midstream but gonna
look at the performance like not the
performance is no performance in
cosmetics so what's happening guys I got
into stream soon you guys getting some
DEET okay so think I get where you're
saying thank you you're gonna see how
far you can take it for your dollar yeah
exactly not in the cosmetics so we're
going to get a tempered gas case RGB kit
and we're going to see how much of a
like extra money that would be to a real
cookie cutter case and fans and we're
going to see that premium and I'm hoping
to bring it under $100 so you can get
cosmetics for under a hundred bucks and
then when that you know that girl comes
over to your house if you're a young guy
you can just say look at this as opposed
to my budget PC my cookie cutter which I
just built if I say look at that the
girl would be like huh it's just a
computer bro and if you get RGB tempered
glass case and you say look at that she
will then want to do things with you
automatically just because you've got
that just because you've got that
awesome case it's just like back in the
day when we'll like I'm growing up bro
in high school if you had a cool phone
chicks were giving you their number mo
this is actually true I remember I
pulled out my Nakia was 83 10 or so 83
what was that pho the little one and it
came out a 33 10 no was this like a
brick it was a little one there was a
little one that came out and I remember
when they first came out I got
what other people go on walking around
like little ballers you know like with
15 years old getting checks numbers man
that was how it was like edit what it
worked man you show them this phone if
you showed him a brick that were just
not interested on staying away from this
she would hope that maybe they'd like
you for how you do we were not both
phone you own but builds a shallow place
pro in the worlds of Shale in place yeah
I suppose so but I'm one of the funniest
things someone's running Jules Aeons X
56 50s I think rock on um okay so that's
quite interesting 5670 a lot of people
are you guys running the 17 on the 1700s
that's good to see guys that's a good
good CPU maybe would like to see a few
more you guys running those 1600 or so
but oh yeah quite a few Zeon's and and
of course kb lakes as well on their nice
motherboards you guys are running seems
quite even with those of you who are
running at rising CPUs
but an even split between ex 370 and be
thrifty yep so that's cool as well to
see but um no good it's good to see you
guys it's always cool to see what what
CPUs you're running it seems like a lot
of you guys are running in that sort of
V for money area you know 1600s 1700s
and other CPUs like that and then
they've got the Xeon guys in there as
well and a few B writers always loved
makers Beyond always love me a good Xeon
and guys we're going to do cosmetics on
a budget as well so that's going to be
coming to the channel as well cosmetics
on a budget I got some cool videos
coming looking at I guess you know with
me I'd love to look at the price
performance stuff all the time it's
where the passion really lies and I
guess that's where the use price
performance came from was just a bad day
if you look back before the price
performance stuff I had all these
theoretical builds hitting the channel
that will always cookie cutter
always cookie cutter I remember people
would be telling me like dude you've got
to get a fractal design case or got to
get a Corsair case and I'd be like not
just get a banger like save your money
for the next
bill just get a banger yeah then you can
go down and get a burger chips and a
coke for ten bucks so instead of having
to eat baked beans
what's wrong with the baked beans bro
bro you get tired after eating it every
day and it's right that's brutal man
it's brutal
hey that's what yeah guys patron plug
get patron plug baked beans one dollar a
month you can help me get the cheese in
my baked beans and you guys know how
good cheese is come on like no I haven't
met a single person even if they're
vegan they still respect cheese yeah
nice well thanks I have in the West
anyways yeah I don't think you'll find
much chip cheese in Taiwan yeah are you
saying in the chat loaded up the chat
now by the way I've loaded up the chat I
can see what's going on yeah Oh doctor
psychology psychology
he hates cheese I'm Jimmy Oh two bucks
man cheers brother
cheers minute so yeah we're gonna
interact with the live stream we'll go
live i if it drops out guys it's just my
my internet so sorry about that but I
have the live chat stream loaded up and
yeah this is awesome I love you guys so
you know warbirds of your dad and he
funny Brian break' yeah we're getting a
dad man on like dad band can't he's
we're gonna do a video with him in it
soon of course we got to interact dad
man more into the channel but he's like
he's on and off man like sometimes he'll
be funny when he wants to be funny but
then sometimes you'll just be like I
don't know off in his own world man
talking about like getting this car from
Sydney that's like you know it's been
overclocked and whatnot and yeah just he
goes off on crazy tangents soon but hey
if you guys want to see the crazy
tangent stuff let's ease is funny it's
always funny man when Dad men around
it's always funny around here it's
always good he always has a laugh but
sometimes the jokes are a little bit too
for the I guess the majority of very
issue well he is a builder like okay the
history behind my dad is he's a builder
all his life yeah he's got his own
building license he's a builder
born and bred builder man it's in his
veins and now if you guys have ever
worked with tradies before especially in
Australia like what I don't know what
it's like in the States or the UK but if
you're an Australian you're working with
tradies man Wow like the conversation
will quickly turn to sex that's the
first thing or money they're like the
two things that will quickly turn to
nowadays it might be drugs as well so
yeah when I was I when I was in the
trades it was yeah you're kind of right
to a certain degree um there yeah I do
know what you mean it's not as you
wouldn't want to record that employer
attitude the way that guys carry on is
generally and every second every second
or loyalty curse word so yeah there's a
lot of biscuits wearing that depends
which one generally generally in
automotive like what I was in it's it's
a bit more contained because it's
usually customers around and things but
uh but I can't imagine builders would be
very contained
oh yeah well this one site yeah well
someone asked him what kind of arm
what kind of build is open last build it
like you can build reinforced concrete
steel framed homes and whatnot like he's
you know and I've worked out with him
when I was a kid like going up in my
late teens early 20s I did a stint you
know a few stints with him and I'll tell
you what concreting man Dan that's a
hard trade a really hard drag if you do
know concrete him and I got a lot of
respect for concrete as things that's
one of the hardest trades there is out
there and your back will eventually go
on you so what do we get our so yet will
I change my name at 200,000 subs to
check yes City and I've said yes I'm a
man of my word I've said it in the
comments it will go back to tech s city
and I'm looking like you know the growth
has been slow lately I don't know what's
been going on with YouTube their
algorithms crazy
sometimes like I think they're favoring
people who upload everyday and they
upload longer than ten minute videos I
think that's the consensus but it sucks
because I don't really want to change my
formula people come to my videos for the
DLO you know they get the download and
then that's it their days fulfilled I
don't know so like growth has been slow
lately because of that those changes I
believe and yeah I've said to my viewers
200 gay men it's happening we're going
back to check yes City and that's what's
happening we're going to change
everything change little formula it's
going back to being a little bit more
electrifying um like try
that's it tech Josh our city man it's
it's all going to be happening guys it's
all going to be crazy so 200k I want to
do a giveaway as well like a whole PC
I got some real cool giveaways coming as
well like I'm not just going to do a
giveaway for the viewers I actually want
to do some other things locally as well
to help out the community and stuff like
that is you know even though I'm not
like I'm making like barely a I'm
probably just making over a minimum wage
at the moment like even though I'm
making that there's still people less
fortunate than me and so if I get
especially the viewers like I had a
viewer send me some parts and so I've
still got to do something with that and
I actually want to build that and then
give it away locally or something so
we'll see how it goes there's a lot of
in the works so yeah of course they
chose it again yeah you could make our
daily videos of you doing the dishes
yeah could make them about your
dishwasher yeah and guys we do have like
daily vlogs on dishwashers um cooking
food I'd actually I wouldn't do cooking
food man like I seriously I just never
watched that personally I think there
would be no passion there may be
overclocking your dishwasher
I should have yeah like a dishwashing
yeah but what about overclocking your
dishwasher like how cool would that be
like guys it can finish the job in 20
minutes instead of 25 minutes I think
the internet would go crazy over that
over Oh see your dishwasher so what do
you enjoy Brian taking out all the
shelves of the dishwasher and then
sitting inside the dishwasher and
turning it on
oh man you
but where do you get some of these these
ideally how does that even come to your
it's like I wouldn't even better the
dishwasher bro
no it's a so mean me and Steve mean
talking about yeah that flashing
dishwasher having PC that'd be awesome
because like all the parts are probably
coming out with water resistance
nowadays so you just play have your suit
cable like hanging in there to all your
parts have the dishwasher should go and
just like spinning like everywhere
and it's funny I do want to do those
they're easy stuff so do you like it
Brian when the dishwashers just finished
its cycle when you and you open it up
and all that steam rushes out and it all
goes all over your face and stuff too
you know I actually just hand wash dude
like I the dishwasher we've got at the
moments a piece of crap like we're going
to move places and get a new dishwasher
but like I hate it when you open a
dishwasher and there's still like pics
of food on your plate you like why do we
even use this thing so that's life
anyway oh it's so it's alright Brian I
think you need to go up make it make a
dishwasher blog man go out trying to
find a nice one that really tickles your
fancy if you know what I mean ask them
if it gets extra soapy enough there's
lots of steam when you open it up so you
can get that nice steam flow in your
face you know Kevin don't you ever go do
you have a girlfriend do what what's the
point like you're the one like talking
about you're going down that tangent
usually it should be me I'm the guy
single at the moment I should be going
down that tangent talking about soap but
I exercised it's just funny man because
Steve just gets so rustled by me talking
about dishwashers
it's just something about today like it
just can't handle you know when I start
talking about a soapy dishwasher and
stuffing because know voce I've got a
question for you you got to answer it a
hundred percent truthfully you get your
family stick okay have you ever been to
a slope land before I don't know what
that is what is it that's why they
massage you up and you know you get
stuff and stuff done ah nah I never eat
one of those slice oh yeah
so playing dude so glad maybe maybe
sitting inside the dishwasher is a
similar sort of thing I'll book you a
chicken for you yeah for your birthday
bro booked your ticket into a soap land
ah can you put me a ticket for the
extra-large dishwasher hey probably get
there pretty badly isn't what a pretty
hot sauna it's like a like a hundred
degrees man like I said that's how they
work on that that's good so uh yeah I
guess guys will wrap up the show but uh
what are you looking forward to the most
at Computex Brian as we wrap up the show
I am looking forward to seeing this is
this is gonna sound crazy like I'm
actually this is why I'm down there a
few days earlier I'm actually looking to
the freelance stuff like I'm course I
want to see that the event but I'm
looking forward to seeing Taiwan like
really looking forward to it Hey because
it just be a different culture different
atmosphere the event itself like I've
been to pax before and it's you get over
it in like two days
like the first day you're like wow this
is so cool second day you're like oh
yeah okay what happened I seen that I
saw yesterday then third day like I'm
over it like so yeah copy text should be
awesome I'm looking forward to the
announcements from the tech companies
and seeing like what the big products
are and seeing if there's really all the
cool stuff there but other than that I'm
also looking forward to just seeing
Taiwan man I really want to see it like
a lot everyone that every one of my
friends which this has got to be a good
thing everyone said they've loved Taiwan
and now this is bigger who have been to
the UK is dad man here dad I'm on stream
people want to quit come here
yeah people want to see like dad man's
here guys what do you want him to say so
we're just we're about to finish off the
livestream yeah so I don't know they
want one soon wait around
yeah something like that they want to
know if you're a big fan of dishwashers
yeah they want to know if you're a big
fan of dishwashers
ah well partial partial yeah yeah the
chat see there's a chat there you can
see there they dad like dad man the
chats going crazy for you mate oh yeah
see you're a rock star now yeah so dead
man's a rock star guys yeah now tell
them about the van like you go tell them
about don't yeah look I'll tell next
time because I'm in a rush off just I
gave you things yeah all right mate see
might love you late the dead man's a bit
impartial to the dish all these games
hey dad man there's a manual sort of
experience to an automatic on it see I
made it's a hands-on type of guy mate so
yeah so if any of you guys ever meet up
in real life and have a beer with me and
Dad man you just yet you've got to be
like anti politically correct because
some of the stuff he says is a bit you
know but it's funny man like I mean like
the other day who's right or wrong if
you're having a laugh and that's why I'm
so like anti politically correct is
because I just I see the funny side of
life I really if you're like stress and
like I was talking to this to the
neighbor the other day like this chick
across the road we're just having a chat
about it and like stress I think not
cheryl name was Anna so we're talking
like you're talking about this and it's
like stress is a modern-day thing like
we've got no like back in the day you
only have primitive stress right where
you had to go out and hunt and get food
and it was very basic nowadays look at
all the stress that we've got in our
lives man it's way too much and in ways
I just hate stress I'm anti stress
because I think it's the worst thing in
life when you've just constantly your
life is bombarded with stress and so
like for me I try to really go any
stress and that's why the live streams
never never on time guys sorry about
that it's just like I really am a stress
I like to just enjoy this like
stress-free side of things so if you're
doing if you're doing YouTube properly I
think you shouldn't need that stressed
about it because you set your own
schedule you can do things at your own
pace and and make whatever do whatever
type of video you want to whatever
testing you have there can be a bit of
stress with you know dealing with
companies sometimes but you don't need
to take deals and and you can usually be
there they're usually not too bad in
terms of giving you a lot of leeway with
what you want to do so no I think doing
YouTube can be quite depending on how
you want to do it if you want to be real
hard on yourself and say I'm going to
make a music video every day then you'll
probably be stressed trying to crank out
videos like there's nobody better but
that's the thing like when you do that
like the quality of my videos will go
down like I've got to be in the zone and
I think that's why me more about having
fun and making the videos you want to
you you would want to watch as well
that's the main thing so I mean yeah
it's good I mean you go to any other
destress as well someone in chat said
dishwashers he called no stress I mean I
can't agree with you more it's just yeah
you know this good stress relief so
dishwashers equal life um but yeah so
yeah that's that's what I loved you guys
in the chat like you guys in the charter
just right on the money it's like yeah
political careers is wrong it's just
stressful having to walk on eggshells
you know yes I mean I think people just
need to be chill like if someone says
something it's just the word like I
don't know man I guess I got raised in a
different sort of more of a country
based sort of family and Huey ski
resources are a bit different though we
got very it's a very like we should be
able to say whatever we like type
mentality I see it as there's there's
there's certainly points of political
correctness that may be a good but the a
lot of times it does seem like it's just
a good way to shut people up and stop a
conversation from ever happening but
Kiwis and Aussies are generally like our
politicians and that I know you
Americans always get you know you can't
handle it when when they say stuff but
it's just our cultures here we're a lot
different we're very later that'll just
be crazy thing those when you say like
you Americans that's very generalizing
though dude I've met a lot
of Americans and especially Canadians
who have the same mentality as we do
down on demand like oh yes certainly
silly I mean I mean a lot of by
comparison to here or in Australia yeah
I know I know
that's like that's that's I mean I don't
understand like I really can like yeah
it's just a different it's different
things for everybody but um via that's
that that's the thing so but people
someone said Teddy makes Teddy makes
life stress-free yeah he certainly house
but I think that dishwasher is you guys
you should well one thing you like it I
Taiwan Brian the food man you'll you'll
love that yeah ruff you're like that
type of food apparently it's some of the
best in Asia you'll have um go get
yourself some stinky tofu man that'll
really yeah well we'll live stream for a
little bit longer talk to me guys with
topics let's bring up some topics if you
want this to keep going we'll just keep
going with this live stream why not you
know mom in the zone calves in the zone
is finally breaking out of the chains
man see this is what I want you to be
more during the live stream throw some
banter at me do it throw some soap at me
just don't expect me to pick it up so so
so so yeah throw some so by me just
don't expect me to pick it up some
dishwashing powder
throw a little low B yeah yeah so the
thing is what games do you play at the
boma case so I'm gonna be getting desti
- I got the pre-order here like many
bays just get some freer at eBay not a
eBay eBay is good but eb games maybe B's
sort of good and bad but eb games
getting free exposure here destiny - is
getting free exposure here but can
someone call me a destiny to sell out
that's what i want to get called in the
comments so yeah they've accepted no
cash but i'm a sell-out sir
sold out for nothing sold out for
nothing guys sold out to destiny - for
absolutely nothing sir our X 480 BIOS
flash oh man I'd have to take a look at
that if I do it okay like if I do the
boss flash right you guys are going to
see the ugly as well because I'm not
going to make a only positive video on
it and my feelings are with the RX
480 to 580 flash that it won't work on a
lot of the cards especially the 480 I've
got which is like a literally the first
one released on day one so yeah I'll do
it though and then we'll just see if it
doesn't work I'll be like okay it
doesn't work but this might work an RX
580 that's sort of like down clocked
custom by us um and if it's just that
much of a hassle to do because it's
funny thing right we talk about custom
biases and being flashed and some of
these some people make it sound like
it's just so easy
oh man you just get a custom bias
flashed on there and it's like half the
time you do that and even you match up
the checksum values and the bias still
doesn't work so yeah I mean depends
right I'll give it a go though so anyway
yeah but yeah we're gonna we're gonna
have a look at that I will take a look
at under vaulting after Computex and
yeah some of the content has been a bit
rushed lately cuz I have to get ready
for Computex I'm leaving tomorrow night
and I do want to get like a Windows 10
optimization guide out I think that's
like people have been just yelling on
Facebook Twitter optimization guide now
Windows 10 and what it's going to be
it's going to be actually a lot
different to the previous optimization
guides where I'm pretty much going to
recommend you just reached like you you
update you save all your important files
and you reset your whole system because
I don't see any other way there's just
I've now done this update on two
different pcs and two different pieces
have just had problems like laments
crazy the problems these things have had
so like steam like I did the last time I
updated to create its update steam
wouldn't even load up crazy yeah crazy
right there now so we got a comment from
our samus Hydra said GTX dishwasher Plus
rise in our seventh dishwasher cause
best Hardware ever say yes so you guys
yeah yeah man so if you guys like like
dishwasher hardware you need to head
over to our buddy
Steve at hardware unbox and go hit him
up in this comment section be like Steve
which dishwasher do you recommend or
Steven what's your favorite dishwasher
and dad you know which is the steamiest
just the sopia stand and Steve's a big
fan so he'll he'll comment back saying
like he'll give you guys some great
recommendations and you can go out and
get yourself a really nice dishwasher
Sanna Sanna hydra you'll be a big fan
sanest you gotta promise me man you'll
go harder in the comments I was lolling
at some of the arguments you were having
with some of the guys in that gen 60
verse 580 video saddest promise me
you'll comment on every video that I do
from here on in because I am I kind of
sometimes they like as much as I don't
like being the hate coming directed
towards me you kind of sit back and you
like enjoy a good argument every now and
then when you're not involved you just
sit back with the popcorn right I guess
that's worth it where the saying comes
from so sanest you got to go at it dude
sad I had people messaging me after that
video and they're like dude Santa's
hydras going off the chain in the
comments and anyway so yes someone said
I Brian do it dishwasher review at
200,000 subscribers okay guys alright
alright we hit 200k alright with it okay
guys hit 200,000 subscribers changing it
back to check yes City and we're doing a
dishwasher review that's what's going to
happen okay promise you okay and we're
going to see if we can overclock the
brand-new dishwasher and void the
why not yeah man overnight this right
let me get those temps getting up there
get this speed up you know shave like it
like a minute or two of the wash cycle
man of accretion man I'm gonna put in
like I'm gonna put it through a stress
test we're gonna have like pizza cheese
like hardened four days on the plate
yeah like I'm serious we're gonna put it
through a stress test like old sources
getting on the plate for a week we're
going to do a proper stress test and
then after that we are going to if it
works properly it'll get a good review
if it doesn't work properly I'm gonna
just I'm gonna rage quit be like look
let's get another dishwasher so yeah
yeah 300k do a name change to dishwasher
yes City yeah to be fantastic but uh but
yeah hey Alyssa let's run up the show
because I got I gotta get this from 80
verse 1016 you're done just real
showdown this week
kids got to do a showdown yeah yeah yeah
I guess yep Santa's gonna keep
commenting cool awesome all right guys
all right guys
love y'all we're gonna catch you guys
next week in another sir I don't know
how next week's gonna work though dude
I'll be in Taiwan so I not sure how it's
going to work
okay then boom I need to skip that week
yeah maybe like Owen out someone else on
Twitter how it all works and stuff
because I'll actually try and live
stream with Steve for the patron gym and
if that if that works I mean if that
doesn't work out like you know the
internet could be bad at the hotel we're
staying at or something like that but
I'm imagining Taiwan has some of the
best if not the best internet in the
world so should be a pretty good yeah
yeah and uh so yeah hopefully I'll bring
this mic over with me too it's such a
good little combo you can just plug it
in and you've got amazing voice quality
yeah so alright guys we'll catch you
guys next time okay and you guys have
been awesome this week sorry about the
drop out as well actually wasn't my
Telstra he's happening guys
he's over now bite
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