WHY have over 800 People PAID $350 for this 'Gaming PC'....!?
WHY have over 800 People PAID $350 for this 'Gaming PC'....!?
(upbeat music)
- So late last night,
I was doing a lot of research
for an upcoming video where I
was gonna take a look, at
the used versus new market,
and also give you guys my
experience in the last few months
on how things have changed a lot.
But then I stumbled on eBay, on a listing,
that really shocked me in two
ways because there were some
things that the seller was doing
that was really questionable,
we'll talk about that soon,
but at the same time there
was over 800 of these PCs,
that have been sold.
And it got me thinking,
I mean all the hard work,
and effort that we put into
this channel and also
other channels on YouTube
and also you guys in the
community that go around
and help everyone,
get the best value and also make sure
they're not getting ripped off.
It clearly isn't that
strong in my opinion,
when a PC like this is,
just still floating out there in the wild,
and people are buying it in droves.
So let's have a look at
what this PC has inside,
and why it's so bad even for 345$.
(rock music)
Now when I first saw this PC
on Ebay and with the title,
I thought, okay, Intel i5 3.2 Gigahertz,
eight gigabytes of RAM,
one terabyte hard drive,
it looks like it's got a decent case,
with some fans kitted
out and some RGB bling.
But then I clicked on the
listing and as I'm scrolling down
my face is just dropping more and more,
and then I saw it had an Intel i5 650.
Now make no mistake, ladies and gentlemen,
this is pretty much the only
desktop variant of an i5,
that has two cores.
That's right, it doesn't
even have four cores like
you would expect with an
i5, it's basically an i3,
just glorified into an i5,
because it had on-board graphics.
It was actually one of the first
iterations of a CPU to have
a graphics portion on board.
But to complicate things even more,
when I checked out the graphics
card, it had a 7470 inside,
with, whoa!
Wait for it, one gigabyte of VRAM.
Now back in the day, I tried
out a 7570 I think it was,
and that was complete garbage for Gaming.
So this is sort of my first
critique of the seller,
the fact that he calls this a Gaming PC,
in 2019 is pretty misleading.
I think it should be called,
a Retro Gaming PC because
it's not really gonna
be doing any modern gaming and 2019.
Though, to his credit,
he does at least state,
that this thing can run,
terrible fps in fortnight.
I'm guessing it's the
absolute lowest resolution,
lower settings possible.
And it's getting 27 fps,
but he says it's no lag
and make no mistake,
I mean, your computer's probably
not going to get any lag
from the internet, but lag in
general just means a sluggish,
slow feeling at 27 fps
on a machine like this,
it's going to feel laggy.
But going through the rest of the specs,
eight gigabytes of Ram, one
terabyte hard drive you'd think,
yeah, this PC is okay in that regard,
but then you look at the
motherboard inside the pictures
and it looks like it's a
non-over clock-able board.
So if you wanted to
extract more performance,
out of this i5 650 then
you're gonna be SOL
because this thing is
not going to overclock,
and with that, even if you
replace the graphics card inside,
you're still gonna be getting
a terrible Gaming experience.
This thing will not play
games like Apex Legends
for example.
It barely plays fortnight,
and I wouldn't even call
that play because 27 fps.
But upon closer inspection,
looking inside the case,
they are using a VS450 now,
of course they do make
it VS450 power supply
and it's actually a decent
model, for the money you pay,
it will definitely do a
fine job of running a system
that's not overclock-able in 2019,
but when you look at the brand name,
it's actually like a rip off brand.
So it's not even a true
450 watt power supply.
So if you even changed
out some of the components
in the future,
you're still gonna have to
change out the power supply,
because it's going to be
pretty much complete crap.
But the thing is,
what confuses me more about
this listing is the fact
that over 800 people have bought this PC,
and this guy has got pretty good feedback.
I mean, has anyone in
the audience out there,
have you guys bought one of these PCs?
And if so, were you happy?
I'd seriously love to read
your thoughts and opinions.
Cause me personally,
when I sell a Gaming PC,
I could never do this to someone.
It's for me personally, it feels like
it's borderline scamming,
because you're not selling
someone a Gaming PC.
You're selling him literally garbage,
that no one wanted from
these old office PCs,
and he's probably re-purposing
them, putting them
in a fancy case with
the cheap power supply,
and then saying they're Gaming PCs.
And when I posted on Twitter,
people are replying and saying, hey,
this is what I sold for a similar price.
And for instance got an RX480 and it's got
a much better CPU.
That's kind of like what you would expect.
And when I was in the US,
I did put together a pretty good PC,
that Christopher Yee
sold for me, for 350 US,
and it was just miles better,
than this PC right here,
and I still managed to make
a bit of a profit on that.
But before we move onto the next part,
and that's gonna be the solution,
let me know in the comments
below, have you guys had friends
that have been sort of oblivious to this
and they've wanted to buy
this and then they've asked
you a question and
you've sort of sent them
in the right direction?
Because, I know for a fact,
if someone was to ask a question
of whether this PC was good
in this video's comments,
I know pretty much all of
you guys would steer them,
away from this and in the right direction.
Same with the Discord Server
that we've got going on.
But I guess now here's where
things get better because
for literally the same
money or a little bit less,
you can build yourself a brand new system
that will have better components
and much better performance.
Let's go through the list here.
We've got a rise in 32200g.
This is a true four core CPU.
It also has a graphics portion on-board
and includes a CPU cooler.
So as long as you get a motherboard,
which we've looked around and
there's a B450 from Asraq,
for $65, and some eight
gigabytes of DDR for memory.
Now you do want this in your channel,
and you can pick this up,
for around $59 and then,
put this in your system,
couple it with a decent case.
In this case,
I found one for $32, and a
half decent power supply like
a 400 watt from AVGA for
$35, one terabyte hard drive,
You should have no problems.
This should set you up,
and if you wanna build
something like this,
there's so many guides
out there on YouTube.
Just put in there, how
to build your first PC.
Ask a friend or a family member,
It's really not that hard.
And you'll be saving yourself
so much time and hustle.
And on top of that,
you'll actually get a
proper warranty as opposed
to this eBay seller who I
don't think after that sort of
a three months sort of delay,
or whenever it is on eBay after that,
I don't think you're gonna
be getting much warranty out
of this PC.
But lastly, you probably thinking,
okay, Brian, I need windows 10.
This guy's advertising windows 10.
Nowadays you don't even
need to activate windows 10,
to play games on it so you can
save money that way as well,
and that's an option.
But anyway, thanks for
watching this video.
If you're new to the channel,
I'll put some links in the
description below for you guys.
If you see this video
and you're thinking about
buying something like
this PC off eBay, then don't.
Just build yourself something brand new,
or ask around in the comments
on whether a PC for sale
in your local area, or
another PC on eBay or Amazon
is better value,
and people here will point
you in the right direction.
But you guys,
if you enjoyed today's
video then be sure to hit
that like button and also let us know,
if you've seen any other examples of this.
I know on the Twitter
thread that I made for it,
people were telling me that there
was some Cyber Power PCs
that are still available
with like FX 6300s and questionable GPUs,
but I actually don't think
that Cyber Power themselves selling that,
it's sort of like a
re-seller that's using sort
of like the brand name and the case,
to try and hoarse people essentially.
And I just think with all the social media
and all the open
communication we have nowadays
in 2019 this kind of stuff
shouldn't be happening.
I mean, people shouldn't
be getting away with it,
but they clearly are.
Anyway, I'll catch you guys in
another tech video very soon.
If you enjoy the content,
sub button's there,
bell button's there,
if you wanna see the videos
the moment they drop.
Also check us out on Instagram
for an inside scoop before
it even gets to YouTube.
And I'll catch you in
another tech video very soon.
Peace and out for now.
(rock music)
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