WINDOWS 10 Creators Update OPTIMIZATION Guide for GAMERS & Power Users
WINDOWS 10 Creators Update OPTIMIZATION Guide for GAMERS & Power Users
so you've just updated to Windows 10
creators update and now you may be
having problems things might not work or
you may not have problems and you just
want to update and optimize your system
or you may need me to save your life
well today I'm going to do all three for
you guys welcome back guys my name is
Brian and I'll be up here in the top
right hand corner guiding you through
today's whole optimization process and
now the first thing you want to do is if
you haven't updated to creators update
and you do want to update then I'll put
a link in the description below where
you can manually update at any time the
first step we're going to go through is
if you are having problems and if you
are then I recommend going to the bottom
left-hand corner here typing in settings
and then left clicking on this tab here
and then go to update and security and I
want you to go down to left click on
recovery and then click get started and
essentially now you can reset your PC on
Windows 10 creators update and still
have all your files there I recommend
keeping all your files because then you
can just reinstall them it will be a bit
tedious but it will be worth it with the
creators update optimization now if you
don't need to do this step or if you're
not having problems then you can skip
this first step now after we've reset at
our computer we can go back to the
settings tab again and we can go to
again click on update and security and
go to Windows Update tab here and click
Advanced Options and now in this tab I
want you guys to go down to choose how
updates are delivered and then you can
turn this off though if you are on a
network with many pcs you gave it on pcs
on my local network and that will save
you a bit of data on your connection if
you are data capped though the next tab
we want to go to so and click back twice
go to Windows Defender and then left
click on open Windows Defender Security
Center and then I want you guys to go
down to this little icon here the shield
and then I want you to click on virus
and threat protection settings now here
I want you to disable these two so the
cloud-based protection I like to turn
that off and I also
like to turn off automatic sample
submission so that way I'm not sending
out any nasties or any data when I'm
while I'm gaming I won't be sending out
and also real-time protection I
recommend keeping this on because
Windows Update 10 does do a pretty good
job of protecting your computer and I
have benchmark that's in the past and
having it on and off doesn't make a
difference to FPS though the next
setting we can go to now is go back to
the home page settings and click on left
click privacy and then I want you to go
through these tabs and just copy my
settings so keep all these off then left
click on location and make sure all the
settings are turned off here camera you
can turn that off microphone turn that
off notifications again off and we just
keep going through this list and making
sure everything is turned off here
though there is an important one that we
will get to and that is the feedback and
diagnostics now we want to go down to
feedback frequency so I like to turn
this to basic and then I also like to go
down here and go to never so I don't
want my computer sending out information
whenever it wants to so I like to turn
that to never then we go down to
background applications now I actually
like to turn this off except for Windows
edge if you're using edge then it's a
good idea to leave that on if you're
playing music on YouTube and you want
for example that music to be playing on
in the background then I do recommend
just keeping that one on and then that
way when you're listening to music it
will still work so other than that we
can turn all these off which is a little
bit tedious and then app Diagnostics I
want you guys to left like that and you
can turn that off as well now for the
next part ease of access left click on
that and then we can go down to I
believe it's other options and now I'd
like to turn this one off play
animations in Windows off so that tab is
now done now to move on to gaming which
is a little bit of a controversial topic
in Windows 10 creators update as they
have introduced a game mode which
essentially I have test
and I will be recommending to leave it
on especially if you're on an older
computer and so with this I want you
guys to not touch this setting in the
game bar but go down to game DVR and I
like to turn off record audio when I
record a game capture mouse cursor
settings and also set 60fps and then
here on the broadcasting tab I like to
turn off record audio when I broadcast
and again turn that option off and game
mode we can use game mode so that is
with the gaming setting there moving on
to the next tab here time and language
we can left-click on that and I like to
turn off set time automatically that way
you are not syncing with the server and
you can just set your time in manually
as you can see here this is actually an
accurate time of the time where I'm at
at the moment and now back at the
settings menu we can left-click on
accounts and just go to sync your
settings and I like to make sure this is
all disabled and then moving on to apps
this is quite a big one and I want to
uninstall all these apps that I will not
need so I'm moving through here just
uninstalling all this garbage that I
will not be using candy crush as well I
know that's a popular menace so we like
to get rid of that one feedback hub yep
see you later and we're going down to
get office because I already have office
I just have to install it
keep password manager notes thank you
and so we're just moving through and
uninstalling all the baddies here guys
even onedrive not a big fan of using it
though you if you do use onedrive you
may wish to keep that so Microsoft
solitaire not a big fan and then paid
Wi-Fi mobile see later people yep I
would have uninstalled people if I had
to you have don't need people in my life
okay royal revel to see you later
Skype yep I like the desktop edition
anyway and we're just moving through and
getting it rid of it all so really it's
just a mass purging of all this stuff
here guys mass purging so I wish they
had money because I wanted to uninstall
money get rid of it push it you guys and
I've known for the last one so add some
features that's all done all the stuff
that we don't need is now uninstalled we
can go down now to default apps if you
like to change this around you
and I just like to leave this on default
now and then we move down to the offline
maps tab on the left here and I want you
to go down to automatically update maps
and turn that off as I don't use maps
through Windows actually like to use
Google Maps and then also delete all
maps and then apps for websites that's a
tab that you can also turn off these two
settings as well in apps for websites I
like to turn these two off too and now
back at the main page we can then go to
personalization and I want you guys to
move down to this one here so
occasionally show suggestions on style I
could turn that off and I like to keep
those two on this is how I personally
use my computer you guys are welcome to
copy that tab there and then next on the
taskbar I like to actually do this one
here never combined taskbar buttons
never that's just how I am
some people may differ but that's just
me you know the last time we're going to
look at in settings here is the system
so left click on that and then I want
you guys to turn on nightlife if you
haven't already night lied nightlife
yeah just turn that on get in there baby
so turn that on and I like to also set
these settings on default 9:00 p.m. to
7:00 a.m. is actually pretty good for me
I do like this feature as you now no
longer need flux now moving down to
notifications and actions so I like to
turn off pretty much all of these except
for get notifications from apps and
other senders moving down to power and
sleep I'd like to never have my computer
sleeping and sometimes it can be
problematic so I like to turn that to
never and then moving down to the
storage tab here I need to touch that
tablet hide icon and we can also left
click there and go to use desktop mode
and don't ask me and don't switch
multitasking it's up to you guys I like
to turn this off completely as I don't
like those features and then projecting
on this PC that's up to you at the tab
that doesn't really do anything for me
and then lastly shared experiences which
is a pretty important one I like to turn
this off and make sure it's off so after
we're finished with the settings menu we
can now go down to the left bottom
search bar and type in system and then
left click on system control panel
nut up and then left click on advanced
system settings so now want you guys to
go into performance here and then left
click on this one and then I like to
actually turn a lot of these off and are
you guys are welcome to copy the ones
that I've got here so this is how I like
to have this menu here and then for the
other two we don't need to touch that
and then click apply and then left click
ok now for system protection I like to
actually turn this off this is a
controversial one but I live at a
problem turning this off especially when
my Windows has a problem I like to
reinstall everything so that one is up
to you your mileage may vary and then on
remote I like to click left click
advanced and then left click and turn
that off allow this computer we can
control remotely and then left click
allow remote assistance connections to
your computer I like to disable that
unless you really need it you can go and
turn it back on in the future and now
another tab is in these system
properties here we can also go to
startup and recovery so left click that
and then I want you guys to uncheck this
box here time to list operating systems
and this will make a computer boot up
just a little bit faster let's click OK
and then we're done with the advanced
system property tab now for this next
step we're going to go to the bottom
left hand corner again left click on the
search bar and type in services.msc and
then left click this one here services
desktop app and then once we're in here
I want you guys to left-click on the
status tab and this makes it easier to
find things so I like to go down now to
distributed link tracking client and I
like to right-click that one and then
click properties and then I also like to
go and left-click on the startup type
click disabled and then click stop click
apply and there's also two other
services that I do like to disable in
this settings tab here and that is diem
WAP Push which I cannot here it is here
so this one here DW WAP Push service the
right click that
and then click on disabled again and
then click a plug that's like like a
keylogger service it's a one that you
don't want on your computer and then the
next one we can also go to connected
user experiences and telemetry right
click this one click on properties
left click disabled stop and then apply
so there are three services I like to
disable some of the other ones actually
don't start up unless you really need
them like I know a lot of people like to
disable these ones but I generally don't
recommend doing it as they don't start
up anyway if you're just gaming on your
computer now the last step we're going
to go through here is just a little bit
of tweaking on the desktop in general so
I like to right-click some of these and
unpin them from the taskbar just to
clear up my taskbar I also like to alt
tab manually so I like to left click
show taskbar View button and turn that
off also while we're down here I also
like to just left click on the start
button and also really just uninstall
some of this stuff on here or if I can't
uninstall it I just turn the live tiles
off so and then unpin them from the
start button so after you're doing that
you can it just makes a little bit of a
difference it's not too much of a biggie
but it's just something that I like to
do personally again your mileage may
vary that I like to tune my startup menu
everything on my PC I like it running
perfectly and that's how I do things and
now two final tips for you guys these
are the last steps I like to do this one
is a little bit weird in Windows 10
creators update so I want you two guys
to find a file on your computer so just
go on this PC click in any folder then
left click a file here and then click
view on the tab here and then go to
options on the right here and then left
click Change folder and search options
and now once you guys to go to view left
click on the View tab here and then I
want you guys to go down to sink show
sync provider notifications and then
that click apply and click okay now
moving back to this PC this is the final
tip I have for you guys is to go here
and you can see it we've got 199
gigabytes on this drive freed up and now
since I don't let my computer go to
sleep or hibernate and this last step is
optional if you have your computer
hibernating and going to sleep and I
don't recommend you do this but I like
to type in CMD and then right-click on
this and then left click run as a
personal and click yes open this up and
we'll watch the space free up here so I
type in power CFG dash H and then type
off enter and now if we refresh this
we'll see that we've now got seven
gigabytes of extra space on our main OS
installation drives anyway guys that's
it for today's Windows 10 creators
update optimization guide I hope you
guys enjoyed it and if you did then be
sure to hit that like button and let me
know in the comment section below what
was your favorite optimization and if it
made a difference for you also if you
have any tips or tricks of your own then
be sure to drop them in the comment
section below and if they're really good
ones that can help everyone out then
I'll add them to the description and
also on that note with Windows game-mode
make sure if you want to turn this on in
games your game is on exclusive
full-screen mode and not windowed mode
and then you can hold down the windows
key and press G then click on the
mechanical wheel and then while you're
in the game you can turn game mode on
and now I will have a video coming out
addressing the performance of game mode
versus game mode off vs. the previous
update of Windows on a potato PC and
there are some interesting insights that
will be gained from that video and
that's why I'm recommending turning game
mode on and I'll catch you guys in
another tech video very soon
peace out for now bye
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