okay guys I thought I'd make a video
today just um a little problem that I
ran into and I bought first bought my
little yellow bird podgy is that yeah he
hurt his legs like he hurt his legs like
pretty damn hard so basically yeah I
looked for information on the net
because we called like seven vets around
where I live and none of them didn't
want anything to do with birds so it
wasn't until I called an expert in
Australia and finally got some good
advice that I am that I was able to you
know not worry about my little birds
here he is little pudgy and say
basically little pod man he he fell so
here's the table here he fell from there
today when he was learning how to fly
like and he just he cocked today like he
didn't he just failed really hard at
flying like he couldn't even spread his
wings at the time I mean now he's look
at him he's all healthy is fully healed
he's flying and um yeah he fell he
dropped about 70 centimeters and uh at
the time I was just worried like I was
shocked I was like what the hell what do
I do you know and so basically he are I
looked at him and you know he's when I
looked at his leg he was one leg was
pretty like while you're worried about
it you know is this broken or you know
and basically I called the doctor and
the doctor said you know is is he able
to move his leg like even though he
can't put weight on it can he move it
and so my bird was still able to move it
and there was no blood thankfully so
basically if you're in the same
predicament as me then you take all the
perches out of you out here so take all
the perches out and then just leave a
nice soft put a few tissues into just a
nice soft bed at the base base of your
cage and make it a nice warm environment
put a little lamp in there and you give
your bird like maybe a week or two and
you'll start healing so after about two
weeks you should come good so my birdy
he came good after about two weeks so
obviously if there is blood or if your
bird is like if he's just has absolutely
no control of the leg and it looks real
mangled then you should go to event
and you know get it treated but if
you're in the same but it can mean is
learning how to fly and he just took a
little drop not a little 70 centimeters
pretty big as an approach and I yeah he
said yes that's a big drop so that's a
big drop isn't it pod so it's a big drop
and if you're in the same predicament
your bird drops that far yeah and you
just got to assess the situation and you
know is it a sprain is it is it a
fracture or is it a big break so and if
it's a front if it's a big break or it's
bleeding then yeah taken to a vet as
soon as possible but if it's just yeah
if he's still got control and he's not
just putting weight on it than just give
him some time and it'd be fine so that's
what you have to do so I just thought
I'd share that with you guys as I looked
on the internet for information and I
couldn't find anything and wasn't until
I really call an expert you know and he
said look give him a real good diet give
him a lot of calcium good calcium food
and they'll get stronger and sure enough
he's gotten a lot my little little pod
he's gotten a lot stronger haven't you
little punchy yeah all right guys have
you got any questions just leave them in
the comments below and of course
subscribe to keep the Brian easy going
and thanks guys and peace out
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