so your PC has automatically updated to
the latest windows 1803 update
have no fear today I'm going to be
taking you through this whole process of
making it snappy making it optimized
especially if you're a gamer so what are
we waiting for let's get on with it
welcome back to takia City and here we
are on the desktop we've installed
Windows and the latest updates if you
want a check you can just go to the
bottom left-hand corner here and type in
system information left click that bring
it up and it should say here build 17
134 that's actually the code name for
1803 which is what we'll be optimizing
here today now on your desktop you
straight away you've got these icons
down here you can right-click this one I
never use this you can go to unpin from
taskbar right-click this people's icon
show the people in the taskbar I just
get rid of both of those and now the
first things first we're gonna get onto
the heavy ones because these are the
ones that I think affect performance the
most so we type in bottom left-hand
corner here system left click that bring
this up left click advanced system
settings now we'll be moving a little
bit quick here so hopefully you can stay
with us so you can just play it in half
speed whatever you want to do we can go
left click on here settings performance
and we just uncheck uncheck all these
boxes here just like the last time
windows seems to reset them a lot of the
times slide open combo boxes and that's
generally how I have my windows it looks
good it's snappy and that's how I like
it now startup and recovery left click
this make sure we turn off this time to
display list of operating systems that's
another setting that I just don't use
system protection it's up to you guys I
usually turn this off as I've never had
to use it I know people in data centers
like to keep this on its personal
preference I find it doesn't really do a
good job when I've got all my like
discord and all that stuff set up it
just makes a mess of it disable system
pressure and click apply I like to turn
that off your mileage may vary now up
here we're moving over to the remote tab
left click that advanced uncheck that
and uncheck allow resist remote
assistance that's just to keep me safe
to know that no boogeymen are gonna be
after the yes-men now go back to the
desktop next thing we're gonna do here
type in services left click this this is
important because there's some new
boogeymen in this message here we want
to get rid of them so what we do is we
can hold left click and then drag that
open to see what we're working with here
we can left click start us and then left
click it again
and that will bring up running so these
are all the ones that are running and
now there are some new ones that have
been introduced here they're a little
bit like hey yo what's going on I'm
gonna right-click this connected user
experiences in telemetry this always
seems to re-enable itself with every
update disable and then we can go apply
and then click stop so that's usually
the way I do that now the next one we're
moving down to is delivery optimization
right click that left click properties
and then moving on to disabled apply
stop ok and we're gonna go down to
there's actually another three more in
here so that's the scariest thing
distributed link tracking client right
click that again left click properties
and disabled stop we don't need you now
these next two a little bit
controversial because they just sort of
like hanging around and you like whoa
what does he do so it's a payment one
here we got payments and NFC se manager
Lou this is running it's just like
chillin there now if you use your
computer with NFC and you use it at a
business with credit card stuff you you
will not want to disable this you
probably want to keep it open there's
probably some fancy app that relies on
it but if you're just a gamer and right
click this thing properties again give
it the disabled treatment left click
apply and stop that service from ever
rearing its ugly head at you again
there's also one more as well which pops
up here and you're like hey where did he
come from and that is the update
Orchestrator service ok now I don't use
the orchestrator service now if you're
blind and you use this service you may
wish to keep it on so just keep that in
mind but again it's another service it's
an other thing hoggin resources now
already we should start to notice a
difference things already be like wow
this is snappy that's what this guy does
and now we wanted left click on this
little one here that's the just the
folder and file explorer and we want to
left click view and then go to options
and then go again left click view and
just scroll down until you see a setting
called show sync provider notifications
want to left-click this which will
essentially disable it left
click apply and then click ok now we're
gonna move into the settings tab because
there's essentially the first one which
is pretty important this is update and
security because within this there's a
lot more stuff so let's left-click this
and now ok might I need an update but
we'll do that after we've done this so
we want to left-click on Windows
security and then go to left click virus
and threat protection and now we've got
a left click again virus and protection
of virus and threat protection settings
left click that now we can turn off
cloud delivery protection and we can
left-click automatic sample submission
off so now those two settings are off we
can just left click this little X here
and essentially move back to these
settings menu so we're now halfway
through this tutorial and a quick
message from today's video sponsor s
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anyway moving back onto the guide left
click here privacy and we won't actually
turn a lot of this off some of it
however we will need to be enabled
because of the way Windows is
integrating apps and also other stuff
with the latest build so if we keep
going down we'll be able to change this
left click here to basics diagnostics
and feedback and also delete Diagnostics
data so there's the delete requests and
windows feedback frequency we want to
left-click this and go to Nevel I don't
want that service running it could
interrupt games especially if you're in
a clutch play that could affect your
performance and then left click here of
history I can just like left-click that
cuz that's less stuff Microsoft needs
from me and I'll clear my activity
history and then we can go down to now
app permissions this one's pretty
important the location that seems to be
turned off by default now but camera so
if you've got a web camera you may wish
to leave this actually on I used to
disable this all the time because a lot
of the programs were independent of this
setting but now we've got to leave this
on so camera on I don't need these wants
to use my camera but I do need Skype
because I do contact my relatives via
Skype so I'm gonna leave that and also
camera on this time around as opposed to
my previous guides microphone
same deal we're gonna leave just that
and Skype and camera set to on and then
we're gonna move through and
notifications I don't need that account
info I don't want that contacts turn
that off I don't need that there's a lot
of settings though that are still you
know pretty useless so we're just gonna
go through these and left click disable
these because I use an independent email
program I use outlook for example which
is independent of Windows inbuilt email
editor thing so again left click and
these getting rid of them just really
sort of getting rid of all that stuff
that you donate so background apps I use
Google Chrome so I generally turn that
off app Diagnostics again there's just
so much stuff here that's just left on
and it's essentially services in the
background that are just really making
your windows that much slower so here it
is here there so that's the privacy tab
all done once they've disabled all that
which we did we can go back to home we
can move over to Cortana because now
there's a few little settings here which
I don't want to use Cortana if I don't
have to now windows called tana cloud
surgeons pretty much tied in with the
search bar and I like my search bar down
here I don't want to get rid of it but I
don't want Windows cloud searches and I
don't want my device history when I
search for something like system info
that's none of these two so we're going
to turn those two off and also here we
can turn this off as well and then we
should be able to go back to home and
- ease of access now so automatically I
don't like this sitting here it's
actually a little bit taxing on your
graphics card as well you can see here
the show transparency in Windows if you
like the fancy look of that you can have
it on I like to turn it off because I
actually find it annoying as well I show
desktop background image I like that you
know this is that custom image and that
about does its for ease of access we
moved back at home and then go to the
gaming tab because what we've got here
is the game bar which I don't use it all
game DVRs another setting which I don't
use so I like to turn that off as well
broadcaster turned that off as well so I
turn off essentially all these settings
here because I just don't use them and
then click back on home and then we'll
move over time and language I like to
set time automatically off and just make
sure that my time is manually set with
my region as well because that's again
another service that's running in the
background that can be hogging things so
click home and now we go to accounts and
I've got a manual offline account I
don't have an online account and so you
just start to see with Windows 10 how
much stuff is just going on in the
background now it's okay if you've got
the latest and greatest so left click
this use my sign-in info it's okay if
you've got the latest greatest PC but if
you don't which a lot of people don't it
really starts to make performance tanked
so there we go back to home again moving
over to apps now there's a very
important one because there's just so
much crap installed here so going
through this list we're gonna be
uninstalling essentially all the stuff
that we don't use I've never bubble
Witch Saga three I don't know I've never
candy crush this one like literally gets
installed on every version of Windows at
Disney Magic Kingdom's Dolby access
feedback hub it just the list goes on
guys I'm
xboxlive you managed to wish to keep
this installed if you do have an xbox
one or something but I don't play xbox
so Xbox Live is off the list default
apps after I install Google Chrome I
usually change that to Google Chrome
offline maps delete all maps and then we
go to automatically update maps to turn
that off another service that you do not
need running turn these off again apps
for websites I turn all these off and
then we move down to startup and I turn
this off as well Windows Defender
notification back to home cool we're
almost there guys
keep up with us and now moving into
network and Internet it's a left click
on VPN and you can turn these off unless
you're using a VPN connection via this
Windows app so I don't use a VPN at the
moment on especially on this computer I
do use it occasionally it depends on the
data but then again those apps have
their own way of working proxy we can
leave that on as well don't turn that
off now moving through phone there's
really nothing in here same with devices
but system left clicking on system here
this is the last tab we can move through
and there are some settings that are a
little bit annoying
I don't like notifications I don't like
reminders and I don't like those other
settings focus assistance should be off
I don't really need these alarms power
and sleep this is pretty important
because I like to turn this on high
power for a desktop so we left click
this here so we left click on parent
sleep left click additional power
settings and then if you click show
additional plans I like to collect like
high performance and then go to change
plan settings now I like to make sure my
display turns off every 15 minutes it's
actually a comfortable setting but
change advanced power settings left
click this and now I never like to turn
my hard drives off so I left click and
then type in 0 and then click apply I
also like to put this on here the
slideshow on paused and that's really
about it for these settings here they're
all pretty good in high performance so
that'll give you the best performance
especially in games storage sense this
should be switched off it's an annoying
setting I never use a hide apple app in
tablet mode hide a pie
on taskbar in tablet mode I also like to
use this top mode and don't ask me and
always switch so I like to have my
desktop mode there this is up to you
multitasking if you like to snap stuff I
never like to snap stuff it's up to you
and then moving over here shared
experiences make sure this one's turned
off and here we go that leaves us back
to now our desktop right here where we
can left-click and type in CMD and then
we can right click that and click run as
administrator and there's just one
little trick I like to do because my
computer doesn't hibernate anymore I
just like to type in power C F G and
then spacebar - H and then type in off
hit enter and that will free up some SSD
space awesome hard drive space and with
all that aside that is today's Windows
10 optimization tutorial now from here
you can install the apps you want to
install you can install anything you
wish to do but the base of Windows
everything I've done here is reversible
so you're not going to come into any
problems and of course we've saved
ourselves from a sluggish slow Windows
and we've made it very snappy so if you
enjoyed this one then be sure to hit
that like button of course check out
today's video sponsor as well if you
wish to get a cheap copy of office and
Windows 10 bundled together and I'll
catch you in another tech video very
soon peace out for now bye
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