
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

X58... Vs... Something... IT BEGINS! The Story of 6 Core 3 Way Comparison that Never Came...

welcome back to Tokyo City this brank i'ma to you guys today with a build-up to the next video that we've got coming in the works I've got to build these three rigs one of them is an X 58 X 56 75 rig the other two one being an Intel 8400 and the other horizon 520 600 rigs so this ultimate 6 core showdown is happening before the end of the month also thank you guys so much for watching the rising 2000 series review and leaving all the feedback that you did love you guys so much and in the background at the moment so we're gonna hit the road soon and the reason a big reason for it is because in the background we've got the NOC review getting set up I'm downloading a heap of stuff at the moment and that'll take a while because my Internet's not even though it's better than it was it's not super good yet so that'll be hitting the channel soon stay tuned for that but what we've got here we're gonna go over to the table here because we got a list I'm gonna go get 2 cases 3 1 terabyte hard drive 3 120 gig SSDs 2 power supplies and they're gonna be decent or decent that's my writing it's terrible I know a gigabytes of ddr4 question mark because we've got to see how much of a ripoff it is and for the Intel rig we're gonna use the asrock motherboard with the 8400 I also have to go pick up a stock Intel cooler as well because I've ran out with the i5 2400 that God sent in I had to use them with those machines so I'm gonna go pick up one of them from a friend everyone seems to have them lying around this here is going to be the risin 5 6 core Rigby 350 motherboard of course budget value for money and then for cooling we're using the freezer 33 which is a pretty good budget CPU cooler does get some really good numbers I'm looking forward to seeing how that will take the 6 core what Heights it'll take it to but in the background here this was a deal I picked up earlier this month and the deals hunts coming to sustain tuned for that as well so much coming in so little time but this year we picked this case up this is a cooler master something and we got this for a hundred Australian box which would be under 80 USD now it comes with an RGB LED controller 3 RGB fans they've custard installed them and also a 1200 watt power supply so what a bargain I mean this is going to be the new home to the x58 rig and I'm so glad I got that deal because I need good power supplies at the moment ran out so they're the three rigs we're gonna put together and we're gonna go hit the road and do that right now so just about to leave and this rocked up here another x4 70 Taiji ultimate motherboard so I have two of these now so I'm going to be giving away one of these in the upcoming review for this motherboard so stay tuned for that and as well also sent out their ML 240 are from waltz from cool master but they sent it out with the package because they wanted me to show that this RGB cooler can sync up with this motherboard via polychrome RGB yeah let's finally get out the door so we just got back now when they didn't have the power supplies that I wanted in stock even though they said they had them in stock so we ended up going with this 550 watt smart series and a vs 650 and three one terabyte drives they had those they had two of these Western Digital greens 49 ozzie for 120 GB SSD really good value now how to get a kingston to fill the gap and then there's the two cases down there BitFenix comrade and also the MX 330 with a clear side panel so let's build these pcs up and take a look at them so finish the two new builds and that little mini ITX is looking so cute in this midsize case and we've also got the PCIe cables just hanging here ready on both builds for that GTX 10 attr we're gonna use the Galax so they're ready to go and I'm probably gonna leave the side panels office we don't have any included fans at the front of both these cases but it's time to move on now to the x58 build and it's over here so this is it right now and we can see here this is a mess it's a jungle sandwich and it needs to sort of be deciphered a little bit so I pulled this front RGB controller out we're gonna take that out there's just too many cables you're gonna sort of Reese if through the cables that are ready in here then we need and also give it a data vac at the very least and of course some wd-40 shine but let's get that done so spend about 20 minutes cleaning this thing up so all the cables that we don't need there have all been taken out and I never know what was going on there it's like some weird tube around the input output of the front panel but anyway all that aside x58 is ready to go inside this case and after that we'll clean it all up and give it some wd-40 lovin so here we've done it we've got three builds and they're all complete ready to go so ladies and gentlemen I want you to place your bets who do you think is going to win this comparison because I'm gonna be testing a lot of games I'm gonna do productivity and streaming benchmarks and of course I'm going with x58 he's so underrated he's so underappreciated nowadays people just don't know what he's all about but he's gonna come up and save the day for you and you're not gonna even know when it's gonna come anyway quick recap on the specs we've got an X 56 75 his clocked at 4.5 gigahertz he's got triple channel random ddr3 memory and of course that is the graphics card that will be used across all three different systems moving on to the Intel system here we have the 8400 with a stock Intel cooler on a b3h 370 motherboard actually sorry not a B 360 so they're the same in performance though you're not gonna get any difference between them they both support 2666 max on the ddr4 memory so moving across here now B 350 Rison v 2,600 2,600 X same thing especially with this cooler on it it's got 32 hundred megahertz memory in it but I want to hear from you guys feedback what do you think is a fair memory speed for this system here I need your feedback because he's gonna get clocked up to know as high as this budget cooler will take it that's where it's gonna go and it's gonna get competiting into this and this so need your feedback there but while we wait for that feedback we're gonna go to the story of this broken promise so here we are back at it again with the story behind the burthen promise last time it was the Quad SLI and we did fulfill that video I'll put the link to the story up here for you guys if you want to check that out but this time around I did promise 6 cores versus 6 cores versus 6 course now the 8400 that dropped last year before Christmas and of course it was out of stock and a lot of people couldn't get the CPUs and then they complained about the z3 70 motherboards so I was kind of waiting in the sidelines thinking well it's kind of pointless to do that comparison if the B 360 motherboards or the H 310 motherboards unavailable yet and the reason is because it's going to be a broken video it's gonna be like okay you have to go get a Z 370 and just know the amount of people that would complain that just be like can't get a Z can't get a B 360 you can't get a ch3 ten this video is pointless so I was thinking well does that there was that big feel and then there's also the rumors of the second gen rising coming out so I'll singing to myself well I did make this promise because I did want to see how hard the Z anka go and we will be seeing that very soon but then there was that as well second generation rise and something to myself well if I make that video in January February or even March then there'll be a heap of more comments like well why didn't you just wait for the risin 5 2600 this video is invalid so as far as I saw it I was like well if I do this video I'm damned and then if I do it and then I do it again in a month laid off you'll get people complaining that hey you already just did this video you click baiting so this time around I thought to myself it was a strategic play wait for the second gen and it just so happened at the b3 60s and h3 10 motherboards they all came out at the round the same time so perfect timing to get this video done now and yeah that was the tackiest city strategic play guys so that's the story behind this broken promise of course that video will be out within the next week so stay tuned for that make sure you subbed with notifications the email bell thing then you get the video as soon as it drops I usually release videos around about 6 p.m. Australian time not sure what time that is Eastern Time I think it's like 4 a.m. so that should be when the videos are dropping usually also let me know in the description below clock speeds memory speeds and also games that you want to see tested with this comparison and also I'm going to test productivity and streaming as well and so that'll be hitting in one big video instead of doing in two parts or three parts I'm just gonna drop it in one big video for you guys but of course until that video drops are going to install windows on all these machines getting at the games up to scratch make sure they're running right and make sure the over clocks are set in both the AMD system and the old-school Xeon system and then once that's done I'll be getting on to the testing as well so if you've got some games that you really want to see test awesome productivity benchmarks you really want to seize tested then drop a request in the comments below and I'll try and get that done for you guys and I hope you enjoyed today's video and the story is well behind the broken promise look forward to giving you guys more content very soon and now I'm gonna get on to testing this Intel naki I'll get any of that reviewed on so catcher another tech video very soon he's out for now bye we need to stop abandoning PC hardware guys wait no abandoned so I can pick it up cheap and then we've got the RTG sports or whatever they call this thing D so it's late at night we've got the sound tiles the ones that we don't need from the office upstairs also got those crappy white sound tiles over there and instead of throwing them out we decided would make some diffusers which you put them in this in the studio for example inside and they instead of having echoes going off long sort of hallways since the studio is quite long we can put these in the room and that will just pretty much block out the sound like diffuse it yeah that's the best word to use it so we're gonna put these together now by just with duct tape these three sort of like throwing out postage things that no one needs there's a big one here it's gonna make three of them and test trial them and put duct tape in them and in the bottom so we've put wood so they balanced so they don't fall over and yeah we're just gonna wrap them sound tiles around them and see how it goes so here we have it now the sound of uses are finished these things will hopefully help in the studio so we've made up to three of them and after that we might make up two more just depending on how we fit them out in the studio and how they actually work if they actually really do work so gonna leave them outside until the morning because the fact that we used like silicon and yeah so if we put that inside the silicon we'll just might get on the carpet and I'm not risking that so gonna leave them outside good night guys have a good sleep
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