are my USED PC prices UNREALISTIC...!? (quick one day haul)
are my USED PC prices UNREALISTIC...!? (quick one day haul)
in the recent spell break 260 dollar
gaming PC that I built I'll put the link
up here if you haven't seen it already I
got accused in the comments of posting
unrealistic prices and I was kind of
scratching my head because I thought
some of the deals that I got in that
video were mediocre at best and a lot of
you guys out in the comments I probably
don't even need to explain this but you
guys out there constantly showing me on
Twitter Facebook Messenger
some of the deals you guys are getting
in my jaws dropping because they're
really good but anyway today I thought
I'd quickly go online check out what's
up and then also go locally on gumtree
see what deals are around and see what
we've got
so after I read those comments I jumped
on eBay and they're actually having a
10% off sale and it was here where I
found a seller selling an i-5 a
gigabytes of RAM 120 gigabyte SSD so I
got 10% off with a hundred and fifty
five Aussie dollars posted to my door
that's anywhere in Australia you could
have got this deal I snapped that up and
that was just after reading those
comments now locally there's another
seller called Pete who I've actually
bought off in the past and he's got two
I five systems up for sale one up for
sale for one hundred and thirty dollars
another up for sale for one seventy I
sent him an offer and said would you do
the two for two seventy and he's come
back and replied yes but the thing about
his advert is he's had these pcs listed
now for nearly two weeks so I'm not sure
where the unrealistic prices are coming
from because as I said before these
deals are mediocre they're not the best
or the cream of the crop deals out there
I'm just quickly going on and having a
look at what I can get in this very
point in time but I do understand where
some of you guys are coming from some
people live in countries where it's
practically impossible to get deals when
I was over in Italy I did have a pretty
hard time but as soon as I went over to
Austria I picked up some really good
deals the UK are knows the same deal
Japan US and Australia and even Vietnam
I've picked up some really good deals in
those countries so I know it's possible
to get some of the prices that I'm
paying in my videos or even better
especially in the case of Japan that
place is literally a gold mine but
anyway from here on in we're gonna go
jump in the yes 'mobile and go pick up
some of these deals but also pay the
king of the coast who's name is Kevin a
visit because he's selling a heap of rx
574 gigabyte models for a hundred and
ten Ozzie a pop so we'll go get one of
them they're readily available if you're
on the Gold Coast you can go pick up one
of these off him any time if you're in
Brisbane or if you're in tweed anywhere
around this area is selling them he's
got them available at this price by now
you don't even have to haggle but before
we get on out of here and pick up deals
I will state one thing do not go out and
buy an FX 6100 for 60 something Aussie
dollars do not go out and buy a phenom
x6 which is over 10 years old and
doesn't even have the latest instruction
sets the plague
in 2019 465 Aussie dollars these CPUs
are a complete ripoff if you're looking
for a budget PC if you go out and buy
these CPUs and then go and overpay for
everything else and whinge that you
can't get realistic prices then I just I
can't help you you're beyond saving
bascially I don't even know if I should
drive there I think I'll just teleport
there cuz that's pretty unrealistic I
think you left something out in your
listing man these prices are unrealistic
well I'm gonna give you a unrealistic
352 the three pieces
so we originally tended to get two pcs
off Pete but he had a Lenovo there as
well so I offered him an extra $80 on
top so we got 350 ozzie dollars for
three pcs which are in the boot but I've
now got to go to Brisbane because one of
my friends who has a computer shop up in
Brisbane has an event on with the
distributed and in Australia he asked me
to come and go check it out so we're
gonna go check that out but on the way
there I'm actually gonna stop off at
leathers house because I was will get
some value out of this unrealistic trip
so let's get up there
so he less he may he is the unrealistic
150 bull good man
done pleasure doing business
so we just finished up at lessons now
got two monitors for twenty dollars each
and then an i-5 3478 four gigabytes of
RAM I think there was no hard drive but
motherboard cooler all that jazz and
that was a hundred and ten bucks but I
had to rush to this convention now
that's for this distributor thing so
let's go inside see what that's all
about and yeah just have a bit of fun
so just finished up at the event and it
was so good I had ended up being way
better than I thought they were giving
away so much stuff maybe it was just
really good free beer on tap obviously I
can't drink more than two because
they're gonna drive home now but Wow
there was some stuff that happened at
that event and it was really good but
let's get home and talk about the hole
that we got here today also we're gonna
pick up that unrealistic 110 Aussie
dollar RX 570 so let's go get that - so
here we are guys I just picked up a
couple of unrealistic rx five seventy
four gigabytes off the king of the coast
and yeah that's uh this little mission
here completed so anyone can buy these
anyone can buy these on the Gold Coast
right so we're now at the next day we've
got all these deals on the desk and what
an absolute amazing haul and this is
this is what it's all about guys this
was done off eBay anyone in Australia
could have bought this this here readily
available Kevin king of the coast he's
got them for sale anyone can go pick
these up right now so especially this
combination here I don't know what is
unrealistic about that if it's
unrealistic let us know in the comments
as to why I'm not entirely sure but
we've got here three pcs that we picked
up off peter on gumtree he had them I
did us a deal for 350 ozzie dollars for
these three and these two here I'd at
least know I haven't checked Lenovo
these two here was sitting up there for
nearly two weeks so anyone could have
got them this here off flares we got a
hookup off les with a lenovo and also we
got two monitors here these are two
19-inch monitors so this whole hall came
to 350 plus 150 so there's 500 ozzie
plus 220 so that's 720 dollars plus 155
so we've got 800
and 75 Aussie dollars to everything here
on the table and that's literally we got
five pcs and we've got two rx 570s we've
got two monitors as well so this is just
a one-day quick hustle I mean again guys
I gotta address sometimes when these
comments start to get a bit too much
yeah I mean this is what happens though
basically guys when it comes to deal
hunting if you think my prices are
unrealistic and you're wasting time
writing those comments I think you
should be spending that time and going
out and trying to look for deals
yourself as I said there are a group of
people out there that are unfortunately
in remote areas that just don't get
access to deals and I feel sorry for you
guys I'd legit ant-like because me being
on the Gold Coast me being in the US
when I went to Vietnam even there's
really good places to hunt for deals but
some areas just don't have the
population density to support use
second-hand market so I do feel sorry
for you guys because there is a lot of
fun I love doing this but at the same
time with what I've got here on the Gold
Coast in Australia and unrealistic
prices I mean I can keep doing this for
days if I want to but the studio is just
gonna get decked out and I won't even be
able to move that here it is right here
on the desk if you still think these
prices are unrealistic I don't know I
believe I made a video last year about
this sort of same topic where I think it
just comes in waves maybe once a year so
maybe next year I'll make another video
about unrealistic prices but yeah if you
have any more complaints guys drop in a
comment in the conversation below of
course if you love the content and you
love what I do around here be sure to
hit that like button and show you
support in the comments to guys because
this is why I make the content it's for
you and in the next week I'll probably
make a nother PC build that's
unrealistic maybe even two in one go
since we got to our x5 70s but with that
said I don't know what else to say just
always look for a good deal and if you
don't know what a good deal is I know
there's a lot of awesome viewers out
there that will help you if you ask
questions in the comment section just
say hey guys I'm checking this out do
you think it's a good deal and people
around especially around tech s city
will give you really good advice and
with that said if you guys are new to
the channel in you join the content
maybe we should be hitting that sub
button and turning that Bell
notification on also if you want that
inside scoop
- Graham Tech yes city and I'll catch
you in another tech video very soon
peace out for now Bay
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