welcome back to take a city this is
baronies coming back to you guys today
with a full D lid tutorial now last time
I did this daily tutorial I got to agree
with you guys it was pretty vague some
people were getting their dick stuck in
the vise some people were getting their
dick stuck in the fan and so hopefully
this time you guys will keep your dick
in your pants and you'll have a deleted
chip with cool attempts so first things
first what are you going to need to deal
in this chip well as you see here the
first thing you need is a vise my one
cost me about 15 dollars so I'd say
anywhere from about 10 to 20 dollars
this is what how much it'll set you back
the next thing you'll need is a block of
wood this was about $0.50 so that
shouldn't be too expensive and the third
thing you will need is a hammer any type
of hammer will do this is my one this
cost about I think five dollars and the
next thing you will need is a card this
is like a furniture club card so any
plastic card that's pretty soft and it's
not too sharp on the edges will do and
then the next thing you're going to need
and I highly recommend this is cool
Laboratories liquid pro and I've tested
this stuff in the past it is really good
when you're putting it on the die now
the last thing you're going to need of
course is your chip and we're going to
get on with the deleting process now
okay so you got all your gear ready and
you're ready to delete the chip so what
you want to do now is you want to open
up your vise and then you want to put
that voltage regulator that's the part
with the little dots you want that
facing away from you
and you want to put that in like that so
there and then you want to tighten the
vise up so it's in there nice and firm
so it's in there nice and firm and then
we want to get our hammer and we want to
put it right on the edge there or you
can use this other pot the other side
here and you want to basically just
really give it a nice hit and make sure
it starts coming off
like that and there you go your chip
should be deleted so there you go as you
saw there the chip flew off but the
background was pretty safe it was pretty
low make sure this thing isn't falling
on the floor and let's get on with the
second step okay so let's move on now
with the next part and this is basically
cleaning all the debris and all the glue
off the chip so first thing you want to
do is you want to get the alcohol wipe
and just clean off the thermal paste
which as you can see here it's actually
pretty hard stuff hence why a lot of
people want to delete their chip so you
just clean that off and just go around
and basically clean all the crap off
that you can now don't use anything
sharp or anything metallic as you may
damage your chip so yeah so we basically
just gone around and we're cleaning out
all the crap so once you've used the
alcohol wipe to clean all the stuff off
you can then start working on the chip
and we see here not the best application
of thermal paste right there so we just
work along and we're just cleaning off
all the crap so this is the first part
you want to get all the all the bad
thermal paste off there and then you
want to start working on the glue so for
the glue so you can see there nice clean
day so we basically have a nice clean
dye there which is cool now we can just
start getting the card and we just start
working away at the glue and getting
that off so yeah pretty easy process
just getting all the glue off I'm just
going to be doing this is just you know
you can you can spend a long time on
this if you want to it's up to you guys
I just want to take off all the excess
so I'm going to be doing it quickly and
then showing you guys
then the next step which is applying the
thermal paste okay so after about five
minutes of cleaning up you can see here
all the crap is come off the chip and
basically essentially what you guys want
is you want a flat chip so you can see
here the chip is nice and flat there's
no excess glue sticking up and also for
the heat spreader you want to make sure
that that's the same around the edges
has all that excess taken off and the
middle has all the old thermal paste
taken off that - it also looks like I
did a little bit of a little bit of a
chip off the edge there when I was
deleting so that's why you have the
voltage regulator facing away from you
when you're dead letting let's move on
now to the next part of the process part
where you just have to apply some cool
boria's liquid pro on the core and now
seriously just a little dot dab of this
stuff no more no less
just seriously just a little bit that's
probably actually even too much right
there but now they include a cotton bud
with the chip so now all you want to do
is I say with the pad with this thermal
paste and now what you want to do is you
want to just apply that evenly across
the die and make sure that you are
getting no spill as well so once you've
applied all that you are then ready for
the next step okay
so I see there the whole die has almost
got a whole complete layer of liquid
prana and it's almost ready together
okay so that's good to go let's put that
in the motherboard now once you've put
your chip in the motherboard you can now
put your chip over like this so you be
very careful this part requires a little
bit of finesse so you want to put your
chip on like that and you want to put it
just a little bit further back than it
otherwise usually would so you can use
the previous glue lines as a guide and
then you basically put that down like
that and get it ready to clamp down so
I'll show you guys with this be very
careful does this putt requires a little
bit of finesse and so we can go like
and we put that down like that okay and
that should be good to go that should
generally be good to go and we're now
ready to put our heat paste on the chip
and then we'll put the heatsink on and
we'll see how good the temps are okay so
the summer pace has been applied I just
used some arctic silver 5as it's pretty
decent stuff anyway so let's now put our
heatsink back on and then we'll check
the temps out it we're all good to go
now the last part we have to do is just
give it a stress test so we got here
prime95 small FFTs we've got real tamp
open and this is also a hot summer day
so keep that in mind but let's hit that
and let's see the temps that we're going
to pull okay so this is a 4.6 gigs in
the summer which like I mean I'm
guessing it's about 27 degrees ambient
so it is pretty hot and with my chipper
suit suit Lee with my chip core 4 tends
to run a little bit cooler than three
two and one so this is typical of my CPU
so it's nothing to worry about but
overall that looks like it's a pretty
good solid run and if you guys enjoyed
this deal in tutorial please give it a
thumbs up
if you have any questions you wish to
ask me about this process then please
put a comment in the comment section
below and I'll get back to you guys as
soon as I can anyway good luck deleting
your chip if you want to achieve those
higher overclocks like my 4.6 gig I can
get this the 4.8 gig but it does run a
pretty high voltage at like one point
three four volts which I'm not really
comfortable running at 24/7 as opposed
to a four point six which only runs at
one point two five volt anyway ladies
and gentlemen I will catch you guys soon
with another video peace out for now
Bharani Z Bay I'm going to roll that
outro to baby oh yeah
guys wondering the Pentium lived as well
that little chip that it got from the
Vice was not a problem it's got cool
advertorials liquid pro and it's also
got the 467 TK Intel cooler on it not
the Pentium Intel cooler there is a
little bit of a difference but not much
anyway this is what it's doing with
prime95 max temperatures of 50 and this
is in summer that's a pretty hot day as
well so there's the Pentium it's all
good anyway guys catch you with the tech
video soon and I hope you enjoyed this
daily tutorial pigs out for now bye
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