okay so I'm just quickly playing around
now at the settings but I just went to
four point four on the order on the
motherboard mmm quite interesting and
lay enough I think the four point four
gigahertz if everything auto so got the
as rock extreme for motherboard you've
got you've got your I five three five
seventy K and you've got your water
color obviously you need a good cool off
you're gonna overclock
yeah this is interestingly enough I just
clicked in Auto because I want to find
out the auto voltage at four point four
gigahertz and it's actually a sweet spot
like it's it's doing a really good job
I'm surprised
so we got Auto for four point four and
it's one point one seven and it seems to
be really stable so I'm pretty surprised
yeah if you're interested in four point
four gigahertz overclock then this looks
like a pretty good sweet spot saying
just everything on auto level line
calibrations level five and you're
hitting four point four gig oh it's a
one point one seven volt so not bad at
all but I'm gonna try to hit four point
five now so I think I have to set the
offset plus two plus two volts to get my
four point five gigahertz yeah four
point four looks like a sweet spot
definitely consider that and the funny
thing to note is my max temperatures are
about 72 degrees when I went to four
point five at one point to one volt I
was getting max of eighty on one of my
cause so you may wish to be very careful
and tread lightly when you're doing
these over clocks the reviews that
you've read up about them with Derek
going over one point two volts and the
heat getting a lot higher a lot faster
is true I because I've experienced this
firsthand so I'm not gonna take my
process or any higher than four point
five that's like the limit for me at the
moment yeah because I reached eighty
degrees and it's not even it's like not
even hot today it's like it's a pretty
cool day actually
so yeah you be careful tread lightly
with these processes the ivy bridges
I'd recommend not taking yours over one
point two volt
if you obviously if you're an
experienced overclocker you probably not
even watching this video but yeah if
you're like me and you're a bit of an
amateur yeah I wouldn't take it over 1.2
volt to be honest see I was hitting it I
hit 80 degrees this seems to be good 4.4
gigahertz seems to be pretty good max
yeah 74 degrees so it gives you a little
bit of headroom I'm still liking my walk
4.2 gigahertz a bit better at the moment
just until I find out what you know some
of the hard core forms getting on their
clocks and stuff and you know long
activity issues are obviously another
thing too these processes are only been
out for a few weeks so no one knows you
know how long they can run sustained at
1.2 volts one point two five volt you
know I've read people
themselves that I've read up about
people themselves at one point
three volt like one dude I read up you
just this process and blink hit the
at one point three volts so yeah be
careful guys so this is arm everything
on auto at four point four for four
point four gigs it's just the auto
overclock setting it's like a pretty
good sweet spot on the extreme fall I'm
gonna keep testing do you okay yeah
so I will put a post back once I get my
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