$100 Bluetooth Active Noise Canceling Headphones: Worth It?
$100 Bluetooth Active Noise Canceling Headphones: Worth It?
hey what's up Tech fans our care once
again with buddy the dog the host NGS
behind the camera now today we're going
to be bringing you guys something if
you've got 100 bucks and you're looking
for a really nice set of cans but you're
looking for ones that have active noise
cancellation well then these ones by the
people over at naztech might be some
that you're looking for these are the i9
bluetooth wireless headphones they're
pretty cool without breaking the bank
let's check them out alright so check it
one of the very first things that
anybody out there is going to ask one of
the very first things I ask beyond how
they sound is how comfortable are the
headphones so let's talk about that
before we even talk about the features
because I think that comfort is one of
the biggest things that any of us
including you want to ask ourselves and
I have to say though that these cups are
very very comfortable on your ears
they're totally adjustable and you don't
get any weird kind of strange material
that's on these these are actually real
real leather cups nice top very very
comfortable in fact they're so light on
side your head that you barely even feel
them on whatsoever and the noise
cancellation the active noise
cancellation is built like if you're on
a plane or there's outside noise going
on or when your roommate just happens to
be an asshole who's doing something
that's bothering you it'll keep that
kind of stuff up but if somebody walks
up to you and talks to you directly you
can hear their voice it's not meant to
cut out somebody talking to you that
would actually kind of be dangerous and
hence probably why people don't wear
headphones driving their car down the
road when they do well you're just a
fricking idiot but anyways comfort the
number one thing they think that we all
have a question about yeah these I nines
are very very comfortable in fact these
ear pads are some of the most
comfortable that I've seen out there now
what you can't see underneath here is
the 40 millimeter neodymium cup that
means these things are very high quality
and they help reproduce the music very
naturally and also the design features a
very flexible headband you guys can see
this thing is very very twistable in
fact it's a more twisty than say a
gymnast and also built into the inside
of the I 9 BTS is a wireless microphone
which means that you can do all your
answering your phone and all that stuff
right from
headphones connectivity can also be done
in two different ways either through the
wireless bluetooth 4.1 connection or
through the included cable also the
range of connectivity is 10 meters so
that means pretty much up to about 30
feet you're still going to stay
connected to your smart device and be
able to listen to the cans all your
controls and connectivity is located at
the bottom of the headphone so let's
take a really close up look and see what
those connections and controls are on
the left hand side we first see the 3.5
millimeter headphone connection and then
next to that is the Bluetooth light this
lets you know that you're connected up
to the 4.1 Bluetooth and above that are
the multifunction control buttons now
this does everything from play pause
fast-forward knowledge of things to
control your audio and the center button
is the button to answer your phone so if
you're listening to your music and
everything and you want to answer your
phone you to simply hit that center
button and the phone is answered and as
we look at the right-hand side of the
headphones this is where we have the
volume control and the active noise
cancellation button now you guys can see
first up there's a little light LED and
then above that a switch now that switch
turns on the active noise cancellation
so folks if you're just inside your
house and you want to listen to your
headphones and you don't need the noise
cancellation on you don't have to choose
to turn it on but if you're on a plane
we are somewhere you want that type of
privacy you simply push this button and
engage that now another thing you folks
might want to consider is this battery
life is determined by how many features
you have on at the same time so if
you're using the cans just as an active
noise cancellation product which means
you just have one here and each throw
noise that's one thing but if you're
going to use it with both the wireless
Bluetooth and it together it will
definitely shorten how long your
batteries will last and the people over
at noise hush actually give these
specifications for how long the cans
should last battery time using the
Bluetooth only should be about 15 hours
battery time using the noise
cancellation only about 30 hours battery
time using simply the Bluetooth
connectivity and the noise canceling
together about 12 hours and the battery
type itself is a rechargeable L plus
polymer charging time is about three
hours and with that you get 30 hours of
music time 20 hours of talktime or 55
hours of standby time which means you
don't have to charge these things up all
the time unless you're just constantly
constantly using them and most people
don't have their headphones on that many
hours of the day especially for
answering their phone and inside the box
you get not only the headphones but you
get this nice accessory case and inside
of here are all your different cables
and adapters that you're going to need
for operating all the things you need
for getting on your plane all that stuff
all located in this nice linear key bag
and you can actually use this further
stuff like if you're not using the stuff
that you're still taking your headphones
you can still put something in here like
you know say like an I don't know SD
stick or something else just might want
to take with you and you know stupidly
sticks back in there the manuals in
there as well it simply closed up with
your headphones and away you go and real
quick while we're talking about the
included accessories all the accessories
are very well made now I know a lot of
people out there said that nobody really
uses this you know plain connection
anymore but it's completely gold-tipped
and well-made same thing can be said
from the adapter this goes from the mini
adapter into the standard adapter
completely gold-plated as well as the
included four-point eight foot braided
cable which has the kind of connections
that make it so it's not very easy to
snap you know move these around a lot
that's what wears and tears of cable you
don't hear anymore these guys are made
not to have that happen very well made
and once again
Ingold connections now if for some
reason you're a person out there who's
never ever owned a pair of Bluetooth
speakers before and you're going hey man
how do i hook these up and how do I get
him to recognize the headphones well
it's really easy just look in your smart
device under all your bluetooth devices
and then if you want these cans to match
up and do the handshake all you have to
do is simply hold the play button here
until the light comes on and then you're
up and going it's simple
alright tech erse so there you have it
the i-9 Beatty from the people over at
naztech now these guys are really weird
because they work with a bunch of
umbrella companies noise hush is one of
the companies they work with they also
work with the one called hyper cell so
it's really weird all these umbrella
corporations so I guess all these
umbrellas no one's going to get rained
on but anyways like I said these things
are supposed to be listed at about 149
they're on sale I believe right now for
like a hundred bucks like usual down
blot like but we'll have a link
and check out all that stuff out more
information if you want to purchase up
for yourself but the big thing about
these is really the active noise
cancellation I want to tell you that
that's not really meant to like block
out people talking to you that's not
what it's for it's really meant for more
like industrial noise plane noise and
that type of stuff today was crashed at
my house and if I put him on the living
room like if Jesus came up to me and
talked to me I could hear them but a lot
of the outside noise really does get
blocked off you can kind of just immerse
yourself in the sound now as far as the
sound quality goes for me a lot of
people out there in the world
they love bose stuff it's really just a
natural flat sounding you know set of
cans these sound very similar they're
not quite as loud as I believe as the
Bose ones are but still if you're
looking for a set of cans that doesn't
have any great highs a great lows really
flat response sounds good and keeps the
noise out and you don't have a whole lot
of money then these are something you're
definitely one I'm going to check out so
I'm our buddy the dogs here Jesus be on
the camera we'll be back with more vids
next week and like I said down below
like but does all the information you
need if you like what you see and you
want to be subbed you know what to do
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