
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

100K GIVEAWAY: AMD 5800K Gaming System, Mini PC & More!

alright gamers we know it's a war zone out there and here on TECA tomorrow we recognize you need the ultimate equipment to beat your opponents out so what's going on here today in the war zone well today we're not something incredible what are we talking about well we're talking about our 100k thank you giveaway that's right we're going to be giving away a whole entire bombastic system to one of our fine fine fans out there so let's check it out all these parts over here on my side let's start checking them out and talk about this system okay warriors what's going on well check it out we're going to start off with the gigabyte f2a 85 X you p for that's right this is a great mother board by the folks over at gigabyte you can thank them for donating this to the cause next up we have the APU from AMD this is the a-10 5800 k now to the left of that on top the box is a 64 gigabyte pci-e that's right PCIe SSD for your boot drive and then we're going to turn around and start slowly going over to the right where you're going to see the corsair h50 5 now this is plenty of water cooling power to cool your APU now down below that we have a pair of hyper x 128 gigabyte dries thankfully provided by kingston that's right so let's move down you guys see the case down there's the rosewill r5 USB 3.0 version then we see down below also the rosewill capstone modular cable version 750 watt power supply now we're going to go to the left of that and we see Michigan memory this is 8 gigabyte kit perfect for any gamers needs and then below that in the XFX box is the HD 6670 now this card goes very well with the APU so this is a totally utterly complete system when we hit our 100 k subscriber we're going to pick a winner at random and we're going to be giving this system away I know there's going to be some people that are be bummed out but this is for North America only due to the shipping costs involved if we do pick a European winner they will be paypal five hundred dollars also if you complain about that and say it's not fair you will be disqualified I'm just telling you now it cost me enough money just to get the parts and we got to pay you money it's cheaper than shipping it so deal with it but beyond that hey we hon okay you guys are going to be getting this system so one lucky warrior out there so with that said I hope you guys liked this video hit that like button so pretty much it is worldwide if your European your pick you're getting five hundred dollars if you're American if you're in Mexico or if you are in Canada you are getting this system that's it rock and roll hit that like button make sure you tell us you appreciate us and tell your friends because as sooner we hit 100 k the sooner somebody wins this lucky system we will also have 10 runner-up winners who will get game codes through steam or through origin so that's it folks we'll see you guys back here and check in tomorrow with more warrior goodness
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