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5 Reasons Why PC Guys Hate Macs!

one really crazy thing about the entire computer industry is that the PC master-race guys really don't like the Mac guys or Macs and today we're gonna bring you the top 5 reasons of why PC guy is just absolutely 8 max all around now one thing I'm going to tell you guys wrap the bat is that the mindset of a PC user compared to that of a Mac user is a completely different mindset for one thing PC guys for the main part are tinkerers they love to take their computers change out the parts overclock them they're kind of like the dudes back in the days who you know made their Chevy's and all their Fords and all their cars they made them all souped up that's kind of what a PC user guy is a Mac guy doesn't like doing in that stuff at all Mac guy wants to buy his computer not have to do Jack diddly doo to just have it work with no thought whatsoever and it's not that a PC guy doesn't like stability and all that stuff but a PC guy just likes a lot of flexibility in their life so let's start out with the reason number 5 of ypc guys hate Mac's with Mac's what you buy is what you get so when you go over to the Genius Bar whatever you go to a Mac store to buy a Mac you cannot change the way the looks are whatsoever so PC guys like to make their computer very personalized it's a very very big thing PC guys like to make their systems custom make it as different as they can and when you get a Mac you can't do that whatsoever you walk in the store you've got like one different look and that's pretty much it so reason number 5 and it's definitely a big one is that with a Mac you get what you buy and that is what it is it's not quite you know a plain vanilla wrapper but it's pretty doggone close and even though max aren't ugly you're still not going to be able to get a custom case or anything like that unless you go old-school and try to build yourself a tower using old-school parts because let's face all the new iMac to trashcan max all of them look pretty identical there's not a whole lot of choice in what you get so what you buy you're pretty much stuck with now reason number four this is another big reason that PC guys really do not like Macs whatsoever and that is the limited amount of software that you can get plus the very fact that a lot of PC guys just as face it they pirate a lot of software they do music guys do they go out and get every plug-in that there is they can hook up their computer they can try it they like it they can use it with a Mac you can do that but it's very very limiting and the amount of software that's out there for a Mac is also very limited plus a lot of times a lot of the Mac software only works on a Mac like if you like logic for doing music you're either doing it on a Mac or you're doing on a hackintosh you're not doing on a PC whatsoever and it's the same thing with Final Cut and other Mac programs you fall in love with him if you like working on a Mac but if you want to work on when a PC it just isn't happening so number four come on limited amount of software options limited by two pirate options which makes PC guy just be like hands-off now reason number three and once again this is a giant one in the world of pcs is the ability to upgrade and make your computer and all the components inside of it be exactly what you want and if you're going to be upgrading parts for a Mac they're also very expensive if you ever go online and you try to configure a Mac from the Mac store soon as you want to put in a bigger hard drive or some bigger memory you're paying prices that are so outrageous it just feels like you're being ripped anew but by them when you're buying this stuff and it's just ridiculous honestly it's just kind of crazy when you buy your Mac you do have a limited amount of upgrades these days especially with new iMacs you can upgrade the memory and that's pretty much about it you can't change anything else in it you can really change the hard drives you can use external stuff and that kind of stuff but as far as upgrade ability all the way across the board Mac's let's just face it they're not very upgradable like I said earlier when used to have the old towers these type of like a tower Mac those were a lot more upgradable and why Apple ever stopped making those towers is beyond me because they were actually the best bet you had a tower you could change out some parts and for musicians and people out there who do a lot of editing and stuff that was a much better path than buying an iMac or a trash can so there you go upgrade ability on a Mac it's expensive and generally it just plain sucks okay now number two this might be number one for some people but number two is I have tried to game on a Mac many times with different video cards different stuff and even though they can play games okay let's just face it Mac's aren't really made for gaming and even though sure there are a couple of games that'll play on a Mac yeah they really suck for gaming now what's really weird if you go back in time back to the very beginning when PCs and Mac were competing Mac's actually had more games at one time than pcs did yeah believe it or not they did but now PC is completely dominating the gaming arena Mac's really sucked for gaming you're not gonna find anybody out there he's gonna be going hey bro check it out man I just bought a Mac - game on bro I'm awesome he's seen my Mac dude check it out it's got a built-in graphics card man with 4 gigabytes around I'm gonna kick your button gaming it just ain't happening captain ain't happenin ain't happening so no real gaming on a Mac PCs are where the fun is that yeah now number one and this is pretty much the biggest complaint that I see in forums around the world and everything and that is the doggone price the price of an iMac is outrageous they start out at about for a nice 27-inch one you're going to be looking at probably close to twenty to twenty three hundred dollars just to get an entry loved one after tax and stuff like I said before if you try to do any upgrades whatsoever a Mac is going to be very very pricey all the way across the poor with that there very expensive the really the the main thing going for a Mac at all though is people who use them in business because for PC guys PC guys like to have fun and like I said at the very beginning of the video they like to have lots of options when you've got a super duper high price tag can't play games upgradability kind of sucks I mean you can't make it look like what you want to and there's limited amount of software so for PC guys there's really it's a no-brainer about why they can't stand Macs and honestly for those reasons for those particular group of people they are very solid reasons there are some reasons of why you might want to own a Mac and I'll make a video about that later but today these are the five main reasons that the PC master-race guys just can't stand Macs in any way shape or form and that's just the way it is i milk you guys been watching Tekken tomorrow I like always I want to hear your comments down below if you want to support the channel hey please we'll have links down below to our patreon we have stuff going on all over the place you can follow us on Twitter you can make sure that you turn on notification so that tells you what's going on and if you like it we'd love to see you back in the challenge we've got lots of stuff going on here in 2019 we'll see you guys back here for more tech on tech of tomorrow
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