another day means another tech subject
come what's the subject today on the hot
sizzling platter of tech well today
we're gonna be talking to you guys it's
about five reasons why you'd actually
want to go out and buy yourself a mac
now we made a video very shortly ago
where we said there's you know five
reasons why PC guys absolutely just
can't stand you know the max but now
we're gonna tell you guys five reasons
why people do like Macs and why there
are five reasons why you may want to
consider buying a mac for yourself now
the fifth reason is really about the
simplicity of the design and that
doesn't matter whether you're talking
about their laptops whether you're
talking about their IMAX you're either a
fan of the ecosystem and the look and
everything about what's going on with
the Macs and all that stuff or you're
really not um you're not going to get
like we said near the video you're not
gonna get a whole lot of different
choices you're not gonna be able to
customize the colors and do all this
crazy stuff let's talk about an iPhone
they come in a bunch of colors but as
far as you know we're talking about you
know workflow and talking about actual
computers we're talking about Mac's now
we're talking about Mac laptops we're
talking about IMAX all that good stuff
and the design is very very simple
they're really elegant the way they look
they have very nice screens everything
that you need comes inside the box you
get your screen your mouse your keyboard
everything is right there you don't have
to worry about going out and buying this
stuff and doing the research and going
oh well you know is this the one I want
no because if you have owned a Mac
before a lot of people really love the
stuff that comes right in the box me
personally I'm not a big fan of I know
Jonathan TLD always gets a different
Logitech mouse and I usually - - I'm not
a fan of their mouse the keyboard is
cool but like I said the number five
reason for people to go out and buy a
mattress if you don't want have to worry
about all these difference designs you
want something simple elegant you know
what it's gonna look like you know what
it's gonna do then you know what a Mac
might just be what you're looking for
now number four I think I'm going to
probably run into a bunch of crazy
comments down below because I've seen
people post videos all over the place
saying oh my god it's horrible it's
horrible but honestly I've had nothing
but luck with Apple customer support now
people say that you know
they don't support any of their old
stuff what it seems like to me is if
stuff is really over five years old and
they don't have the stuff right there at
the Genius Bar right there you're taking
your computer to be repaired at then
most likely you're probably not going to
probably be able to get service for it
they're gonna make you take it to a you
know a third party place but my
experience so far has been nothing but
great with Apple support and I know that
a lot of other people feel the same way
now here's one thing you have to
definitely take in consideration you're
not gonna walk in there usually drop
your computer off and then walk right
out five minutes later if you go there
and they test your system out on the
spot it's something that they can fix
really quick and you'll get lucky then
yes if there's any kind of mechanical
problem though you're going to have to
drop off your Mac and leave it there for
a few days but check this out I have
recently had a few problems with my IMAX
I don't know what the heck was up with
it think we had a really bad external
drive that just was wiping them out we
got rid of that it seemed you were the
problem but on one of the Macs one of
the spaces where you put the memory
inside of it
one of the connections in there was bad
and mind you this is not a brand new Mac
we're in 2019 this is a 2015 iMac they
completely did all of the work
everything did not charge me a single
dime the last time I had a problem with
my Mac I actually screwed up and I
deleted all the stuff off my hard drive
and the guy on the phone was like all I
didn't say to do that and it was
completely my fault but they helped me
as much as they can I feel personally
that Apple support is really good in a
lot of different ways I know that some
people have obviously had some
experience I think even the Linus from
from from - you know tech tips even had
some crazy story about their you know
their experience but I cannot personally
say that I've had anything but a good
experience and most of the guys who I
know who have Macs all feel the same way
I feel that number four is definitely
support from the people over at Apple
they've always taken care of me like I
said obviously there's some stories out
there but I've had nothing but great
service and
many other people feel the same way and
if you purchase their Apple care program
your service gets even better now mind
you like I said everything that I had
worked on was out of warranty
there was no Apple care absolutely
nothing and both in the Mac behind me
and the one that mr. G's the cameraman
uses for doing all the editing they took
care of both of those computers for
absolutely no money it took him a few
days and they held on to the max while
they checked him out but we got him back
everything worked fine and we didn't
need to have to spend any money
out-of-pocket plus a lot of times takes
image of PC stuff they're looking around
well does this part work is this part
work does this part work the entire
really thing about the Mac is they only
use certain parts so that they know what
will work and that way they can figure
out pretty quick what's wrong now number
three this is something that I feel
really strongly about and I've mentioned
this before in other videos that
sometimes the proprietary software that
only works on Macs
is let's just face it it's kicking butt
software I got to tell you I love logic
logic is my absolute favorite place in
the world to make music I just love it
for me the workflow everything about it
is really great for doing videos and all
that stuff Final Cut Pro is the place to
be that's where we use it at and it's
actually been proven a lot of times that
doing the editing and stuff like that
actually does work better on a Mac by
sure you can do it all on a PC that's
but let's just face it some of the
software on a Mac is just really good
stuff so some of their proprietary
software even though it doesn't work on
a PC or anywhere else it does work on a
Mac and it works great I mean that's
just the way it is
like I wouldn't give up using the two
programs that I really use heavily just
to have a PC I'm gonna have to go out
and buy that Mac because like I said
logic for me records great music there's
been tons and tons of albums out there
that are doing it if you go into most
recording studios these days you're
gonna find them with the Mac you'll find
some peezy pcs in there for people who
have you know
if they have Pro Tools HD they might
have some pcs in there but most people
who are using logic and stuff they're
always going to be having really nice
Macs and even many people who are using
Pro Tools are still using Mac's to do
that stuff with so software sometimes
can be a definite thing and for me the
third biggest reason to buy a Mac is
definitely the software involved with
using that ecosystem now the number two
reason for buying a Mac definitely has
to be workflow and the ease of use now a
lot of people might not realize this but
the keystrokes and the shortcuts on a
Mac are shorter than a PC on a Mac it's
usually just two keystrokes to make a
shortcut or you know on a PC like
control it delete there's three of them
so just right there alone that extra
keystroke in the long run saves you a
lot of different time and being able to
work on a really nice monitor on an iMac
and stuff the workflow is just really
really nice you're this big 5k monitor
you can have your 4k video you can have
the audio up you can have all this stuff
on your screen making your workflow just
go really smoothly and because like I
said the softener II thing is integrated
you know to work on your Mac everything
is going to work a lot better together
so your workflow on a Mac is just going
to be really nice I mean let's just face
it people in the workplace really like
to use Mac's to do their work and
there's a reason for that
I feel really pcs for the most part are
to have fun Mac's are to work on I have
Macs and if you're going to be using
your computer to make money on most
likely you're going to be using a Mac
now there are some people out there who
do 3d video and they have these big
giant rendering houses and a lot of
those guys they are using you know PC
type of stuff but for the general guy at
his house for workflow an Apple computer
can just be really really nice I love my
IMAX for that particular fact so there
you have it
number two is definitely workflow ease
of use another thing is when you're
installing programs and stuff on a Mac
it's it's either going to install where
it's supposed to going to go or it's not
going to go on there at all so it's
really hard to like
you know make errors that way and
deleting stuff you don't have to go in
and go find a program ago okay delete
program you just go in click on the
program drag it drop it in the trash and
you're good to go so definitely workflow
ease of use is number two now the
absolute number one reason though that I
feel to buy a Mac is reliability and
stability and that's right now if you
want to be going oh dude come on my PC
is stable okay it is very possible to
build yourself a PC that is stable that
is true I'm not gonna doubt that but
there's a reason why when they go on the
space program they're using stuff that's
based off a Linux based system not a DOS
based system and let's just face it the
OS that's on on a Mac and the laptops
and all that stuff it's based off the
Linux type kernel it's not a das type
thing like of Windows and that's just a
lot more stable I've had my Mac computer
shut off a lot even in a storm with
lightning and stuff and usually I boot
it back up my programs are there you
might have to do a little fiddling with
a repair but I've never actually lost
all my information except for by a
mistake that I did myself by not knowing
exactly what I was doing when I was
really new to my Mac and reliability I
rarely ever have any problems with my
Mac's whether it's gonna be at my laptop
or that's going to be my desktop iMac
they just work and they work for a long
time there is serious serious workhorse
and number one and like I said I feel
this is a very very strong point if
you're looking for something that's
going to work for you a lot let's just
put it this way you're a musician
you've spent months working on this song
that you've been doing and all of a
sudden the electricity goes out and you
get a hard stop on your PC a lot of
times the information when you try to
boot it back up will be corrupt and
won't be there on a Mac it's very highly
unlikely that you're gonna lose that
same information
chances are nine times out of ten that
all your information is going to be
there plus when I go talk about
reliability and stability everybody
knows that not many many people write
viruses for
sure it's out there but it's a very very
rare bird so you don't have to worry
about you know any kind of you know fake
virus security programs or any of that
type of stuff on a Mac whatsoever
people really don't make fire so you
don't have to worry about checking your
email and getting a virus in it because
it really rarely ever happens that's
just the way it is so there you have it
folks so if you're somebody out there
you know most of my adult I think is
very familiar with both the Mac world
and the PC world but if you're somebody
out there and you're like hey you know
I've really been considering with a RIE
should buy myself a Mac or a PC here's
what to taking consideration really the
bottom line is this Macs are very very
simple you buy a Mac it's there you get
what you want on you go you go work on
it you don't worry about changing things
out of it you don't really worry about
it all the updates are very automatic
and simply done you don't have to worry
about something the you know that you
update making your computer run worse or
make it you know all of a sudden go out
of service you just don't have those
things to worry about if you're looking
for some just to carry around do
business on it's not gonna cost you a
lot of money you're not too worried
about it maybe a file or two gets lost
cuz it's nothing too technical then a PC
is gonna save you a lot of money and it
might be just perfect for you but if you
require workflow you require stability
you want to use some leading-edge
software that is really intuitive and
easy to work with then definitely Mac is
something you should be checking out I
know you've been watching Tekken
tomorrow like usual I always want to
hear your guys opinions I love to hear
what you say maybe you guys have ten
more reasons that you want maybe you got
a few don't but hey I always want to
hear them if you're not sub the channel
hey make sure you do so we have a
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