all right wait never mind welcome
detective tomorrow so what's up folks
now a lot of people out there their
computers start slowing down that starts
not working around the internet and
stuff and they kind of freak out and
they think they need all these repair
jobs and all this stuff done in their
computer possibly even buy a new
computer and that's really something
that probably doesn't have to happen at
all there are a few things you can do to
tune-up your PC to make sure it just
simply runs better before going out
there and spending money on an upgrade
now many of you guys out there in the PC
master-race you guys are enthusiasts
you're gonna know all this stuff I'm
going to talk about but for a lot of new
people out there be like oh hey I didn't
even know that so if you guys were
already experts you guys can stay in
chill and watch the video if you want
you know or you can go like get a
hamburger but for you people who are
like could totally don't know what to do
when you're like hey I like this
information then stick around keep
eating and let's go over it now one of
the very first things you can do whether
it be upgrade wise or even doing the
adjusting is your memory so many people
when they bring me their computer to be
looked at the first thing I do I go and
I look at their computers I see that
their memory isn't even set to its best
value it just said at whatever the
default is so you go in the computer
they've got memory that's at 1666 1833
or 2033 2133 and it's set at 1333
obviously you are not getting the full
value of your memory but this can be
fixed very very easily for Intel users
all you have to do is hop into your BIOS
and if your memory supports XMP you like
this stuff I got back over here Intel
system support XMP you can just go in
and enable XMP profile 1 that will solve
all of your problems for you AMD people
same procedure applies you go into your
go into the settings check out the
voltage and the settings of your memory
and make sure that you set those inside
the BIOS to match it make sure you save
your BIOS and then restart your computer
but that's a very easy thing to do also
upgrading your memory is one of the
simplest things that you can do if
you're running a Windows based PC
especially running Windows 7 and you've
got 4 gigabytes of ram upgrade 8
gigabytes of ram to be one of the
best things you can do to upgrade so
before you go out there and like ditch
your PC or anything first thing you want
to do is check your memory make sure
that your memory is actually set to what
it's supposed to be so that you're
getting the maximum value and maximum
potential out of your memory
hey goji the next thing is mechanical
hard drives now I know many people out
there have upgraded SSD but they're
probably ins of people out there if not
billions who still have a mechanical a
hard drive and what happens the
mechanical hard drive is it stores
information all over the disk and after
time it starts to slow down a
performance because obviously the things
got to go all over the place searching
for the information so if you have a
mechanical hard drive and you've never
done it before you definitely want to go
in go into your system properties check
out the drive and hit that defrag button
and defrag your hard drive
well the defrag and will do was it will
make the information more compact it'll
actually put more space on your drive
and allow you to access all of that
information much much faster
another thing is internet speeds you'll
notice on your internet it'll start
getting slower and slower after a while
you think wow man is my internet
connection just sucking button you're
going to run a speed test and it will do
okay nearly mmm
why is my internet running so sluggish
well one thing that you can actually do
to improve that is clear your cache at
least once a month whatever browser
you're doing just find the settings go
into your internet history and clear it
out now if you want to maintain
information like your credit card and
stuff like that you can go in and choose
the option not to clear your cookies so
for those out there don't know what
cookies are when you go to a website put
your information a cookies logged in
your system so it knows that it's you
when you go back to that website it is a
little faster if you're using that
website a lot to leave your cookies
there because then they'll be there when
you go back and your information will be
there but if you just want to clear it
all out you can clear everything out but
like I said if you want to retain some
of the information clear everything out
except for cookies this can vastly
improve your internet speed and after
you do this you'll notice that your
naturally does run much smoother and
much faster once again if your
mechanical hard drive has more than 50%
of its capacity already used up the
drive is going to start getting slower
and slower and slower because as you
fill that drive up the ability of that
drive to do page
is beginning to become less and less and
less which is gonna slow your harddrive
down so if you have more than 50% of
your harddrive being filled up it's
probably getting about time to get
another hard drive or get an external
drive and take some of that information
off set your drive can keep running to
its maximum performance I know a lot of
people are gonna say well I that really
sucks man like I have a terabyte drive
and I want to fill up to a terabyte you
can do that but I've seen it happen to
many people who don't pay attention this
may go and they install something in
their C Drive and then all of a sudden
their system doesn't work anymore then
what happened well what'll happen is
it'll just write over some windows file
somewhere a lot of times and you won't
be able to access that so be careful of
your hard drive if your hard drives
getting overtly full make sure you
either take that information off it off
to an external drive or just simply buy
another hard drive install in the system
and spread that information around there
so that every Drive drives pet so that
every Drive drives so every Drive works
to its maximum performance value now
this last one is something that I bet
right now if you go and you look at your
computer you're gonna be like yeah it
probably needs this and that is actually
taking your computer and cleaning it out
that's right believe it or not all that
dust and all that stuff collecting
inside your system your fans will make
your system run hotter which will make
your system run slower just think about
if you mean you need type of
overclocking even with your video card
in there and videos turbo boost works
off what running cool so if your systems
all clogged up with dust and it's all
messy and think about it the airflow is
gonna slow down shits gonna get hotter
and you ain't gonna be able to overclock
is good so number five is basically take
and clean your system out it's easy get
an air can take your system outside blow
it out or you people who are like any
things like I do I got an air compressor
man I get American press Drive bull that
sucker out it like becomes like clean as
brand-new but this is something that's
very important look at your system if
you go to your system you've got a big
old dirt spot in the front of your fan
you know that system needs to be cleaned
out so clean it out man for sure clean
it out now this the next thing I want to
talk about isn't really a performance
tune-up trick but for Intel users this
can be something that can really speed
up your computer right now if you have
an existing mechanical hard drive you
can go out and get a low-end SSD
add it to the system and using Intel's
rst technology you can make basically
like a hybrid Seagate Drive just by
using that
now unfortunately AMD they don't have
anything like this at the time but for
Intel users is a pretty cool thing if
you've got any of the newer Intel board
some last few generations they all
support this and it's really cool you
don't even have to spend a shit ton of
money on an expensive SSD get a low in
one throw it in there an able rst and
snap instant faster access alright folks
so there you guys have it five easy ways
and basically a six one there to improve
the performance of your PC now this is
done without using any of those weird
programs out there there are a bunch of
them out there you know PC fix this PC
faster than fuck you know your PC will
run faster than fuck after you use this
I don't really believe in any of those
things at all I don't know to me they're
just gonna install some weird program
and ask for you go to go in the internet
or something also it would be like you
know galaxy dotnet sales is your
homepage so I just not really into that
stuff I'd rather just do everything the
hands-on method so thanks a lot for
watching also you guys out there
enthusiasts I know you guys all know
this and thanks for putting up with me
and watching the video few new people
hey I'm sure you learn something new
today also to be interactive you guys
know I love you folks and we love to
interact with our crowd so if you've got
more ideas in more ways hey add them to
the comments down below and be a part of
Tekken tomorrow love you see you guys
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