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7-inch Xbox 360/720 Surface Gaming Tablet Coming Soon?

hey what's going on fellow youtubers tech fans and friends it's me I work here once again in the tech of tomorrow youtube channel now you guys all know the Microsoft Surface RT hit the market with mix three views people said it was a little bit pricey through development wasn't quite what they wanted mixed reviews but would you guys think if Microsoft actually brought a 7-inch tablet to the market that was completely dedicated to gaming now we've seen all the different tablets that have been out there we've seen the Nexus we've seen the kindle fire we've seen the iPads we've seen even the ipad minis and we know is gonna be in nexus 10 coming up too so we got all kinds of pads out there Microsoft has allegedly had plans leaked for a dedicated 7-inch tablet 1280 by 720 resolution supposedly going to feature arm technology all kinds of stuff now here's going to be the big thing about this the applications that are run on it is going to really depend on where they start off if they use x86 if they use arm what they decided this factors going to be a big factor in how well this thing works now additionally there might be the option of actually being able to hook up a you know keyboard to it or it might be in addition to the xbox 720 or 360 what its exact purpose is no one really knows but it's rumored to come out there so what do you folks think would you guys be down if Microsoft really came out with a 7-inch tablet that was just a total ass kicker in games would you guys be down with having it and would you support that product now I've seen lots of negative comments out there where people feel like Microsoft is trying to take everybody and just shove them into a box and make them be under their wing but that said if they do it right couldn't that be a benefit to me and you I mean if I could go ahead and grab a 7-inch tablet and the graphics were just totally awesome on it and the gameplay was smooth and it was really cool and it was actually cheaper you know room early it's gonna be about 150 bucks I'd be down with that now this sounds like a product that you'd be interested in you want to read more about it check out the link in the description below where I have a written article on this product over on our web site like usual I hope you guys like this video is so hit the like button make sure your subscribe so you don't miss anything and at the end of the day you know we love you here on tech of tomorrow so peace out and we'll see you later you know I'm looking forward to seeing all of your guys's comments remember don't hate just keep the comments great so that we can all learn from each other see you later
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