hola como esta me familia con amigos
bienvenidos but a tech of tomorrow when
authorities entrada in Kannada I'm just
kidding what's going on everybody now
just a greeting to all my Latin American
friends out there they know what I said
you know so what's going on everybody
welcome back to another I guess the
Spanish edition of tech of tomorrow
ya know so anyways guys welcome back
today we're gonna be looking at two
products and the people over at a data
you guys might have heard of them they
make all kinds of SSDs memory all kinds
of stuff now today I have the SE and the
HD 720 here back behind me now what's
the difference between the SE and the
Aichi well the SE is an SSD product and
the H II is a hard drive product the h
ii 720 is a 1 a terabyte very very slim
hard drive in fact it's like one of the
very first of its kind features OneTouch
backup so it's back all your stuff
instantly the other one the SE 720 is
128 gigabyte SSD external drive very
very fast USB 3 all that good Nick
so with that said though let's jump in
let's do the unboxings and check out
these two products from a data alright
folks so here we have the two boxes out
in front of me you can see they're
pretty much identical they look pretty
identical only one's an SSD and one's an
external hard drive this one has the
read speeds of 400 megabytes a second
and write speeds at 300 megabytes a
second this is 128 gigabyte this is the
SSD this is the 8720 all this one really
is talking about mainly is there really
the one touch backup which is a great
new feature just hit one button and
backup everything you have let's real
quick talk about the dimensions the unit
comes in at 117 by 79 by 8.9 millimeters
which comes to 4.6 by 3.1 by 0.4 inches
as far as the weight goes the one
terabyte model comes in at 160 grams or
0.4 pounds and 128 gigabyte SSD comes in
at 110 grams or 3.9 ounces and the units
all come with a full
three year warranty alright folks so
let's go ahead I got a little pair of
scissors in my hand right here go ahead
and just take a little slice down here
and this one slice that little thing
there not being the most cooperative in
the world but there we got slice number
one now let's go over here and do slice
number two now check it out this one
right here is obviously it's the SSD so
let's pop that bad boy out you guys can
see this thing looks really cool it's
totally silver back in front so to get
the plastic off there's a little plastic
tab here you just got to grab a hold of
that plastic tab rip it then the unit
all comes out alright folks so let's
bring it up to the camera quick so you
can first see the front side you can see
clearly a data be SSD looks very very
elegant and you guys can see it's very
slim all the way around it's looking
really beautiful here's the back side
and then last but not least right here's
the connectivity let's see what else
comes in the box
go ahead and pop the box up you get your
cable like I said it's blue it's USB 3.0
then we also get a nice carrying case so
for those of you on the go you can opt
to use their carrying case it's very
soft go ahead and take the drive stick
it inside your carrying case and you're
off and traveling and protects your
drive at the same time you also get your
obviously your Quick Start Guide that's
all the stuff that's the SSD let's bang
on let's look at the HDD it's going to
be essentially the same thing today why
not write to me peds pop better than one
heck all right here we go
pop that again here is the a data 8g 720
the front of it now this one is a little
bit heavier I can feel that there's a
side but
not too much pretty much essentially the
exact same size so here's the backside
and then last but not least the
connectivity again and this is the quick
backup button I probably failed to
mention that when I saw in the SSD my
bad but they had that on that one as
well that's the big feature actually of
both of them is that that's the OneTouch
I know move over here the rest the
accessory is gonna be exactly the same
as before
we've got USB 3.0 connectivity cable
once again we see the travel bag and
then finally the Quick Start Guide
alright folks so there you guys have it
two new storage products and the people
over at a data one a one terabyte
standard drive 128 gigabyte SSD now
these things are coming to market at 115
99 and 114 $99 this is like today's
pricing things go up and down and change
if you guys are interested in buying
these or more information that will have
a link down below where you can buy them
and more information down there below
that like button if you guys like this
video you know make sure you show me
that and hit that button
beyond that hey glad to see you guys
back here in the channel if you're not
something you want to see more kind of
stuff like this then hey you guys know
what to do I'm out of here
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