AMD @ E3 2015: Mantle, Windows 10, New CPUs & More!
AMD @ E3 2015: Mantle, Windows 10, New CPUs & More!
hey what's going on buddy welcome back
tech tomorrow and today we have somebody
really awesome now this is Roy Taylor
from AMD now so many people may not be
familiar with him so first off let's
have Roy introduced himself and tell us
what he does at AMD so what's up right
ladies here again thank you another day
another bar yes exactly exactly so my
name is Roy Taylor and the corporate
vice president of alliances AMD I'm
responsible for everything and everybody
who's not a customer so my team manages
our relationship with Microsoft and
Google the games developers games
publishers and industry trends and
directions so basically you handle
everything to do with the company pretty
much duh anything you say there's not a
customer yeah absolutely so that's quite
a bit of stuff now previously I've heard
of you like used to work a long time ago
from Nvidia so you've actually had to
work on both sides of the coin so you're
familiar with like really the two
biggest companies in the entire industry
you've been with both well yeah that's
true and in 1998 I sup a rep company
with marketing rep company with a friend
of mine in UK and we wrapped for him
video for two years I was in great into
the early stages in 98 and then in two
thousand i joined him as one of the
founders of nvidia europe and i worked
there until 2010 and then I moved to
Hollywood ok where we're at right now
we're actually in Beverly Hills it's
actually really nice you guys compete
it's a nice location now a lot of you
guys set in a lot of questions for stuff
so we're going to try to cover as many
of those as possible and so let's start
out I guess one of the questions we
talked about earlier is mantle let
people said oh hey when's mantle going
to become open source you're saying it's
already open source so where have you
guys been yeah we we worked with Chronos
Chronos it some people might not know
them there are an open standards kind of
committee they're behind opencl OpenGL
and so we've worked with them
mental helped it to become Vulcan which
is OpenGL next so if anybody's asking
what happened to mantle Vulcan is what
happened to metal it evolved into Vulcan
yes so what you guys asked it's already
there now another question a lot of
people ask is driver updates and stuff
like you guys can talk about this you
said you guys are constantly updating
drivers why do you think that some
people out there feel that there's a
problem with drivers like why does it
issue everywhere even come up because I
see you guys do release drivers on a
constant basis do you have any idea why
some users out there would feel that
there's any kind of lag whatsoever in
the drivers yes I do i do and it's
important to to be clear on this on this
point look there are genuine users out
there that are really concerned and they
want to see more drivers more often and
we're doing a better job than we did
we're still not absolutely perfectly
where we want to be but we're very
committed to it and I would say our
drivers today compared they worked where
they were are really really good I mean
look I wasn't nvidia for 12 years and
nobody's perfect nobody nobody I'm but a
droid was a far far advanced long now
are they exactly we want them to be no
but we think that are in much better
shape but it's also important to know
you know look I love fanboys I love
other more what I've been around them
I've involved myself with them but you
may feel the industry's it was pretty
crazy you guys are crazy but you fuel
the industry look look some of the
estero out there is not entirely real
but that doesn't mean that there aren't
real issues there are but you know calm
down guys you know we we put out a
driver every month or so okay sabita
driver some people asking a quicker we
understand that too well Windows 10 is
coming really really soon like what I
think my laptop said the 26 this month
it's going to automatically
automatically update to Windows 10 yeah
easy yes so we're really fuck we think
we know saying is fantastic we're big
fans of Microsoft to do in there we're
huge fans Direct X 12 and I guess I'm as
a stop right there real quick though so
AMD's completely ready for microscopy
ready for windows team so you guys after
you plant an upgrade you're here for the
man they are ready but yes 10 is coming
you're gonna be for you yes it's gonna
be for me because my life that's going
to make me install it I would've been
using it for a while I love it I really
love it yeah what a little going to see
now another question is always asses
with CPUs hi
and desktop CPUs now 95-90 FX is that
pretty much stilled apparently the that
is that is the best we have right now
and that we know what you want okay we
listen we talk about it internally and I
was delighted when it financial analyst
a recently out of presidents Lisa su
announced that the new Zen core we will
be making a pure cpu nine APU of pure
cpu the product that gamers want again
call it I want and as soon as we can
give you more news on that we will but
yeah because I mean I'm really looking
for the time when AMD is going to have a
cpu that's not only in the high tier
pricing at the Intel but actually
totally does compete with that because
that will make the but I feel the
playing field completely even as it is
right now you guys know on that
particular thing that's the one thing
that like Intel's really like Navin wars
that CPU so if you guys can actually get
that into the market I think the playing
fields going to suddenly definitely
change because you AMD fans you're a
strong group and if you get what you
want yes yeah I'm but I thank you to
everybody that sticks with us with e
with the FX processor look we know what
you want we know what we want don't
forget we play game I'm a gamer I got
like seven hundred hours on battlefield
for right now I mean many of you come
and fight with me and try and kill me in
fact we do kilroy competitions we've got
a killer yet and it's not just your we
have plenty of execs that actually play
games love the game and industry we know
what you want believe me it's coming a
lot of people working very very you guys
hear it they're bringing that high-end
CPU that you've asked for to that table
yeah whatever new chipset by the way all
we're attention will the future memory
support you're gonna want ddr4
everything you can recover this way dr
for all that good to get into trouble in
a minute but yes we know what you want
we are going to make it for the bottom
line is enthusiasts you guys are going
to add some of the table may not be able
to talk about all those details about
planning in a court but hey you guys can
know they're going to be coming now
rebranding is something that everybody
does and you guys both nvidia and AMD
you guys pull the thing back and forth
what's your really a pending on
rebranding it's really no big deal
because everybody does oh i think taking
a tight and X and rebranding it as an
a TTI masterful wonderful let's take a
big chip and then just sell it for a bit
less wonderful rebranding I congratulate
in video you guys are the kings of
rebranding knock it out the park guys
but but you're not sayin that AMD
doesn't do that as well right everybody
really does do this look here's the
thing when is a rebrand as rebrand you
know whether it's equivoca car or
anything at all if you are adding extra
value then I think there's a
justification if you're getting more
than you got before I think that's okay
yeah when you're making us change yes
even if using some of the basic
technology if you're adding more memory
adding more memory support even adding
different technology that's still an
upgrade in the cart even if it's based
off the same technology you can buy a
car at the beginning of the year and at
the end of the year that car might have
all kinds of features that your car
doesn't have now so is that really a
rebranding thing and at the end of the
day is it really bad for either company
if they're doing the right thing well
absolutely I think if the 970 really had
four gig of ram then nvidia would be
completely justify every brand in that
too I have to admit I've been eaten up
by my by my readers and my viewers by
that so many times like it's a 4
gigabyte card no it's 3.5 l Rick I'm
like okay fine nvidia did say I would at
the end that they didn't fix that so
hope it's a fix now these days so oh and
I still have a lot of friends in video
so let's let's not I don't wanna bash
them and you know I'm a batching anybody
like it's really hard for me like yes I
know I'm in the middle likes people if I
review one of your cards all of a sudden
nvidia people are like oh you're an AMD
fan screw you were on something from
your channel I in view a card from
Nvidia oh I'm an nvidia fan I'm on
something from your channel as a
reviewer my situation is a very tight
rope I try to stick to just the facts I
don't play the fanboy game at all I just
stick with the facts and I use both
cards in different situations ya know
all my max have AMD cards in it so i
agree i mean i IMD agrees and i agree
and that's why was happy to do this
interview yeah I mean we won't ever
really a lot of phone this like we'd go
all over the place in fact um can I have
some my little notes over there I'm
gonna go now and it will ask them the
questions that you guys actually asked
out there a lot of people out there Roy
is it true that you like fried chicken
that's that's not none of the ones here
no not allowed to be anything fried okay
I guess we already covered this one
though Jonathan crew a kiosk any plans
for ddr4 compatibility I guess we
covered that you said it in the future
it will be there will hv m always be
limited to four gigabytes hbm is our
technology and you can do all kinds of
things with it all kinds of things you
can change the configurations or all
we've done is taking the memory that
we'll all we've done it was a wonderful
thing we do but we took the memory die
and put it straight down into the GPU
using an interposer this is the first
product it doesn't mean it's going to be
the last we've invented a wonderful
technology and you can expect more
products with this new technology in the
future some people harp on you know when
things are attained from 28-nanometer
low but I don't really think right now
that's really a relevant thing do you
I'm not really think that shrinking the
die is like the most important thing
right now I think more power cooler and
efficient is more important than making
smaller how do you feel about dice rings
help deliver that so they are important
I can't talk too much about that right
now but it yeah look what it is
important it is before as you can go
forward you can run you can run products
faster you can make them that they're
smaller cheaper to make and in that
higher performance so you guys wrote
that irrelevant they're all right then
let's keep banging through some of these
let's see here 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 hard
for me to reading I'm old and blind here
OAS this might occur this Austin Gibson
said what can you tell us about the
upcoming enthusiast desktop processors
and will there be a jump we just talked
about this right now so often you pretty
much basically asking the same question
over again yes they do plan on covering
enthusiast stuff and obviously Roy just
said that shrinking the die obviously is
something that helps so obviously in
that road they're going to be taking it
so let's go down here got mostly these
questions i believe worth a lot of these
things we've had happened they did that
do you want touch it all about anything
about directx 12 at all i know that the
microsoft himself has has laid down like
guidelines that they didn't want done
and like other people have like done
some things that really weren't maybe
supposed to be damned I'm glad I'm glad
to tackle this question being absolutely
no doubt no question whatsoever we are
going to be one hundred percent direct
sexual compatibility
well that's it and a story except that
we're going to drive Direct X 12 content
we're working with some wonderful games
developers and games publishers to
deliver the first director swap content
with the users of the readers what the
viewers are going to be actually enjoy
right and they're going to be based off
the MV platforms these developers are
working with they're going to be coming
out we're at the bat what's going to say
this game is powered by AMD right well
let me just give an example we're right
here III and this morning we had
Microsoft on stage for our fury X lunch
showing fable on Direct X 12 on AMD so
if you want to clear a message and that
i don't know how i can give you one so
would you say since we are here at e3
day what would you say was the biggest
thing for AMD at this III this year what
was the biggest thing you guys are like
hey we're slang well we're delighted
with fury x and reaction why don't we
all follow you on twitter we see your
comments and thank you for the kind
words of encouragement and the
congratulations we had so we're thrilled
I am over the moon with it I mean what
we can do with that small form factor
you know low power consumption is
awesome I'm really really happy about
that and the other thing is is here at
the Beverly Wilshire we had a summit
this morning talking about VR and we had
some industry luminaries like Ted
silhouettes from 20th Century Fox we had
james knight who did a special effects
on one of the guys doing special effects
on Avatar spider-man I am Legend and we
had an Tibor cares who's a professor
from USC we had a number of luminaries
talking about how VR is going to unveil
and about how excited they are about
liquid VR semester question for VR right
now I mean how far do you think VR is
away from actually being something we
use go to the store and buy it just like
you buy a monitor now she won Brendan
areeb on last week's oculus PR press
event said that they are going to ship a
consumer version of the the oculus rift
in q1 so I think that it as soon as are
in the stores we're there and we're
going to have content we're going to be
ready with AMD optimized content using
liquid we are working with industry
luminaries here in Hollywood where I
live any game tiles that we can look to
expect that are going to be in this
total VR world in the future that people
out there can be going home at I can't
wait to get my hands
absolutely I'm delighted to be able to
tell the viewers we're working with CCP
on a Valkyrie we've been that's really
exciting we're working on a game called
World War tunes by real war toons
instead of we're well below tunze the
world's first like like a game about
battling music or what it's a motor
World War two cartoon shoot-'em-up oh
wow it's a five versus five sister works
first multiplayer we are going so is it
like cartoon like roger rabbit style
yeah yeah oh that's gonna be incredible
it's gonna be love Roger Rabbit and I'm
also delighted to to tell your viewers
that we're working with n dreams in the
UK and they have a VR game put the
assembly which looks really scary and
really really great and of course we're
working with star breeze and up with a
VR headset and the walking dead game so
that's and butter I've tried it and it
is really scary in PR it really really
is now all this stuff will be available
you're saying it q1 up next year it's
all gonna be ready for q1 next year wow
so 2016 sounds like it's going to be the
year for VR yeah yeah and all optimized
an AMD all optimized for their all right
now fiji got some questions from the
people asking about fiji a couple of
questions were will it exceed the
384-bit memory bandwidth and will there
be cards with 8 gigabyte on the fiji
well fury is a 4096 bit memory bus now
just think about this you have had some
questions about memory bus so the 290x
has a 512 bit memory bus okay much much
more than some other GPUs okay which
gives us advantages but now a few reacts
we've gone from 512 lanes to 4096 line
lanes with 4096 cause so it's pretty
much like going from him from like a
pretty much an intel desktop to an x 99
it's yeah it is an awesome GPU and buddy
this is the world's first GPU of its
type it takes time for games developers
and content to learn how to take
advantage of it we just take given them
something so incredibly huge and awesome
they're trying to get in there their
heads around it yeah they got right the
games how to take advantage of it but
they will the one thing we know about
games developers you give them hardware
they will take advantage oh yeah
completely and as the hardware develops
you guys know games is keep getting
better and better but I'll be honest to
you the other day I was just playing
I wouldn't play with my newer games it
seems like the really the only thing at
all driving the industry is better
graphics because the games themselves
the physics I don't really see too much
difference between doom and far cry 4
there's a few cool things but the main
thing you're really getting is the
beauty that graphics companies like
yourself are bringing to the table
because without those beautiful graphics
the games would just be the same rehash
over and over and over well now I'm
gonna all give you a little bit here i'm
afraid i think the LEvolution in
battlefield is awesome if you play
battlefield the ability to destroy an
entire tower block the physics that goes
into that I think it's fabulous that's
one game not about the soul slew of
other games that you have to admit
though they're really the things ride in
the gaming industry these days is the
video card companies bringing better
graphics to the day that is true but
it's not it's not just graphics is how
you you should jump it we can use a GPU
to do things like physics and to do
compute and we can use opencl in games I
personally would like to see more and
better AI for single-player games and I
just love to see tons more physics for
multiplayer games now are you guys
having any particular plans for you guys
have future to implement even more step
towards these directions oh absolutely i
mean that's one of the things i love
about my job is I get to work with some
of the most exciting creative wonderful
games developers and designers in the
world and in fact as soon as we're
finished here I'm going straight to e3
to talk about some upcoming titles that
have got some really really cool new
stuff coming now well they have you also
they'll have you of their life to
showing this so people be able to watch
that on YouTube everything probably
right now one thing yeah I think this I
haven't been there yet just trying I'm
get a bit away from hotel but i can't
wait a hot put it over there well is
there any things are you particular
since we have you that you'd like to
just actually say straight up to like
the fans and stuff about A&E that we
might not even covered it but that they
may really just want to know because you
know more information about the company
then pretty much anybody else would yeah
so there might be something in my
limited time that i'm like missing that
you really want people to know and so I
like to only give you the opportunity to
speak directly to the people and just
say hey this is yes thank you I would
you know Roy Taylor folks here's what I
do want to say
if you think that we don't read all the
forums and all and read it and see all
the comments which get said we do and
some of them are quite frankly very
hurtful I hurt we'll do a lot of
Engineers which works super super hard
to make great new products many of you
fight really hard for us in those forums
getting some of the silly things which
gets it and I want you to know why it's
like we can't reach out personally to
all of you that do that to every single
one of you that dispels the silly
notions and the fud and the city things
which get said I want to say from the
bottom of my heart sincerely thank you
we do read them we do see what you do
for us and from the bottom of our hearts
we really really appreciate it and you
know what more than that we're going to
reward you and the way we're going to
reward youth by continuing to innovate
and make great new products next year we
have we've already got great new product
just now come out next year it gets even
better than a year after that gets even
better still so thank you we're here for
you we're listening to you and we're
going to reward your loyalty that's
awesome boy I'm sure you feel like
they're in appreciate you've heard it
right from the man now obviously you
guys really couldn't expect Roy to
answer every question anyways and the
things you talking about the trolls and
that kind of stuff they are very hurtful
so when you're going on and you're
leaving me a comment remember that there
are human beings that are reading these
comments and there's no really reason to
be rude or insulting to anybody if you
have an intelligent question and you
want to know something ask that question
very intelligent way and I'm sure you'll
get an intelligent answer being a jerk
to people use the results in you getting
bad stuff so you'd be nice people are
nice just take this as an advice in life
now one thing our new camera monitors he
was asking about how about the other
segments we know that like gaming is
like you know of a big huge thing what
about other segments like segments of
like rendering stuff and working in the
back industry like making games and
doing stuff like that what are some of
AMD's plans for those areas to further
enhance that area yeah nice a really
great question too especially since
we're here in Hollywood we're at home of
content creation where this games or
movies you know it is a great question
was asked by your cameraman what are you
guys doing about video professional
video we what about me we have a range
of a special
wrap his cars caught fire pro and here's
a little-known secret we're actually
much much better video than anybody why
is this tell why is it why you better
video particularly digital signage we
made an investment some time ago and we
have some great great products there but
let me get back to the first place your
question of you know my shaders and so
on and we have a very very strong what
we call dev tech team that's working
with the the game developers and
designers on the technology but not just
games and I'm so pleased that you asked
this question this morning we talked out
via and we made a point of VI is going
to be about much much more so we said
there's going to be a whole track around
history and so one of the demos we have
here tomorrow is the Wright brothers
first flight well I'll in VR all in VR
we work with a company called Zephyr and
you can walk up to the Kitty Hawk you
can go around it you can suit you can
get it real close to the to the brothers
to the Wright brothers orville wright
and you can see and experience that
flight in a way you couldn't do any
other way the film wouldn't do it
justice Wow and this is being shown
right now in the e34 yes it's here III
and we're going to show it here I'm here
at the hotel tomorrow and and so we
believe that we might actually be able
to travel in time we will better go back
in time and have new experiences through
we are so md is creating a time machine
and a hot tub time machine it's the
quiet it's the fire pro time machine and
I kind of like getting wet with the soft
bubbles see what I mean I said where the
outtakes this is gonna be there's gonna
be on the blooper say so and so we're
working with the Smithsonian for that
too so you asked about a non-gaming so
the zoo Sounion is supporting the
project with the Wright brothers with
Zephyr studios and we're also working
together with General Electric I guess
maybe they're right hold on a second
folks so wait so you're talking about
people might be able to actually go in
the future the Smithsonian Institute and
instead of going in and watching and
seeing a display they'll be able to
throw on VR headphones and have that
entire display to be art Smithsonian
this this fool that means Apple amazing
that is pretty cool huh that is awesome
i would i would love that don't you
folks have been there but Smithsonian is
that it's the best museum I've ever seen
I'm in
you guys got great ones there too but
Russ folks over here across the pond
that one's awesome and being able to go
in there and see everything in VR would
just be incredible and to hear that
amd's involved in that that that's
really what is more there's more so VI
gives you the ability to go and do
things be places that you know it's a
human you could and we're also working
with a wonderful studio here called
Clayton lightning pay in lightning quite
enlightening but a good combo well Corey
Strassburger and a creamer el Hassan and
his partner they've created a demo which
allows you to go into the brain and see
the way of sign answers connect and it's
also being sponsored and supported by
General Electric oh wow and so we think
that there's a whole field of science
and medicine which we can open up with
y'all they're gonna find them crazy and
then when we have some other projects as
I can't talk about right now but yeah
we've done a lot more than just gaming
folks a lot more yes you guys are
covering an entire spectrum so we pretty
much cover folks all your guys questions
you guys asked talked about the future
talk about Roy's position you guys can
see that AMD is solidly and securely
working to make your gaming experience
the absolute best that they can do so I
mark you guys been watching ticket
tomorrow this is Roy Taylor thank you
guys for watching and we'll see you guys
back from the challenge enjoy III and
the floor man thank you thanks very much
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