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AMD Vega Frontier - More And Less!

all right folks so check it out you guys probably saw my first video where I asked if AMD's latest Vega frontier card could beat you know the top-of-the-line Titan XP card and the comments were kind of mixed now I did that to gauge your guy's reaction on the card because like a lot of people said in the comments yes previously and video is doing this type of thing a dual type of mode card that could do both prosumer stuff and gaming altogether well you guys know it didn't really go so well for them the cards aren't doing that anymore because you know the markets kind of weird because you're either doing pro stuff or you're doing gaming you're not really mixing the two together now I said the video if you know md had great success with this then maybe nvidia would change back and change the way they do things as well but from what i've seen from the scores no this is just me you viewing online whether the people have said it seems like this card in gaming and if you want to tell me this card is not meant for gaming I'm not even going to say when we save you because like basically why is there a gaming switch on it if it's not for gaming why is there a gaming mode on it maybe it wasn't meant to be clearly for gaming but that's pretty funny because at this point it's actually AMD's fastest gaming card on there you guys are seeing the scores it's a little bit faster than a 1070 somewhere between a 1070 and a 1080 so it is slowly creeping up you know and and videos top-of-the-line cards but it's not quite there yet and it cost a lot of money plus I spoke with a lot of people in the industry who do this type of thing and they basically told me that if they're doing their their VIP their video making and doing all that stuff they're more worried about their coding getting their code done fast and checking it out and actually playing the game so they said for them you know that's kind of like something they probably would not really buy into and I know in the last video some people did say hey I'm going to buy this card right now so I guess today's video I'm kind of like wondering what gauging again once again how you guys feel are you guys really going to go out and buy this card I mean if you have the cash $1,500 what the card is do you want to invest that much money in that card as a gaming card and if you're a guy who does pursue more stuff or you still wanted to get a quadrille or a fire GL which is totally dedicated to doing that type the thing because at this point it's kind of a trip it's more and it's less all at the same time you get more options sure you get the options because you can have the prosumer level stuff and we saw that it competed pretty well you know against the Titan XP but how is it really going to do against a two thousand dollar quadrille or a top-of-line firegl card like those tests I haven't actually seen popping up everywhere and I straight up asked the people at AMD antal you know is this card in Pro you know mode like a top of the line or mid-range firegl I never got an answer so what I'm seeing right here is that yeah it's a little bit of both but what I thought Vega was going to come out even though this car was kind of geared for that stuff a gaming mode I thought it would have at least been beating like a 1080 and getting really close to a 1080i that's what we were all expecting I mean when is there going to be a Vega on the market that actually beats a 1080 TI you know or beats the Titan XP really beats it like out of the box no driver issues nothing like that whatsoever just out of the box performance you get it you take it you're played nearly so them are the frackers that damn thing just blew away my 1080 and Wow look at that kicking butt on an XP as well that's what I'm waiting for now the RX series is going to come out for gaming but here's my thing if the Vega front tier is the mothership of the Vega line how is any of the other line of cards going to actually be able to compete and beat and video on the gaming side you understand I'm saying or so it's you know it's a logical question because if this is the top of line bad boy so you think they're going to release another RS Vega for cheaper that's going to be faster in the gaming realm now sure we all want that to happen I want that to happen but do you honestly see that happening because that's what I'm waiting for because at this point right now like I said I'm seeing a little bit more and a little bit less more options but let's let's gaming less prosumer yes you get the options to do both but at the end of the day so what you really want or do you want a pure gaming card that kicks total ass that'll beat anything on the nvidia side and a prosumer card for the same thing now I know this is a kind of niche market like I said in the beginning NVIDIA has tried to before didn't do very successfully for them so at the end of the day I really just want to know how many you guys out there are going to go out and buy this card because like I said if you're a pure gamer and all you care about performance and you're not a fanboy and brand does not matter honestly that's where your head should be at there should be no fanboy ISM at all I'm not a family of jack whatever has the best performance and what it is is what I want to use and you should feel the same way like feeling go like you know I hate NVIDIA they're just piles of or I hate AMD for this there's no reason to hate anybody at the end of the day man when you go out and you buy a car you buy anything else and you spend your money you buy the best bang for your buck don't you you don't go out and just go you know what wow that number x t-shirt it's like it's like way more money but it's less and I'm going to buy that no you're going to buy what you know is going to get your absolute best money source so why doesn't that translate over into the PC realm I just don't understand it fanboys and said nothing to do with what you choose to buy you should buy what works absolutely best and performs the best at the end of the day because that's what drives the competition between AMD and NVIDIA at the end of the day it's all about the numbers and the price Nvidia like you guys know has been pretty much the king of the ring for a long time aim DS the underdog they're known to be the price people to give a lower price it's just a slightly less performance so will you guys buy the AMD Vega frontier or are you guys going to wait for the RX ones and hope that they will beat Nvidia at their own game I really want to hear your comments because at the end of the day that's what my videos are mostly about these days I'm proving you guys I'm trying to see what the feel of you guys the public is on these subjects so no I mean sometimes it feels like a little bit of height maybe it is because height kind of drives the enthusiasm between people to talk about these things and discuss them so hey let's have a discussion let's see your comments down below for you guys who are here in America happy 4th of July I know in Australia it's already Wednesday but for you guys in America hey happy fourth peace out we're here for you
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