hey welcome to the show
I'm Elric and you're here at Tech
Audemar we bring you all the tech all
the time now recently we brought you a
video explaining why you want to buy an
AMD or Intel CPU and many of the
comments are in there were like hey man
bring me a video of nvidia vs AMD as far
as video cards goes so let's start off
with entry-level video cards 640 is
pretty much the entry-level car that
you're going to get for any type of
gaming this from Nvidia and it does not
contain physics physics is one thing
that sets Nvidia apart from the pack now
some people think that with an AMD card
you cannot use physics at all they're
like no I can't use it man but that's
entirely untrue let's just knock that
rumour right out of the ballpark right
now sound effects the camera man oh yeah
there you go
how's the part that's complete
you can definitely use physics on an AMD
card we're going to have a link in the
description below where you can go and
download the driver now here's the
difference advanced physics is done on
NVIDIA carbon it's done via chip that's
on their card when you download the
driver in your using physics you're
using it off your CPU this is the main
difference that sets the cards apart in
any situation that has to do with gaming
but if you're talking about just buying
an entry-level card it doesn't really
matter if it's AMD or Nvidia due to the
fact that the entry-level cards from
Nvidia do not have physics on them at
all so if you're buying one of those
cards like the sub hundred dollars it's
not going to really matter what you buy
if you're just you know buying that card
of video car that's playing people go I
just want a video card
I hardly game I just want some that
works well that's your case then you're
not going to really worry about it
anyways now when you jump up the chain
the cards are all getting pretty similar
you guys can see the wars have been
going on these guys leapfrog each other
constantly has even bought the chain
though in gaming the true things that
set these cards apart are having the
onboard physics as far as gaming goes
if you're using the cards for like
things like rendering in Photoshop and
stuff like that
if you're talking about you know pretty
much you know an apple dapple comparison
between prices of cards there's not that
great of a difference now nvidia does
have a lot of cool stuff though they
have their CUDA and all their stuff that
they have inside of their cards that's
more geared for a person who's doing
like making a 3d game you can see
there's lots of stuff out there right
now where it's like okay and videos name
on it and they've made it not saying
that the people at AMD don't have that
as well they do they're just not as
entrenched in the pits
just like with gaming you'll see there's
much more games that come up with a
thing to lube meant to be played on
NVIDIA then you're going to get ones
that are said meant to be played on AMD
this is because NVIDIA has their
foothold in a much broader market NVIDIA
has been doing this a long time
once they bought up 3d effects which was
the great gaming company in the past
once they gobbled them up they've been
very competitive in the very beginning I
hardly looked at ATI card which is what
AMD is actually AMD bought ATI you guys
don't know that you're really new to the
game but ATI became AMD in the last few
years but traditionally it was ATI
versus Nvidia I know I'm straying a
little bit from the points here but some
people don't know this information they
might prefer to have it so if you're
doing like Photoshop and stuff like that
and you're going to be doing 3d type
work and those type of things you might
want to consider more looking towards an
Nvidia card now if you're going to be
strictly doing that stuff you can buy
yourself a Quadro card which is made by
Nvidia or a fire GL card which is made
by AMD but that's a totally different
market totally different budget and not
we're talking about today today we're
talking about the difference between
desktop and Vidya and AMD and why you
would choose one of the other to put in
your system now there are a couple of
things that I have to say that I'm not
really totally you know thrilled with
about Nvidia for one thing with their
greenlight program you are not allowed
to over volt the card do anything crazy
like that or you will void the warranty
now that means that the only stuff that
you can get is through
very little changing of the card you
know through your cooling and stuff and
you'll get your boost that's the only
way to get the overclocking on NVIDIA
card okay the second point two gigabytes
two gigabytes mm-hmm I don't know with
two gigabytes of memory you start doing
multi monitor you start lagging out and
in some games I mean seriously
two gigabytes go look at Max Payne 3 you
have two gigabytes you can barely enable
the in the game which is like nah
so three gigabytes which is most of the
high-end cards from AMD I think that in
that aspect is a very good
characteristic if you're going to do
multi monitors you know you're going to
want to go with probably an AMD card
because they AMD card on multi monitor
has three gigabytes it's going to
perform much better right outside of the
box if you don't believe me go look at
all the videos out there don't hate on
the channel don't hate on me it's just
the fact two gigabytes will not power
three monitors as well as three
gigabytes it's just a fact of the matter
plus in my personal experience
even though I use Nvidia cards a lot
when it came time for me to set up multi
monitor technology I honestly thought
that I affinity was easier to set up and
use than what they had from their 3d the
3d surround to me when I was hooking it
up and all that stuff I had a lot more
difficulty to get it up I mean I did get
it hooked up and it middlee I was using
3d glasses so it's probably a little bit
you know more of a difficult situation
but for me using the other one was just
simpler and for a lot of people they're
not going to use 3d glasses I just want
three monitors to be able to watch their
stuff on and do it so that's just
something to take in consideration three
gigabytes will get you better overall
stuff because you can boost the games up
versus two gigabytes just a fact now the
big thing a lot of people are going to
say there was like oh my god does that
really matter that much you can still do
it yeah that's why I use two cards am I
using video I double those things up I
put them at SLI and then I have much
better you know gameplay with that so
when I'm using multi technology from
nvidia i sli those bad boys and there's
also something to be said here you can
get an AMD high-end card 7970 with six
gigabytes you can they have six gigabyte
versions now the
gigabyte version a lot of people out
there were like oh wow you know this car
is going to be so much faster it's got
six gigabytes you'd be wrong but if
you're running multi-monitor technology
and you've got three monitors out there
yeah baby
that card kicks ass I did a lot of
videos in the past I'll probably do some
more again with that and set that
up because it's really cool but when
you're using three monitors having six
gigabytes of memory really matters and
it makes the performance level much more
when you're using this giant you know
huge huge display rates with high praise
like 54 60 by something which is
humongous frame rates when I was using
those things that path from you gave me
my 300 must drink water hey I'm only
human what can I say so anyways
basically between the two cards if
you're just a standard gamer you do
nothing else but game it's really that's
going to come down to how important is
having that advanced physics to you at
the end of the day you're like man I
really want that advanced physics if you
do then you don't want an A&B card
that's just you know they don't have it
when you're using the physics even
though you can download the driver and
use it it's not the same experience you
know using your CPU as it is using
Nvidia's because the Nvidia is called
advanced physics for a reason when they
went out and they bought the company
that made the technology and they
integrated into their card it was a sly
and bad bull move that kind of screwed a
lot of people needs to around because
well check it out
only nvidia has it but if that doesn't
matter to you and you think ad that's
just a few little here things here and
there then you probably are going to
want to consider an AMD card now if you
do more than gaming once again I just
want to integrate if you do more than
gaming especially if you're going to be
doing 3d modeling 3d rendering doing all
that kind of stuff and video car once
again comes back and kicks butt so it's
just really a variance of what you're
there aren't a bunch of special programs
you know inside of AMD software they
don't have a bunch of stuff in there and
they're carding their technology and you
read through they have a lot of stuff
it's geared for gaming video
Multimedia experience but it's not
geared towards making 3d animation so
now I'm geared for making movies just
not that way
we're in video card it has all that
technology inside of the card so that's
just something to think about
you know if you're somebody who you're
at home you're going to be doing a lot
of video editing you're possibly going
to do some 3d modeling all that type of
stuff you're probably going to want a
more consider to get yourself in a video
card if you want superpower just get two
of those bad boys now here's where I can
reiterate some other stuff EVGA does
have cards that they make that have more
than two gigabytes I've been thinking
about going over there and bugging the
hell out of that guy Joe and say come on
man give me a card but you know they
gave me some stuff you know thread Don
that kicked me down really big on that
one a you know the two cards at the hem
of the board so I didn't want to go back
and beg but I'd be like a man come on
because I'd really like to get a hold of
one of those cards because if I could
get one of their models and had three
gigabytes it would eliminate the
bottleneck that I see between these
cards a lot I feel that in video one of
the first things they should do right
now is come out with a frakkin three
gigabyte card for everybody so listen up
hey Zeus MSI is otech whoever you guys
are out there who playing this game come
the frak on make a three gigabyte card
and get it out to the market why you
letting be EVGA be the only game in town
man no offense you guys at EVGA but I'm
just saying so those are just some
points to me this is a very very
delicate ground I don't feel that either
card totally top of the other and if
there was that card they wouldn't be
both being business there's a reason
they're both doing business because they
both do you have a very good product so
anyways folks I hope that helps like I
said I feel this is really you know
treacherous ground I don't want to piss
any fans off if anything you know I mean
I'm always welcome to hear your
constructive criticism I'm always down
for that if you leave comments like Oh
screw you you're an idiot screw you I'm
going to delete it probably ban you
because I just don't want to deal with
it anymore but if you want to leave a
constructive criticisms a comment
explaining why in different ways down
below so other people can read them I
totally love you guys you're my online
family and I want to hear what all you
guys have to say like usual I hope you
guys like this video give me a little
Internet hug
hit that like button and I hope you
subscribe because we always have cool
stuff going on here and I love you
because you're part of my online family
see you guys later here on techo
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