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t OT pay fans and family welcome back
once again to another edition of tech
Audemar we're bringing you all the tech
all the time now everybody knows 2013 is
coming to an end and there were a lot of
video cards that came out in this year
now we're gonna bring you guys the top 5
first but we want to give honorable
mention right off the bat to the GTX 650
Ti boost because this card for being one
hundred and fifty dollars plays 1080p
games incredibly well some of their
medium and high settings this thing
kicks ass and 150 bucks it just really
can't be beat so it's worth honorable
mention now obviously it's not gonna be
in the top 5 video cards because those
are gonna be some of the higher cards so
now let's jump in and let's talk about
which cards are the top 5 video cards of
2013 kicking off at number 5 the AMD r9
270x now this is the best video card for
$200 it plays most games running at
1080p at high to ultra settings now
obviously there are gonna be a lot of
different models out there for you guys
to choose from we'll have a list down
there below where you guys can check
those out now next up the GTX 770 I know
a lot of people out there gonna be
saying hey man why didn't you choose the
280x it's $30 cheaper yada yada yada
well the main reason that the 770 pulls
ahead right now is availability and
pricing I don't know if you guys have
actually checked it out right now
but 280x does have pretty much come like
a drop of water in the desert and prices
have shot up on them amazing right now
some cards even over a hundred dollars
so that's the reasoning we're giving the
edge the GTX 770 obviously prices might
be changing you guys can come back and
check things out in a couple months and
maybe things might be a little different
and at that point we'll revisit it but
for now the 770 just pokes ahead but yes
that we little bit now next up a
favorite of everybody out there the r9
ninety personally I think for the money
that the r9 290 is a very very good card
it plays everything unbelievably good
it runs not as hot as the 290x it's a
little bit quieter and obviously pricing
is much better so this one comes in at
number three and hey I think it's a very
good situated card for that position
next up coming into the number two
position we have a tie between nvidia
and AMD this goes out to the 780 and the
r9 290x now obviously the r9 290x has a
faster card i mean hell you guys have
seen it it bit slaps the titan in some
things but unfortunately though it also
runs very very hot and it's very hard to
overclock now the 780 although it's not
as fast out of the box it actually has a
lot more room for overclocking and runs
a lot cooler that's why we give these
cards the complete tie across the board
now in the number one position
drumroll please you guys all know what
the fastest card of the year is the new
gtx 780 Ti in this particular instance
Nvidia takes the crown hands down
because this is the fastest single GPU
card that they have on the market right
now now I know that things can change up
a name do you might throw something in
the ring a week from now but for right
now at this moment in time these are the
top five video cards of the year with
the GTX 780 I being number one so there
you have it folks the top 5 video cards
of 2013 special thanks once again to
HuluPlus for making this video possible
and we'd like to hear from you guys if
you guys have your own special 5 cards
that you think please list them down
below in the comment section let's know
how you feel or if you feel a different
card as number one let's hear that as
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all right folks now before I pounce out
here in case you missed anything if you
have any questions all the information
about this video will be down there in
the description below
the like button now please don't turn
this into a fanboy war living a bunch of
crazy comments obviously if you love AMD
you love AMD if you love Nvidia you love
Nvidia that's just the way it is let's
not have any fighting down there case
let's keep it clean
I know if we'll see you guys back here
on TECA tomorrow for more goodness
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