AMD's Polaris Refresh - No New Cards Until Q2 2019!
AMD's Polaris Refresh - No New Cards Until Q2 2019!
in the current state of things in the PC
industry especially the video card
industry things are really kind of on
the wack side I mean as much as I love
to be totally excited about a technology
and go crazy I admit that the r-tx they
even though a lot of things were cool
was a mixed bag I mean I think the
really main thing about the launch is
that none of us were really expecting
what would happen everybody is like okay
it's gonna be all about frames per
second like it always is but then all of
a sudden you know and video like took
like a left turn everybody's like dude
is something different I mean usually
when Nvidia releases something you know
you get to use the technology right when
it comes out unlike RTX what you know
people are still kind of going okay well
when is all it's r-tx going to be here
and there's some other features and
stuff in there where he's going okay
well when is all this stuff really gonna
become real-time now on the other side
of the coin where in the Sam heck is AMD
I'm going to tell you in the news for
the game decided things yeah it's really
very very disappointing so first of all
if you're looking for any kind of really
new technology on the AMD side you're
looking at q2 of 2019 and you can say oh
Elric you're wrong you're wrong you're
wrong but trust me on this one I ain't
wrong all right got an inside source so
I'm telling you right now you ain't
gonna see anything new until q2 of 2019
but however however and it's it really
gonna matter there will be a Polaris
Reaper oh my god a Polaris three French
oh my god they're gonna take the chip
they're gonna change it a little bit
really sinan change them and charge you
more money probably - mmmm interesting
stuff but there will be a Polaris
refresh twelve nanometer Polaris refresh
probably what you're going to see is
just the clock speeds you know and stuff
going up a little bit and that's really
going to be it you know from 1400
probably to like 1500 is probably what
you're gonna see you know and those are
the kind of numbers which honestly huh
that's really sad I mean let's just face
it most of the cards right now on the
Nvidia site unless you want to buy some
the older generation cards you're pretty
much you know paying an arm and a leg
which kind of makes
go man you know where is a nd where is
the competition and when AMD isn't
competition that's really really bad for
the market I mean come on a Polaris
refresh that's what we're gonna get this
year from AMD that's the excitement oh
boy and I'm gonna tell you this right
now you're gonna see a lot of the major
card companies out there they're not
even gonna bother making cards
I mean honestly trust me on this when
stuff comes out there are gonna be some
of the major people that you usually see
making the AMD cards who are probably
going to just totally pass on this
refresh and say you know what
we'll just wait you know we've got five
ATS we've got all these other cards
they're doing fine on the market we can
sell them for pretty cheap and do all
that so you know why you know waste your
money you know your time and your
investment investing in something that's
really not all that great I mean
obviously people will jump on board with
because like okay well you know if
you're a starving person you're gonna
eat something that you normally wouldn't
eat you know if you had a full belly
right so some people be just like
desperate psyche oh my god anything from
AMD just to get it here from AMD we need
some from AMD okay let's just do this
but in reality that really kind of sucks
it really does suck so I mean honestly
do any of you guys out there really
really honestly care about a Polaris
refresh I mean is that really super
duper exciting news for you I mean are
you gonna be jumping and running down
the street going yes there's another
Polaris card coming probably not but you
know it will be coming out so we're
gonna see a nice Polaris refresh pretty
soon from the folks at AMD now another
thing that really kind of sucks too is
that when they made the Vegas 56 and the
Vegas 64 he really didn't make all that
many chips and unfortunately they didn't
make other cards based on that same
technology I mean it would have been
nice to see you know some lower end
cards you know that were like you know
pretty much entry level and stuff that
were just SuperDuper affordable but
still played games right but
unfortunately the Vegas 56 in the Vegas
64 it's there and it's gone and that
sit and so now you're gonna have to wait
all the way until 2019 till a quarter to
to really see anything hit the market
from AMD so I mean really
Nvidia could have pretty much honestly
this is a straight-up truth they didn't
need to release anything they didn't
have to release Jack diddly doo doo
because with AMD not releasing anything
on the video card side of things and
focusing right now really strictly on
their CPU side of things which is a
whole nother story um obviously you guys
have seen the dude from gamers Nexus
he's talked about it like things are
really getting SuperDuper close on the
on the CPU side of things between AMD
and Intel so right now AMD is really hot
on that which is kind of the a.m. you
know AMD style whatever is they think is
hot at the moment it's what they focus
all their attention on well
unfortunately though this is putting a
giant gap in the video card market I
mean the RT X launch and pretty much
Nvidia just being able to get you know
what let's do something just totally
crazy right now because what's a nd
gonna do about it you know what I mean
I mean they just release it more like
hey okay cool let's experiment and see
how people react to this you know the
prices are crazy the technology's not
even really totally mature yet but guess
what all those cards sold and they're
selling selling selling selling selling
you know but for the AMD fans and the
people who don't have a lot of money and
just are really loyal AMD folks you know
right now they're kind of getting bent
over by AMD AMD should be concentrating
on their video card side of the thing as
much as the CPU side of things just
because the cpu thing is getting hot for
them it doesn't mean that you need to
leave via their part of your business
really being unattended to you know what
I mean I mean you raise chickens you
don't leave the door with a box to come
in and it just doesn't make any sense I
don't know why Andy's doing it obviously
I guess they think that within the CPU
thing right now is what's you know the
all-mighty everything to compete with
the big you know the big blue giant of
Intel but I wish there was more stuff
honestly I know you do as well so let me
know do you guys really care about a
Polaris refresh because honestly I don't
I think it's kind of lackluster it's a
little bit you know too
little too late I want something new I
want something fast and I want something
that can actually compete with Nvidia
come on Andy quit letting us down
release some new video cards pour some
money get some people and fix that stuff
CPUs are cool but hey video cards are
what gamers love to sink their teeth
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