hey what's up welcome back to the
channel it's me Eric Faris your host
here on tech of tomorrow we're gonna be
showing you guys a first unboxing and
features look of a brand new motherboard
and the people over at a Zeus now this
is a pretty cool product this is the p8v
77v pro motherboard now they have three
motherboards that are in their basic
it's the entry-level v the pro and then
the deluxe this is the mid-level board
we're gonna be doing that right now so
let's check this bad boy out
all right folks so first off let's just
take a look at the outside of the box we
see some of their features take a look
down here we see some more these are
some of the things that are actually
specific to this motherboard probably
specific to all of the boards that are
coming out on this stack virtue MVP
great thing for graphics we'll get in
that we unbox the board flip it around
real quick to show you guys the back to
the board dual intelligent processors
via the e pu + TPU switches USB BIOS
flash back now this USB BIOS flash back
is something I think is actually really
cool with this you can actually flash
the BIOS is remember without having any
parts on it whatsoever all you have to
do is plug in the 24 pin power connector
slap this thing in the USB port and a
way you can go to up your motherboard
BIOS I think this is a really cool to be
able to flash it this way Wi-Fi to go
allows you to control this computer or
another computer back and forth so you
can like be in the kitchen on one
computer and play your music or videos
completely controllable on another
computer in another room really cool
lucid logic virtue MVP this allows you
to use any combination of video cards be
it crossfire SLI or in combination with
the onboard graphics of the new HD 4000
fan expert - this allows you to totally
control all of your fans customize them
you can name them what you want do
whatever you want we actually have a
video about that over on motherboards or
if you want to check that out now it's
actually getting to the unboxing I'll
pop the cap so here's we open the box we
can see the motherboard it's in a nice
anti-static bag we're going to go ahead
and just pull that out to the side wait
and look at all of the content on the
someone's gonna pull it aside do one
piece at a time we'll start out with
these two pieces right here this is the
Wi-Fi go all of the motherboards and
asia's is a stack and the new z77
launched have Wi-Fi on every single
motherboard all the way up plus they
have the same features for overclocking
as well so you're not getting a
sacrifice and any board in the stack for
overclocking it's just other specific
features just go ahead and pop that off
to the side two SATA cables once a two
three or one SATA to go ahead and set
those down
here is the external breakout box let me
go with this folks come short you just
pull this completely out of the package
for you guys so here is a little
breakout thing with eSATA and USB on
this go ahead and just set that down
move on we have one crossfire cable go
ahead and just set that down the rear
i/o this Rio is completely really well
done everything is nice and clean on it
let you go folks see that all right
we'll continue to move on all our Q
Quick Connect little connectors right
here just for hooking up everything
really quickly inside your case cool
stuff set that down we have the PA z77 v
Pro user's guide and manual right here
and then finally the CD and case badge
so all this stuff you see on the table
right here this would be the content or
a bundle depending on what reviewer
looking at that's right there now I'm
going to get that out of your way folks
we can move on and see the motherboard
itself so okay here we have the
motherboard units and the aesthetic bag
I'm gonna go ahead and hold them to the
board out I'm gonna go ahead and turn
the board over and we're going to start
on the rear i/o now this particular rear
i/o it's not much different all than we
saw on the standard V board
the big difference comes when we go to
the deluxe board on this board we still
see combination legacy ps2 in
keyboard/mouse we have two four USB 3.0
connectors on the back of the board
standard USB 2.0 there for our video
connections we have display port HDMI
DVI standard VGA we also have optical
sound here over here we have the analog
sound connectors this board features the
realtek chipset right here is our rj45
LAN this is the Intel LAN port it works
with the new eye control which allows
you to custom set your packet values so
if you want it for game
you want for downloading videos you can
custom set up those perimeters in your
liking so let's flip the board around
let you guys get a good look at the
front of the board right here now one of
the very first question that people are
going to ask you they're gonna ask you
hey what's doing between the Pro and the
entry-level board well the pro board it
has more USB ports has more USB 3.0
ports so if you have a need for a lot of
USB 3.0 ports that's one of the biggest
changes between the pro and the standard
board that you get entry-level let's
start out at the very top of the board
and let's start off with power here we
see the first eight pin power connector
located right here to the left of the
ZIF socket the 24 pin power is located
over here on the right-hand side of the
motherboard another difference between
the Pro and the V motherboard is that
this motherboard has six fan controllers
on it the other one before had five this
one has six the first two being located
here above the ZIF socket which is
perfect for perfect connectivity there
additional two over here to the right
side by the 24 pin power connector we
have another one over here down and
below to the left of the ZIF socket and
then we have our six one being located
down here at the bottom of the
motherboard this is the LGA 1155 ZIF
socket it's for all of the new second
and third generation core CPUs from
Intel it'll fit all of the Sandy Bridge
and all the Ivy Bridge processors that
will soon be coming out for cooling
everything is completely cooled
passively you can see all the MOSFETs
and components everything is nice and
completely cooled up as well down here
the dual intelligent processors are both
DEP you and TPU here's our memory this
board can use up to 32 gigabytes of ddr3
memory right over here is the men ok
button or men to go button I'm gonna
bring that around so they Camryn get a
little closed up right there little
buttons located right here you click
that button so say that you get some
memory and that your motherboard doesn't
quite recognize it you put it in there
it's to high speed or something you
click the mem ok button and it makes
go makes your system boot-up and use
that memory also if you're overclocking
and you don't want to have to go and
reset your entire BIOS you can just
click this button and just clear those
particulars settings so spin the board
around again let's start off now with
the PCI support we have one two PCI
times one lanes and then we have one two
three PCIe lanes now these will be
running at sixteen eight and four or
eight eight and four also to standard
PCIe slots as well now as far as SATA
support goes this motherboard has both
the Intel and as media controllers on it
it supports both the state of - and SATA
3 standards now let's talk about
additional USB support we have one two
three four additional USB 2.0 breakouts
and northmet separates this board once
again from the V is USB 3.0 there's one
here and an additional one right here so
if you had a case that had the USB
connectors on the front and had the
cable you could just put that 20 pin
cable right in there and away you go
pretty good stuff now let's talk about
the EPU and TPU switches those are
located right down here JJ from a zoo
said the basely you can subscribe the
TPU is if you want an instant 4.3
overclock all you do is hit the TPU
button and away you go
now the epu button that is based for
people who want to have their system
running at standard mode would like to
save electricity and save on power then
you use the EP you switch that's what
that's for
so once again let's take a whole shot of
the motherboard you can see it's based
on the standard ATX form factor fit any
mid size or bigger case won't fit in a
mini case obviously still suitable spin
around show you guys the back so that's
it folks thanks for watching the
unboxing and first features look to the
new hey-zeus p8z 77v pro peace
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