ASUS R9 390X Strix Gaming Edition Graphics Card Review!
ASUS R9 390X Strix Gaming Edition Graphics Card Review!
tech lovers and AMD fans your day hath
arrived I'm our you're watching checker
tomorrow and today we're taking a test
drive of the brand-new r9 390x strict
gaming edition from the people over at
Asus now this card's overclock out of
the box has 8 gigabytes of ram silent
fans and just all kinds of crazy stuff
so let's check this thing out
in depth these new strict series is
geared for the hardcore enthusiasts and
no corners are ever taken in its design
featuring overclocked performance armor
protection and superior cooling right
out of the box the Strix r9 390x is one
of the most thought out AMD cards to hit
the market and in a world full of cards
it can be confusing to make a Buy and
the Strix stands in a league of its own
as far as visuals go the Strix is a
looker sporting the rogue red and black
color scheme and on top we see three
triple blade fans now these triple blade
fans are something cool they offer 105
percent more air pressure than standard
designed fans as well as being three
times quieter than referenced designed
fans so they're not only pretty they
actually work another neat thing is
these fans feature 0 DB operation now
this may actually confuse some users out
there because in certain games like
League of Legends Starcraft and others
the card actually has the fan not moving
at all that's right so you might think
hey wow my fans broke but that's not it
what it is is the cards running so cool
and so efficiently that the fan doesn't
need to be at all making zero noise and
on the back side of the card you guys
can see the Strix owl is staring at you
and it's on this awesome protective
thing that also shows the Strix
nomenclature protective shields are
awesome I really love this one as far as
going around the card agency's
implemented their latest direct cu3
cooling that utilizes the 10 millimeter
heat pipe that is 30% cooler and also
once again three times quieter than the
reference 390x car
this new design actually transports 40%
more air away from the GPU than previous
generation cards so that's a pretty
awesome feature and also the cooler that
the card runs the better the
overclocking is going to be and if you
run the card just the way it is out of
the box it will actually enhance the
lifespan of the card by keeping it
running at a standard temperature all
along heating up and cooling down are
things that make the card die faster and
the more you keep that card running and
a steady temperature the longer it's
going to run the better it's going to
run and the better overclocking results
you're going to get in the end and as I
flip the card around to the side we're
gonna see the 2 6 & 8 pin power
connectors some more of the cooling
apparatus this fixed logo which will
light up and then strangely missing
there are no crossfire connectors on
this card whatsoever which is kind of
strange now there're IO flip that around
has a single DVID connector a single
HDMI and three standard display ports
that's the connectivity on the card the
card actually is four separate pieces
you get the backplate you get the PCB
you get the cooling apparatus and
finally the triple wind blade fan
housing rounds it out the card supports
a maximum digital resolution of 4096 by
2160 has 2800 and 16 shaders eight
gigabytes of gddr5 memory a 512 bit
memory interface and the card comes
clocked out of the box at a thousand 70
megahertz power consumption of the card
is at 300 watts and like I said before
you will need a six pin and eight pin
power connector to connect the card and
power in your system the card dimensions
are as follows eleven point eight by
five point four two by one point five
seven inches which is thirty by thirteen
point seventy seven by four centimeters
so we've got you covered no matter where
you live Asus engineers have integrated
aerospace-grade alloy components to
reinforce the overall reliability of the
Strix series cards and these cards will
now feature an eight phase-- alloy power
- that eliminates Electrical buzzing by
two times the standard design cards and
this also allows the car to run at 50
percent cooler than previous generations
with GPU tweak to an X foot gamecaster
you can now tweak your card to your
heart's content and by using the gaming
booster you're just one click away to an
instant performance of this feature is
both really cool for the advanced user
and the beginning gamer why because of
the simple click you can get a
performance up and I think that's pretty
cool because who wants to go through all
the time all the time of going through
everything and overclock your card you
can just click a button and get some
performance boost hey that's a cool
thing in my book leave your comments
down below let me know what you think
alright so there you guys have seen all
the information about the r9 390x Strix
card it speeds it speeds what it looks
like its power consumption all that good
stuff but I know you guys always want to
know how does the damn thing perform at
work but we're gonna jump into that just
a second but let's real quick talk about
the test system
it's an i7 4770k slightly overclocked 16
gigabytes of RAM that's right 16
gigabytes and a one terabyte Western
Digital black hard drive so let's get
ready to create a mosh pit and let's
check out those benchmarks to the
benchmark score
okay so what do you guys think now you
guys can see the car does run a little
bit hot I have to say that the car was
running a little bit hot compared to
some of the others and as far as the
score he was going this thing was come
in right about the same as a 980
reference card now this card is actually
about 429 bucks so it's really not that
super expensive as well but I know that
some people out there gonna be saying
hey that's kind of like wow well the 980
but you know a lot of people know that
the 390 X this particular series of cars
was a slight rebrand no big deal but
that's what it is it as a gigabytes
around the last one didn't so whoo whoo
t doopty do now currently this
particular card has not even hit the
market but it's a nice card if you're an
AMD fan you're looking to get yourself a
car that runs quiet will do good
overclocking hail man this strix is one
hell of a damn card for those things so
I'm mark you guys been watching Tekken
tomorrow hope you guys like this video
like usual down below like button with
all the information now currently like I
said this particular model of the card
is not available but we'll have links to
other cards including their standard 390
on there below so check it out
we'll see you guys back here and
checking tomorrow
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