Android Wear Smart Watches - Should Apple Be Worried?
Android Wear Smart Watches - Should Apple Be Worried?
welcome to
welcome to welcome to tech up tomorrow
what's up guys welcome back
for tech fans what's going on I'm glad
to see you here i'm having a pretty
rockin day having a lot of fun so check
this out Apple who they may have
something actually to worry about
because Google is now going to release
their Android wear that's right so
wearable tech is taking another step up
the chain and Google is now entering the
game now this isn't like you know mom
and pops donuts is trying to enter into
the game this is google a giant giant
company lots of backing lots of cash
lots of followers so when these guys say
hey we're going to put a product I think
it's going to do pretty good even though
I know a lot of people out there thought
Google glass was a lot of you
have to admit it was interesting
I mean it just was I think those
google people are fracking crazy
look around filming everything but you
got to admit it's a cool product it's a
niche product and for those people who
want to be on the edge and have cool
nifty stuff you can't really beat google
glass when Jonathan and his pair I know
I sure want to check them out i'm sure
you guys if you get your hands on when
you want to check it out too now you
might not be the type of wants to go
around wearing it around daily filming
crap but still it'd be pretty cool
birthdays family stuff there's a lot of
stuff they'll be used for so now they're
going to have this Android we're coming
out who knows the possibilities you guys
all know that these people are competing
for the wearable market and it's going
to be very interesting to see where
Google goes with this like usual if you
guys want to see the full story know
what's going on as and see more check
out the link down there in the link
below the like but in the description
will have the full story on this by our
man Zane so if you guys inter that stuff
check that out other stuff coming up but
check it out I want to stop right here
you know what think I'll give you guys
something you guys like that I think you
do so check it out HD 650 this is an
external hard drive we put on the old
standby button here check this thing I'm
going to unbox this thing and then you
guys can just leave a comment down below
and leave a comment for a second chance
over on our web page on the article for
a chance to win this it's international
I don't care so check this thing out
external hard drive 500
bites and his things really really
supposed to be durable I mean so here's
the Box a lot to it you guys can see the
name you guys and see what it is you can
see it's 2.5 external HDD the HD 650 USB
3.0 ready all that good stuff got a
three-year warranty all that stuff let's
pop the old cat pier on top though stay
in camera range Elric's dating camber
ring pop the old cap they're pretty
simplistic there take that thing pull it
on out of there alright so we got that
camera man action Oh missed him by that
much all right so check it out more
stuff here here's some instruction stuff
quick start guide and all that stuff I
mean you guys know what to do you plug
it in a USB thing you go in if windows
does it recognize it you go into the
advanced properties and you configure
the thing there you go and you've got
your drive for most laptops everything
it will do it automatically so this
thing just released some nice paper or
if you're going to camping trip need
some fire starter I see the manual from
a data being perfect thing for that I
mean no offense day data but it does
paper will burn as well as any other
thing right okay well let's move on more
cardboard Cameron's giving me a dirty
look and he should we throw more all
right now check check out we got the
cable nice cable right I won't throw it
because we're going to give it 20 you
guys you don't meet the one the cable
but to be quite honest with you I should
throw the drive I mean I think a data
would want me to throw the drive because
this drive is very very well made check
this out comes an external total rubber
housing it's made to be tough if it
comes to units broke you let us know but
I just dropped it so there's no Cameron
going down to camera because yours are
not saying my my short pants today
that's it you guys don't get to see my
cool short pants but look no damage
whatsoever my do it again it actually
bounces so this thing's pretty damn
durable so what do you people out there
is going to really like this so if
you're looking for 500 gigabytes of
storage you guys are looking to have
this thing take it around with you and
not have a break which i think is very
important having your drive and being
able to smack it around it's important
because think about it your lifestyle
that you live isn't like some padded the
dream world where everything's just hand
it to you you know drinks or hand your
silver platter and everything is
cushioned with pads there's concrete
everywhere tough you want to drive
that'll last so if any folks out the
racks are looking to buy this you want
to check out more information we'll have
all the details also down below in the
description for this product as well so
let's keep going quite folks so next up
if you guys follow the channel you might
have seen it's at CES so we got to check
out this totally wireless sense a mouse
from the people over at steelseries well
now pre-orders are now coming out to get
this awesome product me personally I
like steel Surrey stuff they make a
tough ass product that's made of quality
stuff and seems to me to last quite a
bit we've tried a whole bunch of their
headphones a whole lot of their products
and I really like them quite a bit so
people who are a fan of the sense a
mouse you're going to really be doing
this because now the thing is totally
wireless it's got this totally cool base
the glows in the dark looks like
something Spacey you just set your mouse
on it all wireless charging it's really
really cool like usually you guys want
to check out picture this find out more
information on how you can buy this
thing all the information be down below
but i think that people were into the
sentence a mouse you guys are going to
be quite impressed with this and the
fact that it's wireless no more cables
getting in your way is going to be a
pretty damn cool thing i think you're
going to think so too so next up in the
news you guys all know that feet has
come out a 10-year wait Kevin actually
covered the game there were mixed
feelings about it me personally I
thought that there would be a lot more
about it now AMD that was about to
release their mantle drivers for this
game and things are looking pretty good
now you guys can see these guys used for
different systems in these builds they
call them all mid-level but actually
some have some pretty high-end graphics
cards in them and the only reason really
saying that because ambu doesn't have a
CPU that cost nine hundred dollars
anymore unlike intel so they're gearing
it for that so these four different
systems they range in different values
and different things and like usual you
will see that the lower end system
benefits the most from mantle now some
people say oh that's crap that's
but you know what I kind of
like a empty strategy on this because if
you've already paid for super high-end
I mean really if you pay for a jet
plane what do you want to be but more of
a jet plane I mean if so if you're
paying for a jet plane you should
already have jet plane performance
inside of your system curr
I mean I think you guys can grieve me on
that you're paying for high-end
your system should kick ass you
shouldn't even need mantle you just be
able to go mantel my ass but since these
guys are touting it and it does do stuff
for lower in people that's pretty cool
so that way people have laptops the
lower end systems they're going to
benefit the most because think about
they don't have the big bucks to be
buying the jetliner like you know some
of us do so they're in that category and
I think that's a really good smart move
on amd's part you guys let me know what
you think but all the information is out
if you guys want to see all this
information you guys want to see all the
scores and all that and see the
performance variances between system one
and system for we have the full story
over our website Tecna tomorrow I thank
you guys will pretty interested to see
this thief it's a mixed bag also if you
guys for some reason happen in Miss
Kevin's video of that and his review
should check it out Kevin did a really
badass bang-up job on this video and I
think you guys will like his results so
that's pretty much it folks some news
stories a little rock and roll guitar I
know if you guys notice but I did find
him brave my amp I was actually able to
save up my cash and get an angle this
amp is raw I don't even say man I love
this am so far me I've really tried all
this amp really kicks kicks serious ass
I would have bought one that was you
know had more child and stuff but I
pretty much stick the metal you guys
know I'm a metalhead I admit it whatever
it's my fault Ernest forgive me but I
like metal and also people have been
asking yes I've been going to the gym
now every day I plan on losing 40 pounds
getting in Syria shape Wiz does diabetes
that I've had it just getting off my
lazy fat ass and doing some stuff
because basically after I lost my foot I
got into a pretty lazy lifestyle you
know get your foot cut off is pretty
easy to go yeah my foots cut off i don't
want to do you know I mean but I've
kind of ruled that little horse a little
too long so it I'm moving on I'm
exercising the gym every day we're on
the treadmill I've lost weight I've
gained some muscle tone and I'm feeling
great so I love you guys you guys are my
inspiration because basically I'm doing
it so I can be here for you guys the
better I feel the more energy i can
bring to the videos the better it is for
me and the fetter it is for you so peace
out like I said all the information is
down below that like button if you liked
this video you like the style make sure
you come through that thing try to break
your keyboard when you do so and if
you're not something you'd like to be
check out the link back here it'll be
they're in description so peace out
folks we'll see you guys back from
checking tomorrow for more tech
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