so far it seems like nvidia is really
getting a severe kick in the balls over
this gtx 1650 card I mean I'll be the
first to admit there was some wacky
stuff going on that is honestly the
first launch that I can remember where I
didn't have the drivers you know until
the day the car was being sold and the
car was being sold I guess like you know
before we even had a reviews up so
that's kind of a strange thing and I
also I mean there's not really a perfect
place for this kind of a strange car the
only thing that I can say is that Nvidia
must have wanted a card out there that
had their touring one one seven chip in
it and they wanted to be able to offer
the Turing shader in a car that's the
only thing that I can think of
whatsoever now we showed you guys the
zotac version had some car that's 149
bucks only requires you know requires
power for the PCI very low requirements
you can put it an old system and stuff
like that and that's really the only
saving grace that I can really see about
this card and we talked about the a Zeus
one as well but it requires a six pin
power connector is also under than $79
so that really pissed a lot of people
off but now beyond that it's already
over with so okay you know love it hate
it here's the best thing in life you
don't have to buy this card you don't
you can tell Nvidia to go piss down the
wind you can speak with your wallet you
don't have to buy this card whatsoever
so they released it and you don't like
it then guess what if you don't like it
you can do that to it there's no reason
that you have to deal with it whatsoever
but since we review place and we do
reviews we thought we'd do something a
little bit kind of cool though anthem is
a brand new game that's come out and
this game is actually pretty damn fun
I'm going to tell you because it's just
crazy so you're this thing a javelin
like a protecting like giant robot and
so it's kind of like titanfall you know
meets iron mangers you can fly around
and do all kinds of cool stuff and
honestly this game is that hell of a lot
of fun
it just is this is really a fun game
some games I try them out and like yeah
okay they talk about all the graphics
and I play them and the storyline is
kind of like whatever this games just
fun it's mindless you
go around you do stuff you don't have to
like do all this planning you know you
know you don't have to worry about you
winning for your team or now you just
have a bunch of fun and do it so with
that said we wanted to see how the zotac
overclocked version would actually play
this game and so we did it on two
different settings we played the game on
its ultra settings this means with
everything turned it to its maximum and
we also did it on medium and also
something that we did this didn't you
know different this time around as well
is we use the talus m1 system if you
guys happen to miss that will link down
below this is a $700 system with this
garden it although it's pretty cool
it actually features a lower-end apu um
but that said you know if you don't even
want ever use a video card this
particular system you could jerk it off
with your github check it out check it
out of your system and get rid of it you
don't to worry about whatsoever but with
that said though let's jump in though
and let's check out the gameplay and I
think you'll actually be amazed at how
playable this game is on this card I
mean come on it really is only $149 even
if it's a wee bit overpriced check out
the gameplay
team update this is not going well
many casualties three losses down south
with incumbents caused from hearing the
okay so far but I can hear it too
the Japanese neighbor Pez get the moving
there's places in the world deadlight
cabins it earned its name
just needs a hard reset
this should get the early warning
network back up you and that did it
you'll need to manually check the
sensors now first ones nearby Oh baby
grab some supplies before you go
they come in handy
I'm going into the ravine
don't base the first sensor I need you
to access it
stick close so I can get a reading on
the shaker energy hang on
I'm detecting movement looks like
scorpions sorry you need to stay in here
the sensor so I can get a reading
scorpions are riled up but all they
probably haven't tasted fresh for my
movie today
hang in there I'm still waiting for a
what it's mostly mobile mostly this is
the early warning system if it's
detecting something yeah no sign of
sheer energy into the next sensor
Wolfe's I see us are holding should I
call in more freelancers no time
we can't risk this getting worse
here we go shaker roomies we're on the
right track looks like an echo lock we
need to
I'm trying to be said
oh good it's just controls restored your
that's the relic up there big one -
you'll need science it where I start so
there's it's a cumulus find them and get
them back in place
got one know the drill you'll be full
what's the relic doing I can't tell but
the energy book it's getting bigger
something's forming in there what is it
anything is possible look at the
waterfalls they're going backwards
it's working keep the echoes coming it
will collapse the energy pockets
just think absolutes being harvested
their pure creation something totally
new for me know it dangerous
they've had on the shapers still
in its side-by-side comparison really
how much detailed difference do your
eyes see between the ultra settings and
the medium settings now on the ultra
settings you guys can see that the game
is getting 43 frames per second on
average which is pretty good because you
know a lot of people out there arguing
over plays or 30 frames per second
you're good now for those people who say
no but has to be 60 frames or more where
you're getting 64 or frames per second
on the medium settings and you guys can
see it looks absolutely great there was
no hiccups no nothing even on ultra even
though you're only getting you know
those 43 frames per second you weren't
getting a bunch of lag it wasn't like I
was trying to play the game that all of
a sudden it was stuttering there was no
stuttering there was nothing like that
going on whatsoever and the gameplay no
matter which way you want to do it I
feel is playable now if you want to
really you know stick with that 60
frames per second then hey on medium
settings look the game looks amazing and
it's a lot of fun and when you're going
around shooting stuff up and having a
lot of fun does it really matter if a
tree doesn't have an extra shadow or
somebody's hair doesn't look really real
who really gives a crap all I care about
what I'm playing a game is having fun
and you guys can see no matter what the
settings are this game just looks damn
good okay so what do you guys think I
know that a lot of people totally hate
on this card and I'm not recommending
this card to you or anything else like
there so don't please leave me your
comments and say you're trying to
support it in between those crazy card
I'm a guy who tests Hardware out that's
what I do for a living I test Hardware
bringing you guys the results so all I'm
doing is bringing the information to the
table to you and I guarantee you there's
some people out there who do want to
know this information maybe a lot of
people out there who are like hey no way
all right to 5 70 beats it and this cart
can go screw itself well maybe they hate
it but for those people out there who
like the information you guys can see
that it does play this brand-new game
and it plays it really decent whether
it's on Ultra or whether it's on medium
sayings and like I said this cart really
is only a hundred and forty nine dollars
now maybe the 10 50 T I may do a little
better I haven't gotten you know the
chance to test that yet we all know that
there's some A&D cards that do better
but for me this is
Tech card needing no power except for
the PCI gives people out there who have
older systems they can't put a molex
cable in or they don't want to they just
want to get a card and slap it into
their system now if this card was a
low-profile card and so tech if you're
watching this please take heed if it was
a low profile card I think that a lot of
people would appreciate it and liked it
a lot better because there were a lot of
comments that said hey if this was a low
profile card I beat a lot more into it
but with that said hey we'll have links
down below to both the card into this
game so if you guys want to get this
game and play it and check it out or you
want to get the card and check it out
for yourself and it fits what you need
then do so I'm Mel you guys been
watching techni tomorrow like always I
appreciate you guys watching the channel
I appreciate you being here and hey if
you appreciate me hey you can hit that
sub button and you can try turning the
notifications on although half my fans
say that they never see the
notifications about one of 10 videos but
hey still thanks a lot we'll see you
guys back here on the channel
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