today's video is brought to you by
Braintree hey what's going on YouTube
world welcome back once again to the
channel so so far we've taken a really
close look at the brand new LG B 20
we've also taken a look at the brand new
iPhone 7 now both these smartphones are
really cool and have different features
for fans out there who want them but at
the end of the day which one of these
products is actually the most powerful
let's run some tests and let's find out
so first up everybody out there knows
about Geekbench it's been a standard
test been running for years and you guys
can see that the a-10 totally trounces
the Snapdragon processor in this test it
blows it away by a few thousand showing
the a tend to be the more powerful
processor next up we ran 3d mark 3d mark
is an industry standard test for doing
video cards laptops and now they even
have their own standalone test for
testing phones and once again we can see
that the a10 beats the snapdragon so far
the a-10 is looking pretty powerful now
let's check out a couple of more tests
now this next test is called speed test
many of you guys out there have probably
used it before it tests your internet
connection and how good your upload and
downloads are and you guys can see that
both phones did pretty well in this
regard pretty equal all the way around
between the a10 and the Snapdragon
opening up games and opening up apps is
something that we all do all day all day
long we keep opening things closing
things and you guys can see that once
again the a10 processor is beating the
snapdragon as the quickness in the
response from the Apple iPhone 7 is much
quicker than the LG v20
real quick folks before we get to the
conclusion I just want to give a quick
shout out to our sponsor Braintree
even the best mobile app will not work
unless you have the proper payment API
and that's where these folks come in to
solve all your problems
this is where brain trees V zero SDK
comes in one amazingly simple
integration gives you every way to pay
it supports Android iOS and JavaScript
clients and it offers a simple
integration that you can do in minutes
if this sounds good to you try it out
for yourself in the sandbox all you
gotta do is go WW bring three payments
comm /t o t Wow so okay a pretty quick
video but nonetheless it clearly shows
that Apple's brand new iPhone 7 with its
a10 processor is beating the crap out of
LG's V 20 with its Snapdragon processor
showing that Apple is clearly winning
the day in this battle now we have much
more coming for you folks we have the
note 7 and the s7 plus more so stay
tuned here on Tekken tomorrow for more
tech see ya
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