Are The Folks At Apple Smoking Crack Or Just Lame?
Are The Folks At Apple Smoking Crack Or Just Lame?
okay so I'll admit that this particular
video I held off on for a few days
because at first I wasn't quite sure if
what was announced was serious or was
really just like simple fools day you
know like making a play on a late April
Fool's because some of the announcements
that they made you know are just like
what is going on over there Apple I mean
have these guys lost their mind because
I'll admit I use IMAX from music because
I just like logic and we use them for
doing editing and stuff like that and
I've always wanted to get another Mac
Pro tower I have I used to love them we
used to have back in the day but it just
got too old and didn't really support
anything anymore so it's like okay it
out you know it it outlived its
usefulness and we've been waiting around
and so now all of a sudden we see that
Apple finally releases and says oh my
god yes we're fine they're gonna have
this open architecture you know new Mac
Pro well okay that's cool but look at
this thing first of all there's been so
many jokes on the internet about I don't
even know like anything I'd say would
probably already be like almost rehash
but it literally looks in a way like a
cheese grater you know so people are
saying like keep your eyes peeled just
see the new Mac you know and coming in
at six thousand dollars for their basic
unit I mean I'll admit I mean I pretty
much puts it out of my price range and
since I mainly do music I don't really
see myself ever you know investing that
much money and our machine you know it's
videos just fine the videos you've seen
have all been edited our iMac so they
all look good and they come across now I
have to admit that you know some of the
features inside this product they sound
you know pretty cool they got new Intel
processors these new Xeon processors
that are coming out they're gonna be
like kind of for the workstation kind of
environment but you know having an open
architecture machine that really only
people in the pro segment of things are
going to be able to get a hold of
I don't really know it's gonna go like I
asked Jonathan from TLD if he really
planned on buying one of these things
right off the bat and he said he wasn't
but I'm sure they're gonna probably buy
one and check it out they're all into
that Mac stuff you know but I can't
afford that and he pretty
said that even for him at the situation
were there and it wasn't going to be
optimal at that price so I mean he's one
of the biggest youtubers out there he's
got mere two million plus viewers tons a
hits and everything like that you knows
on his channel he obviously needs
something to work you know really good
and he said that it was just pretty much
not for him
so I mean hearing that from a guy who's
actually you know in the Macworld stuff
is kind of like well okay well if this
guy who's all totally in the max stuff
he doesn't roll and put his hands on it
then mic well I guess I might not even
you know pipe dream about the thing you
know so they have it out it looks like a
cheese grater comes to the market really
expensive it does have cool features I
mean if you were looking for something
like that they're even gonna have like a
rack-mountable version so you can get it
and put it in a rack mount so I mean if
you're into rack mount stuff and you're
a pro yeah it might be cool you're gonna
be able to get Vega to graphics inside
of it it has really fast ethernet it's
supposed to be a really SuperDuper fast
machine so somebody who out there who's
in the Pro segment market which isn't
most of us and probably not very many
people even watching this video
currently right now are actually in the
Pro segment side of things you know even
though I use my iMac and stuff I don't
really consider I mean I'm not making
you know the next Marvel movie you know
and these kind of machines are obviously
for doing editing and stuff like making
the next type of Marvel money hence why
there this price but for desktop people
or anything else it's a cheese grater
it's way overpriced it's really kind of
way overdue and yeah is it really all
that innovative I mean it's cool that
you can get to it from every side but is
it really that innovative I mean I don't
know I don't really think it is
you guys are PC you know you guys the PC
master-race you're probably going yeah
Oracle it's just get one of these things
so we can run it over and shoot it with
a bazooka right I mean I wish had the
money do that would be a cool video
right take it out get it out there to
get Joe Rogan to use like an explosive
arrow then he obviously had to get you
know from you know Hawkeye of course who
else is gonna get an arrow like that
from come on stay with the program keep
focusing all right to be a Hawkeye
getting real cool arrows you know or I
suppose you could go DC style and get
something from the
Green Arrow but you know that's up to
you now the next thing that Apple talked
about is a monitor that sells without a
stand right whoo-hoo on planet Earth
cells a monitor without a stand now
these are their new monitors and they
tout all this stuff you know they stroke
you off and tell you oh my god listen to
all these great features that are on
this thing you know oh my god it's the
next best thing to slice cheese and
slice bread and blah blah blah you know
monitor some comparison value or in the
ten thousand dollar range and we're
gonna release one to you for five
hundred and forty nine dollars entry
level prize they but there's no stand
now admittedly
you can get a stand that's just a
standard status that a little basis
stand for $199 but here's where things
just get completely really totally and
utterly stupid my initial reaction was
really what tough and that's because
they're selling a stand and it's a joke
they're all oh can do portrait mode it
can go back and forth the same Shh that
most every stand out there on a decent
monitor does and they want a thousand
dollars for it
have you lost your mind a pole when you
guys are in the market where you guys
what passing around a bunch of pot and
smoking and eating some brownies these
people good let's sell a monitor and at
the same time check this out let's um a
separate stand and make it $1,000 let's
give it to stupidest stupidest crap I've
ever heard of in my entire life in the
computer industry a stand for $900 Apple
definitely was taking peyote smokin some
weed or doing something crazy the moment
that their marketing team came up with
the idea for this craziest thing ever I
mean you could literally hear the
audience when they announced it like
check this out when they know and they
announce it the audience literally moan
and the protest and 9.99 and mike the
MacPro they'll all be available see that
like they're just like what they're like
yeah cool
you own this product see what the fuck
is going on here what
that's exactly most people's reaction to
is crazy
so after this announcement their next
announcement is oh hey you know we've
got a new addition to our OS coming out
and it makes Lee makes your iTunes play
better yeah it makes your iTunes a
little better
I mean works with your phone with iTunes
so you like you know I guess you're
gonna be able do some seamless stuff
with your phone you know with iTunes and
like it's gonna recommend some better
music for you and that's like you know
the big release notes on Apple's new OS
so for those who are out there in the
music industry you know this most the
time when Apple releases their new
release half your stuff just stops
working that's right and you either got
to buy an updated version of ProTools or
an updated version of this or updated
version of that costing you a bunch of
money just for upgrading to their next
highest OS which honestly is the thing
that honestly of everything that exists
in the Apple environment that one of all
is the one that just makes me angry and
pisses me off to no end every time we've
ever you know went to one of our
computers and we upgraded we're either
at the Mac store because our Mac stopped
working or half our program stopped
working I'm not even joking with you so
for them to release and say oh my god
we're gonna have this new OS out for you
that's gonna make half your stuff not
work but it's gonna make your iTunes
more friendly Jesus man I swear Apple
you have lost your innovation I feel you
just have you have gone crazy you're
releasing strange products I waited a
long time for a new Mac Pro you could
have at least made Mac pros that were at
least in that portable range for some
people with 6,000 bucks come on man
that's a halfway-decent good car mmm so
like I said if you're the probe segment
things and you got the money to spend it
well I suppose maybe you might consider
one of these but for everybody else
you're gonna be like yeah I'll just do
something different
by myself a cheese grater and a monitor
without a stand Apple you guys have dust
your mind and a new OS that's gonna make
half my stuff possibly not work and give
me better viability through my iTunes
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