Assassin's Creed III Liberation Limited Edition PS Vita Unboxing!
Assassin's Creed III Liberation Limited Edition PS Vita Unboxing!
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giveaways alright everybody welcome back
to tech of tomorrow I'm Elric your host
and you guys are probably wondering what
are we doing today well a little while
ago we did a video where we announced
that we're gonna be giving one lucky
winner a brand new Assassin's Creed 3
liberation limited edition game bundle
now I've got this thing right here
behind me and today we're gonna do the
unboxing and overview see what comes in
this box and what all the hype is about
so with that said let's jump in and
let's check this shiz Nick out
all right folks so here we go and you
guys can see the box I've got my trusty
little knife right here I'm going to use
which is a Christmas present my
cameraman last year you guys can see
it's the PlayStation Vita now I know
that this is not a new product but this
particular bundle in color actually is
so the Assassin's Creed 3 liberation
limited edition PlayStation Vita bundle
or fake nine dollars in savings cool
flip it around let's let's you guys see
the back of the box not really too much
exciting stuff there so we'll get right
on in and get to the inside of the box
so make a quick little incision right
here go ahead and just slide this little
thing out you have to make one more
incision looks like over here so there
we go all right there we go so there you
go it's a box within a box the old block
ception like usual got a little tab down
here we'll go ahead and pop that bad boy
ocean doubloon welcome to the world of
PlayStation Bienvenue danse Lomond a day
at PlayStation there you go pop it open
all right right in the top view let's
say you got some playing cards going on
so that's cool
seditions got some extra stuff here's
actually the game itself you can see
come to like a little SD stick and
here's the memory so we'll go ahead and
we'll set that down then we've got the
PlayStation Protection Plan for the
PlayStation Vita
I'll put around just more stuff like
that there's actually a protective
screen in there so we'll go ahead and
set that off here is the USB charger
couple a me plugs into the unit plugs in
your USB it's not USB three but hey
nothing into the world right here's the
other part of the power
and last but not least the cable cord
which is going to plug into here and
then this plugs into here and there's
your charging solution
KaBlam II was out of the way
fetch your QuickStart guide guide the
miss a and Lewton which might mean the
same thing in French move that other way
plus out what else we got going on down
here all the way at the bottom we've got
something here we've got the user's
guide and then finally we come to the
unit itself now from everything I've
been reading online everybody seems to
love the hell out of this PlayStation
Vita so it must be a really good gaming
console the screens a little bit small
for me I'm a little bit blind you guys
know so I probably miss Tracy the screen
that good my kids would probably
absolutely love it and I'm sure the
person who's winning it's going to love
it so we'll just show you the unit
here's the front of it you guys can see
the different type of controllers your
button controllers also got your toggle
buttons here your power on button here
you can switch through stuff here more
buttons up here on top more buttons or
you probably put the game in I've
actually never actually owned one of
these myself here is the power charger
the headphone jack show you guys slight
angle view
another side angle view I have to say
though in the past any of these things
I've ever seen never really seem worthy
to me
this one does seem pretty worthy though
this feels pretty solid in my hand it
looks good I mean it's a pretty solid
device here I'm have to say that if it
games as good as it looks and it looks
like there's even a camera if this thing
games as good as it looks then these
guys are definitely gonna have a solid
solution on their hands so alright you
guys have now seen the PlayStation Vita
this is the one one lucky winner out
there is going to get a chance to win
now I thank you guys all very much for
watching this video and if you'd like to
actually show the channel support
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