hey what's up Tec verse welcome back
once again to techyv tomorrow I'm Eric
your host and today we have something
very interesting on the table today's
video is actually sponsored by Colgate
that's right today we're gonna be
talking about the e1a smart toothbrush
that's right we're talking about a
toothbrush that actually has a smart
chip inside of it so this particular
it not only contract where you're
brushing on your teeth it can track the
duration and how many times you've
actually brushed your teeth as well
which is really kind of crazy and it can
actually store all this stuff inside of
your smartphone which you can access for
up to 30 days so if you don't want to
track your stuff daily you just want to
see at the end of the month hey how are
my teeth doing where do I need
improvement you can track it after 30
days and if you have little kids you
know kids that really don't like to
brush their teeth they actually have a
Colgate app where little kids can
actually use the app and play a game
which actually inspires them to brush
their teeth and make the whole thing
just a much more enjoyable experience
for your child let's just face it a lot
of times children can be a real pain
when you're trying to get them to take
care of their health but with an app
like this your kids and you can both be
involved together and why not make
brushing your teeth fun using the
Colgate Connect app is actually very
easy you just simply download it for
your iOS or your Android device and
you're up and going a very interesting
thing about the Colgate II one is the
way that it maps your mouth that's right
this toothbrush actually Maps the inside
of your mouth letting you know where you
need better brushing and what areas need
to be paid better attention to you can
also get on-the-spot feedback about how
you can better brush your teeth and
different techniques on how to achieve
this goal the e one features a great 3d
coaching program that can talk you
through how it Dennis would have you
brush your teeth
it offers step-by-step instructions on
how you can get 100% coverage B one
features sonic vibrating bristles a
lightweight handle and a sleek design
and vibrating bristles actually clean
your teeth much better than a standard
toothbrush can the Colgate e one is also
very easy to use and it comes with its
own charging dock and if you're worried
about hey what do I do to keep my
toothbrush cleaning I'm not using it it
comes to the nice little cap you just
slide on keeping your toothbrush
protected from the element
the brush head in the e1 will need to be
changed every three months and they're
actually very easy to change and the kit
actually comes with two heads to get you
up and going the bottom line here tech
fans is that your dental hygiene is
actually very very important your mouth
is basically the entry way into your
body and you want to make sure that all
your teeth and all your gums and or
anything or the absolute cleanest so
that you don't have to have your teeth
taken out replaced and wear dentures and
the better you take care of your mouth
the better your mouths going to take
care of you so this particular smart
product is actually pretty interesting I
haven't seen any other toothbrushes out
there that actually can map your entire
mouth which is kind of interesting and
the brushes the heads that's on the
brushes they actually clean your teeth a
lot better than a standard toothbrush
well the standard toothbrush you're just
going back and forth like this when
you've got a spinning head it gets into
all the crevices in your teeth it takes
away all the plaque all the although
just all the junk in your teeth and
keeps your mouth filling a lot fresher
so if you're a person out there you
really care about your dinner hygiene
you want to have an absolutely great
toothbrush then hey check out the
Colgate II one we'll have a link down
below make sure that you keep your teeth
nice and clean see
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