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BEST GTX 970? - ASUS STRIX Performance Review!

how's it going tech fans welcome back to another edition of tech tomorrow I'm Elric your host and check this out most you guys all know that the reference 9 series cards came out a couple of weeks ago to a very well-received audience and it seems like the 970 card at this current time is the actual sweet spot of the entire launch with that said though the non-reference cars haven't hit the market and we have a really cool and from the people over at asu's now this is their Strix and people are going what the hell is Strix well Strix derives from the Greek and Roman word for out so that kind of clears that up and they've had a few cards like this in the past as well so this isn't actually like anything too new what is really cool about the card though is the zero decibel cooling now what is that you guys are saying well zero decimal cooling means the fan does not move until you actually set the threshold for when it begins which means a card will run completely quiet with no moving parts until it hits that certain heat threshold also great things are there DC YouTube cooling which means they got their direct copper there are two fans and all that other stuff other points about the card are total quality components all the way around you're gonna see the cards very well-made it's not flimsy or anything like that at all it's just a solid well-built well-performing card with that said let's take a look at the specs the Strix 970 features four gigabytes of gddr5 memory and this stuff's actually really high-quality Samsung memory it features an eleven hundred and fourteen megahertz base clock and a twelve hundred and fifty three megahertz boost clock it features sixteen hundred and sixty-four cuda cores and has a 7010 megahertz memory clock the card size is in at 5.5 inches by 11 inches by 1.5 seven inches a true lady pleaser the card also features an upgraded 6.1 phase digi+ vrm power delivery system with super alloy components instead of the reference cards for phase power supply using standard components if you guys happen to watch us on launch day you've seen that a lot of the reference card featured two six pin power connector the Strix features a single eight pin power connector as far as the outputs of the card go it's pretty much the same song-and-dance we've seen before display port HDMI DVI and DVID so the specs and obviously this is a damn good-looking cart but hey how does the card run with that said let's check out the benchmarks and rock out to the benchmark song so that's it all the specs all the scores you guys can see this card is a really good performer and I feel that the nine sent me right now is the absolute sweet spot for 9 series performance as well as price versus performance this card's price right and it actually kicks a lot of ass now I know a big question on everybody's mind out there is like hey man how hot this card run okay under idle forty nine Celsius under full load 69 Celsius a couple things to note the zou Tech card its competitor the 970 series under full load the azouz card ran much cooler but in her idle it ran hotter now you guys are asking why this is because of that zero decibel cooling unless you set it to come on that fans not moving so it runs a little bit hotter when it's not doing anything like I said earlier in the video though you can change the settings on this so you have to make a choice do you want to be silent or do you want it to be cooler now for those folks out there looking to buy a car down below like button we will have pricing and availability so if you're a user out there wanting to get their hot hands on this card you'll be able to do so by following those links down below also if you're a builder looking to do multi card SLI with the 970 series you can only do triple SLI setups for quad you're gonna need four cards and they're gonna have to be 980 Americare on Tekken tomorrow if you guys like what you see sub the challenge you guys can see more reviews from me here on Tekken tomorrow peace out
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