
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place


hey fans and friends what's going on so today what the heck am i doing well I'm down at Kingston fountain vallye with David Leung he's been my man and my contact for many years you guys know we totally support these folks and today they've got something totally good going on so what's going on Dave hi guys start out for is like where's my microphone your microphones right here everybody here means that hello hello is this thing on yeah it's on they'll hear you okay this is alright as close as I want to get to are you sure come close now let's start so let's do this alright so what's going on here today here at Kingston what's going on well we have a hyperbarics grand opening here which is really really cool we did a facelift to our offices and so yeah obviously you said we're here at Kingston right that's right everybody knows we're Kingston we're if we haven't stayed at where Kingston we are at Kingston yeah not Jamaica either beautiful Orange County Orange County Orange County Kingston yeah and so you know what I mean brother Mon come on John keeps tomorrow yeah I Pro X Mon pipes the next month for you so so what works so what we're doing here with HyperX is that basically you know kate HyperX has always been for what 12 13 years now has been part of Kingston now that our high-end brand exact HyperX experience everything that's a high performance product from from Kingston gets the HyperX name SSD D Ram USB you know and of course headphones headphones which you know will be shown you that's right we got some headphones to rock out with you folks you're gonna like them so a long time when I came here wasn't this all like part of stores I could just one food storage area for Kings Ben yeah this was all like desks and chairs and things like that you know and like old computer systems and old parts and all that kind of stuff and so what actually is so-so like here right we're sitting right now what is this is kind of like the greeting room cuz I see there's some chairs we've got some of the product sitting in here so there's like a greeting room but as I look around in every different room I see more and more stuff so how many new rooms are actually here we have about four to five new rooms you've got all the we have three big conference rooms here which we're going to show you right now how firms are named after our memory lines now cool though you know yeah there's a fury comic road there's a savage conference room and there's a predator conference room all these rooms sounds so very angry are they painted in pink because these are angry sanding rooms no they're not okay now why are all some some rumors though about gaming rooms not you guys had places for actually gamers to game and like have five on five man competition what's up with that this is like gaming the robot I hear you know oh wait it's that too many second hold on yeah they were just inducted in the Hall of Fame this year rock and roll okay that's right yeah so now we're gonna dab some that Seattle boys that's it boy that's right David is from Seattle so if you don't know that boom reppin for the cold ones hey no waving at your friends wear your armor sir we have strict rules here at second of all you know long time yeah yeah it's like doing these videos are supposed to have fun or something this is serious stuff folks all right so that's a couple the rooms so what else though what other rooms are here that game you're like this is so cool though it's like say you know we spawn like a rabbit my nose itching our rabbit in here that Mike doesn't so really you know we do we sponsor like over 20 game teams and globally east and a lot of websites including me legit reviews and a lot of other people out there for many years and I give thanks for all the tech sites to David and his company for doing that thank you thank you we appreciate no problem your support we're missing mark tech enough though it just doesn't seem fine without the mad Russian I don't know why don't we just stick a camera he's not expecting right oh that's what we needed to do ambush in it so I see there's rooms what about a room though here of like for like building computers you guys have like a room for that here to get just a special permission it's a lab right I think we can not kind of like the Breaking Bad lab though I hope right hey if we have what else are you think we'd show you okay sorry seriously you know yeah yeah I was having a Walter White moment on the side of that yeah no so so about the gaming room so you know we have a five on five so that we can fight we can do like we leave 11 to go to to you that type of thing we can do a five-on-five gaming turn so 10 people gaming at one time via two different stations you know a fraud casting too you know oh wow yeah we can we can apply these sports casters here doing the whole game internally so pictures it you're gonna have competitions and this might be cool we could actually have competitions were like websites like mine challenge other websites to a battle of gaming where we can defeat our opponents in a fair fight and conquest of AI and clicking skills sure sorry alright it's okay you done personal moment yeah I'm done go ahead Shores you just let's start in Detroit all right let's go do the Troy let's sit here a taco let's walk come on guys so check it out we're at conference room number one the savage so let's move in and see what it is so Wow first off folks you're gonna see there's all of these nice chairs if I don't get one of these chairs for Christmas I'm telling you I'm gonna be angry so check it out hyper X maximum X comfort level I don't even get one of these in my house we have to thank our friends that need four seat who provided us these custom chairs it's beautiful these things are amazing day yeah yeah they are all over the HyperX offices here you know so this conference room here it's just more of an usual normal evening conference room you know we have some things that we're actually selling we're doing a because we're here back is that boys Dave I owe you guys a million dollars I thought my sandals were for me man I'm gonna cry now I'll give you a headset okay we'll make up we'll give me a headset on the table there all right well we got invoices in here and all kind of stuff and lots of chairs and we've got the HyperX cloud pickup purchase this is where people are coming in to buy the we have a special kind of a deal so it's gonna store going on things it's just the internal thing for today only that's that's what we have here and so every Cox room here it has a wall that's a complete hundred-percent whiteboard oh wow so you can write on everyone erase it you can read out that wall okay doc don't write on the other I want to start writing on all the walls Dave back they do not right next to the can I write on the TV or you cannot write on the video either see how David limits me and what I'm doing here I weird I find next room so we're out of the savage let's go see something else so check this out folks before we jump over and see the gaming room this is the room that snakes door to the room and now this room will probably be used for like guys like me and median stuff we can actually record and record and record and record record a record yeah we're redundant around here but you could be in this room today it's just being kind of a used for a cool room for kids to come and play games and stuff but you guys can see it's a nice room for the press to come and hang out while the gaming is going on right yeah exactly so if we're doing a gaming tournament you know next door we can add these sports casters coming here do all the broadcaster all the equipment is also you know the broadcasting Dave you can do all the broadcast okay yeah all the Oh coming to you live here and number four right now is winning you can see the killer's opponent he's dead he's dead oh he's down oh no all right well I tried all right let's go to see the gaming room hey guys this is the gaming room there's a lot of people in here so let's just jump in here and take a look at what's in here come on so check it out folks here's all the computers they start and go all their around the room here's the nice spot for sleeping in the middle of your gaming you can fall asleep right here a little pulled out bed you know can continue around and today's tech gamers are God Only Knows hey focus and loud enough can you hear me yes okay right here okay all right so JD hey hold on so hey they turn it on there go camera holy all right here we get them ready okay damn it all right folks check it out what do you re him rights of folks here we are I'm with the craziest mad Russian ever mark taken off here at the Kingston now what boom Brean now this is the audio test lab absolutely yeah that's right can you hear me I'm here okay C's so in here they have headphones and testing and microphones and actually if you guys were in the parking lot these are the headphones we'll be reviewing for you guys very shortly here now out in the parking lot there's this Bugatti car Jesus got some shots of it hmm and I saw the sky out there as well who did all the patents on SRS and stuff so you know the sound guy is walking around along with the sound guy now mark here though for me it's kind of confusing because you know everybody like has this guy they like look up to a flight want to know something about memory well mark is like the memory genius so how it up in headphones forgot I was kind of tripping but I guess you know they liked how it sounded yeah all right then so what's in your mark right come on we see tech station really out in test lab what we do here as we do the testing of our headsets when we bring it in from the engineering guys to make sure it meets all our specifications frequency response distortion sensitivity all that kind of stuff I do the testing in this lab to make sure that we see the highest HyperX standards basically and if it doesn't you just say nyet that's correct and he said it properly for yes nyet so if you swing around what is down yours it's like your personal area this is what we do our testing of our headsets and microphones and other things that we've worked on so basically we have some very high-end Micra for other things microphones and speakers that allow us to test the sensitivity of our headset microphone Wow well as we could take this do we test our ear cups to make sure that the frequency response and everything that we expect that of them is the highest quality Wow so basically the SuperDuper high instance testing this is the engineering side of do we want to go to production or not with this product oh wow so there you hear folks so before you hear it they hear it here in the lab with Mark tech enough and you heard it here first at deca tomorrow here we see one of the two conference rooms on this side we see the predator you guys can see that over here and then we have another conference room over here which is much much bigger and this is the fury and you can see the fury is a much bigger room has a big screen so people can talk game do all that inside this giant room including watch the World Cup if they were so inclined to do so and then after that we have just pretty much the other side of the building which is more greening and another lobby so let's check that out as we enter the tour as you can see down here they just got some more sections of computers they have somebody being interviewed from with our HyperX gaming teams they have some more tables there's a big red area with a lot of headphones on and to some other gamers and that's pretty much all there is to this new addition to Kingston HyperX
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