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Chinese Robot Kicks American Ass? WTF!

so check it what's more tech of tomorrow than a robot I mean come on robots are definitely the future they're the way things are going in one way or another they're gonna be a part of our life now we've seen crazy-ass robots and the x-men via Ultron we've seen happier robots we've seen it on with the little boy robot we've seen robots everywhere and they're becoming more and more relevant day by day now previously the people over at Cornell these guys had the longest-running robot in history made Guinness and everything else it was like 65 miles in 30 hours but check this the Chinese own by the way the name of that robot was the Ranger so the Ranger though is now getting its Ranger ass kicked right down the line by Yip the Chinese Americans getting their ass kicked by the Chinese in a robot walk this Punk am i right son not known for innovation whoo no more for you no imitation now these guys are actually seriously kicking ass because they have this new robot called the Xin Jie number one now this thing has gone the farthest that any four-legged robot has ever gone before this thing's actually gone 83 miles in 54 hours that's 340 thousand steps or 134 kilometers which is trust me a long long way and the Singhji number one did this on 0.8 kilowatts of power now they did this between October 24th and October 27th now I don't know what you guys think but robots are really cool now this thing's gone a long way for transportation and stuff like that this could be a really cool thing think about it you could have a robot come to your door which kind of actually kind of leads into the next story tip for today like picture instead of the Amazon drone coming to your house picture this you guys could have the Amazon robots hi I'm the Amazon robot I'm here to deliver your package robots you say Elric what about balloons in the sky that's right folks Google is now doing something that sounds entirely crazy and they're doing this with the Indian government this is Project loon which sounds crazy right ah Project loon yeah I guess you guys get it so check this out the whole idea is to place balloons in the sky and run your internet through these balloons so check it out your internet would be streaming snooze from balloon that might be right down the street from your house now they're gonna test this out in California and New Zealand so you folks who live in California you guys are gonna check this out and New Zealanders hey you guys are going to too so I don't know this sounds kind of crazy but it could be something really cool are we've already talked about like the drone thing possible delivery robot delivery but what about you know kind of balloon delivery I mean if you already get your internet stream and all this stuff through these balloons isn't there somehow we could have some kind of balloon little delivery system you know the balloon floats up comes down they migrated I guess it's still a drone but it's a balloon neurone so check that out that's pretty crazy right so putting balloons in the sky to stream your internet Google's really like stretching new bounds once again is totally tech of tomorrow by the way I want to ask you guys a question out there I'd love your feedback down below a lot of times I've been doing PC stories and stuff like that I know builds and stuff for what you guys like and giveaways but would you guys like pretty much like daily the latest actual tech news to fit more than name tech of tomorrow because I'm actually thinking about kind of like changing the format a little bit having like once a week a really cool PC like total thing that's dedicated to that but the rest of the time just actually bringing you guys the latest stories which would truly be tech of tomorrow let me hear your comments down below now the last story is all day long people are on their cell phones but how much time do you really think that you spend on your cell phone I'll give you guys look second just to sit there and think about it but your answers down below believe it or not actually a third of your life is spent on that damn cell phone so you talk about a leash people say I want to be free with that cell phone all honesty we're never free we're connected we're hooked up now this is kind of crazy I was watching this episode of sliders so many buddy out there I guess it shows my age but you guys ever seen sliders there justice owed where they have these people called on liners and off liners we're basically there's one group people that are all online they use the internet they're all teched-out and geeked out they even go outside and the other people who aren't on the Internet whatsoever they're all poorly like Liban checks which is kind of a crazy crazy thing but more and more we're actually getting to that point Lyonne technology everything about today's video is about technology robots obviously what do you think the first thing that robots are going to be used for obviously they're going to be used for labor that's just how it is in the past giant civilizations they use slaves we all know that slavery is up and uncool we've seen it in history so it's not a good way to repeat bad history but robots if they don't have an intelligence and they're just electronic does it truly matter if you use them and I know a lot people I say oh I'm going to lose my job and all this stuff but maybe wouldn't maybe you'd be a technician who repaired that robot or something else I'm sure that we can work it all out because think about it there are a lot of people that are crippled as well and robotics could help us well you guys know I don't have any feet like you can probably see me like shaking back and forth I remember first thesis on or anything but it would help me a lot it would be totally cool to have robotics to help people so I'm totally down with robotics as long as it's not a robot that's thinking that can make decisions because you don't want to rule making decision because let's just face it folks we're screwed and you need your robot with common sense is going to look at us and go what the is wrong with these people we should all get along love each other and a let technology intermingle with us so I'm mark you guys been watching Tekken tomorrow you guys want more information on these stories I will have links down below to them so peace out and we'll see you guys back here on teka tomorrow for more tech news
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