hey what's going on Tech fans welcome
back to the late Sunday edition of tech
uh tomorrow we're bringing you all the
tech all the time and today in the
Sunday edition we're gonna bring you
guys some really cool news stories that
have happened this week now first story
Nvidia you guys all know that g-sync is
coming out all kinds of monitor
companies have embraced this but now
there's a kit that's come out for Nvidia
that costs $200 and works with certain a
Zeus monitors I think it's 24-inch one
we have the exact models everything in
our story over on Tecna tomorrow but
this is kind of crazy cuz check it out
it costs 200 bucks limited quantity and
it voids your warranty so you're gonna
be like oh my god okay I just did this
to my monitor
I have no warranty and if it doesn't
work I'm like yeah so Nvidia I love you
guys but for me I kind of think this is
just kind of like good mmm I'll just
wait and buy what you must gonna cost
more money if I really want that
technology I'm just gonna wait and buy
monitor if you guys want check out the
full story give us your guy's opinion
make sure you guys check out the link
down there below like button down the
description here we'll have the full
story on this now we've got more stories
for this week Sim City now for the past
year they said Oh having an offline mode
no no no that can't that's like
impossible it can't be done well what
the frak all of a sudden that can be
done and you can have an offline mode
but there's been all kinds of problems
upon the initial launch so that's kind
of like yeah you can do it now but there
are a bunch of problems so what they
said couldn't be done well guess what
voila it has been done so you could sell
you know you could say hell hath froze
you know all right more stories now
check it out
you guys out there who are totally into
that Bitcoin mining there's companies
now making computers that's right that
are totally geared towards doing this so
now there's a company coming out that
they're gonna be breaking all these
computers to you starting off at nine
hundred and ninety nine dollars for
basically their entry-level
configuration and you can bust this crap
out all the way up to multiple video
cards and everything else now I've heard
some people say out there you know for
Bitcoin my video cards mean nothing I
will fully admit that I am a newbie
greenie when it comes to the Bitcoin
thing so we have an article about this
over our site talks about the company
that's releasing these systems as well
and I'd love to hear your guys's
comments about this because I'm
educating myself as well and thinking
about hey what kind of system should
Elric build for a Bitcoin system so I'd
love to hear your guys's comments on
that now last story of the week now
check it out folks we've got a bunch of
killer deals on stuff the first deal
though is 700 dollars off the 4k monitor
from the people over at Asus now trip
out on that and you guys have all heard
about this monitor it's very expensive
seven hundred dollars off is quite a
substantial savings and we actually have
more deals as well crazy crazy stuff all
right folks that wraps up the news for
this week on Tekken tomorrow Sunday late
edition why is it late edition well look
at this Sunday and well it's getting
late you know by the time G it's the
video is probably going to be even later
and the Sun probably won't be up any
more so hey guys like I said all of this
information will be down in the
description down there you guys can
click down there where link over to
websites we have full stories on this we
love your guyses interaction like I said
I want to hear you guys's comments hear
what you have to say on all the stuff
that we've talked about here today on
TECA tomorrow also if you're not
subscribed and you'd like to see this
stuff more often get it in your news box
hit this little box up here we'll all
have a scoop thing and you can subscribe
to take it tomorrow we can get our
in your box every day with that said hey
we got more videos coming for you this
week lots of exciting stuff check it out
storm stack
my Coolermaster we've got this big-ass
huge thing our tech Anthea Morrell is
gonna be believing full-system starting
next Saturday will start having videos
for you guys so it's going to be pretty
interesting as we deck this thing out
and move so with that said we'll see you
guys background check in a while later
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