Corsair Custom Bulldog 2.0 Unboxing & First look - What's in the box?
Corsair Custom Bulldog 2.0 Unboxing & First look - What's in the box?
hey everybody welcome back once again to
TECA tomorrow now today after my
doorbell rang we came downstairs I was
in for a giant surprise that's right a
giant surprise because there was this
big old huge Pelican 17:30 plastic
looking like it can carry a dead body or
a bunch of guns sitting at my front door
took a look at it said Bill dugg and I
was like now I know what this is now
today's video is sponsored by Corsair
and I didn't get paid any money for this
video whatsoever I only get to keep one
of the pieces of this entire system and
that's the bare bone components
everything else I have to send back so
just for transparence you know everybody
loves that's what's going on here
but the important thing is I am paid
zero money and the rest of the parts
other than one are going back now I kind
of feel like Indiana Jones today in that
movie where he tells that guy no hahaha
you know you bring a whip to a gunfight
because like I can do the unboxing with
a knife and they're like well that's not
gonna happen right now it's not to put
my little tool away now this thing is
like I said fricken humongous so with
that said let's just take a look at now
first I got actually unlock it it came
with two locks I'm surprised didn't come
with a couple men in black stand in
there as well because this is the
craziest thing I've ever received in all
my years of reviewing never before and I
received something that had two locks on
it that I had to call up and get the
codes for even to open it so before we
do anything let's real quick let's take
off the locks and let's see what's
inside this giant frickin box now I'm
just kidding here we'll throw it out
Jesus now let's throw it to Jesus that
was that alright here catch this whoa
lock number one and then lock number two
yeah no just kidding you back out there
I thought there were only a couple
latches but there are a ton of
latches on this thing there are latches
down here there are latches down here
whoo and then finally there are four
more latches here this thing's tighter
sorry man I should open this thing holy
crap all right damn that's heavy so
alright first off inside the box is the
Bulldog now the Bulldog itself is
actually a complete bare-bones system
comes with pretty much everything you
need it has the power supply built in a
liquid cooler and Intel z series
motherboard just all that's inside of it
we'll get to that they're just a lot of
stuff got a bunch of foam you have foam
foam foam at the cameraman who got it
that time that was pretty good alright
so let's see you're all right
core i7 7700 k core i7 7700 k everybody
alright that's the CPU I'll set that off
to the side then we've got the parts
inside of here we have vengeance lpx
ddr4 16 gigabytes this is a 3,000 mega
Hertz stuff Dixon see it nice stuff
Corsair Neutron xti 4 and an 80 gigabyte
SSD drive yes yes yes speed quick quick
quick quick quick we also have it inside
here the bulldog 2.0 this is the whole
bare-bones kit and how to build it and
all that stuff will be doing the build
this weekend so stick around for that we
can't wait to see how it comes out but
so we've got that then also inside of
here we have the corsair hydro GTX this
is their liquid cooled 1080 car it'll
fit right inside this awesome it ok so
everything's gonna be liquid cooled I
mean you know the important parts not
the memory or the hard drives or
anything like that
SSDs in this case so we'll just set that
off to the side and then last but not
least we do have the Bulldog in here so
the Bulldog I'm gonna open up for you
guys though and we can check it out let
me just get this out of here so all
right after that this giant crate is
empty so
should I throw the giant crate at the
cameraman what do you guys think not
it probably asked me to get extra
insurance or something this right here
though is pretty much what you can buy
on line by itself so if you're looking
to get a bare-bones system the bulldog
is itself a barebone complete system so
let's go ahead and let's see though what
it really looks like so take my little
trusty knife here my nice punisher knife
to me you guys have said you'd like to
see a complete video on my knife
collection so maybe i'll do that we're
thinking about doing different stuff
we're trying to as much pc as possible
though but i'm going to flex a little
bit if you guys say you really want to
see it I don't have a giant collection I
let the guy out about like fifteen of
them but they're all pretty nifty and
and and different in their own way let's
go ahead let's see we can pop the cap
now all right we got that I got that
so boom alright first of all let's take
a look at how well pack though this is
look at all the foam and everything
that's around the case so that you know
this thing's not going to get damaged
and shipping this is better than even
having dual wall so that's really
excellent for the shipping aspect of
what's going on here so let me pull this
little top box out here this is probably
going to have all of our extra little
parts and stuff like that a little
doodads for building the system's pop
that cap okay
so inside of here we have so you guys
get this we have the PSU DC cables the
PSU power supply cord we have the
instruction manual see what else is
underneath here it's pretty much all of
the cables the manual everything that
you're going to need to get your system
up and going these are our two point
five inch little drive bays you've got
stuff for doing all your table
management you've also got split us what
we've got going on here open this up
this looks like a ribbon cable though so
okay I know what this is now yeah this
is a ribbon cable for mounting your
video card which is pretty cool if you
guys saw me do some of other systems we
actually vertical mounted a card and
this is that same type of component so
you get the 3m double stick tape just
stick it wherever you want to get and
the cables in here pop this thing out of
here somewhere they got anything I'm
gonna rip it open up heck I guess I just
use my trusty knife I just don't want to
shock the thing so cut that open see
guys can actually really see exactly
what this is
so this is basically a flex cable for
your video card one slot goes in your
PCI the other for your video card you
can see right here your video card in
here then this goes into the slot in
your motherboard and you're good to go
has that really fresh computer smell to
it too so alright I'll gently set this
stuff off to the side though and we'll
take a look actually at the Bulldog
itself a mini kit system so much - stand
up for this one - let's get this back
down here this thing and for all
you guys are you know looking for the
total close-up and all the crazy stuff
like I said we'll be doing a complete
build on this this Sunday so you guys
will be able to see everything in action
as the system is built let me pull it
out of here okay whoops
alright a little magnetic little fan
cover seemed like it fell off there but
check it out let me take a look at it
myself - because first time I've ever
seen it in person power button fan area
looks nice and elegant check that out
it'll actually fit really well in your
living room for building an HTP see so
you can hook it right up to your TV and
all that stuff which is really gonna be
killer and for all your music all that
stuff there's plenty of room so let's go
ahead though and let's see what's on the
inside ah there we go
okay note to anybody who gets this you
kind of slightly pull it off you don't
actually pull it completely off you pull
it slightly back and then you push up
and that's how it pops off so just
remember that if you get one of these
yourself and you're going hey why can't
I open this damn thing so got a cable
all nice and connected here let's see
what's going on here there's probably
lights or something inside of here well
I'll probably see more that in the build
but I will go ahead and do a disconnect
this just for a second though so that
can continue to work without being
Harvard anyway so check it out
so looking deeper inside of the Bulldog
right here we have our CPU liquid cooler
then we have the motherboard down here
let's see we got the this is the Z to
7000 eye Bulldog so this is the brand
new latest greatest series chipset from
Intel on a nice little mini board room
for 2.5 right here
3.5 right here remove this you've got
more room inside the case cable
management as you guys can see there's
not too much cables at all to get in the
way of anything once you put the video
card in video card is going to go and be
in the system you're actually going to
have still quite a bit of room for stuff
and since the power supply is already
built inside of it you're good to go now
we have also this fan right here this is
going to be the fan for the CPU cooler
inside excuse me one second guys and the
video card like I said will be the hydro
GTX and this already has its own liquid
cooler as well so that's pretty much the
system you guys can see the rear i/o
plays for your video card video card
locking piece and this looks very very
nice it's got antennas so it's
completely Wi-Fi built-in don't have to
worry about anything most people who
have on you know stuff at their house
that use the Wi-Fi you don't have to buy
a separate car to rely on anything so
you'll be right on the internet and
everything directly through your system
with the Wi-Fi I like that it's a great
feature even still has some old-school
stuff that's right on the sides we see
ventilation all on the side right here
flip it around to the front I'll go
ahead and take this plastic piece off
here so we can see this a little bit
of all that plastic I'm all righty then
hey you guys see this looks pretty sharp
looks pretty futuristic it's very nice
and clean
looks like old school like expensive
minimal type of equipment now on this
side they're not gonna be too into
ventilation because the power supply is
located right here it's kind of actually
hard to see the power supply I like to
try to show to you guys a little bit
better though so I'll move this out of
the way maybe we can get this up a
little bit closer but the power supply
is embedded in this system right here
and it's very small probably one of the
smallest power supplies I've seen it
it's 600 watts so it's a lot of power
inside of there for such a small thing
and on the very bottom like I said
before this little thing pops on so if
you don't want to have that open you can
have it closed to not get any dust in it
either way it's your choice there are
four little nice feet keep the thing
from sliding all around and each one of
these little feet has a nice little
rubber grommet on each one to keep it
from damaging your furniture or from
sliding around too much and few folks
out there who have never seen this car
before let's go ahead and unbox it as
well so you guys can check that out too
so take off all this plastic remove this
plastic gets rid of its hole all right
whoo all right there we go let's see you
got a little cap right here in the
bottom okay
pop that bad boy pop it again I'm not
gonna go into all that cheesy stuff I'm
showing you the box and all that stuff
cuz you guys saw the Box let's see the
damn card that's what's important right
check it out the bad boy video card once
again we'll pop a cap inside standard
usual stuff your paperwork no foam
protection protecting the video card all
your drivers manual all that good stuff
more screws for putting in your bill
depending on what you're doing
warranty card set all that stuff up the
side let's actually check out the card
itself Oh pull this sucker out of here
and let's take a look at this thing see
ok so right off the bat though now to
tell you guys they're working with a
couple of people obviously in this build
a Zeus on the motherboard and now the
video card is MSI so this is the GeForce
1080 excuse me
GeForce GTX 1080 of course their logos
on the side of it those since it's a
conjunction with them single eight pin
power connector nice nice metal
backplate guts the nice dragon design on
there few people like that I like all
these little red covers on the card
though those all look pretty cool don't
see that all that much most cards don't
have that single fan design and as I'm
sitting here trying not to let this
thing fly around let's just real quick
take a look at the a IO on it so here's
the IO single fan single power corsair
fan all gonna fit inside of the Bulldog
so this is pretty much the stuff in all
the parts for the Bulldog build like I
said this Sunday will be doing the full
build so you guys can check it out in a
time-lapse so make sure you stay tuned
here to take it tomorrow like usual
though we'll have a link to all these
parts down below so if you're interested
in building the system and copying it
for yourself and competing with our
build hey you can do so and we'll see
you guys on the battlefield
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