what's up gamers welcome back to tech o
tomorrow where today we're gonna take a
look at Crysis 3 one of the most
demanding games if I come across my
desktop that's right today we'll be
playing it on my Red Dawn extreme
systems you guys can see back behind me
this thing features dual Xeon processors
these are the e5 2560 s I've got two of
them got the EVGA got their SRX
motherboard in there got like oh my god
a shit ton of RAM and they're too much
to even talk about cuz it's just frickin
redundant got a PCIe SSD the 240
gigabyte from the people over at OCC and
then I've got two of the kingston hyperx
drives in raid 0 giving me a ball most
one terabyte in raid so the video card
in there now is the gtx 690 reference
edition card and i'm gonna show you two
types of things today over-the-shoulder
gameplay where i can show you guys the
fraps and frames per second the corner
and then we've actually took some video
of the gameplay as well so you guys can
see both because i know sometimes with
it does get a bit choppy and we are
planning on changing that solution now
let's jump in right now I'll show you
how I have this thing set up
we'll do some gameplay and we'll watch
some videos let's go shoot some shit
alright folks so I've been playing the
game a couple of days now I've been
having a lot of fun
the graphics are insane now let's check
this out but a jump in go to the options
we're gonna go in here and go to
graphics right now I've got it in 1920
by 1080 that's the most you guys play
out there full screen obviously got the
anti-aliasing set up to as high as it
can go can't get any higher than that
xresolution as high as it'll go vsync I
turned vsync off for what you guys are
gonna be seeing in the live gameplay but
I did have the vsync enabled when I was
doing the recording I thought it might
have helped maybe not we'll experiment
and see so let's jump back we're going
to do it advanced
good put that in there when you go into
advanced graphics here you can see
everything is set to very high and just
drop it filtering all the way as high as
it can go I turned off the motion blur I
hate that shit and lens flare is on now
let's go ahead and jump into the game
and let's check this out all right so
now we've showed you guys how easy
everything to its most maximum you can't
set it any higher than it is now let's
see what that's all about see some trees
all the movement all the great dynamics
of the game
everything blowing places
he's bored here take a look at the water
let's take a look at the water
now I know there'll be some fools up
here for me to kill eventually I'm
actually out of ammo in my last battle
really like took a lot out of me so this
should be pretty interesting to see how
I affair with these tools is here
pretty tough AI in here it's not like
your usual way I didn't get too damn
oh boy here they come
why don't these guys die
there we go now we've killed us some
tools move a little further down it
should be some more people up here there
always is
come out and face you pussy where you
come on face me
a little sniper rifle now figuring that
come on out little fool let's kill you
oh well we'll move on
we are actual brother what of it you
still a little fan situation here
while just incredible hi everything look
at your systems graphics just draw you
in reminds me of Pirates of the
waterfall jumping whoo all right
getting closer to my mission objective
it's like a damn snake Romeo one your
primary target is in sight the system X
device is secured in a harvesting
facility several hundred years
but the control system is located
directly above you'll need to find a way
there will be bad guys
oh cool games
what is this I wonder
secret coal secret gold
Nanosuit upgrades Oh
books and data
you can go through the game if you want
to and you can check out all kinds of
different things but I just prefer to
play the damn game
Romeo bond situation critical cell
continues to operate the Nexus without
power for the stabilization matrix the
whole thing could implode at any moment
we're initiating operation jackhammer
bring the power output under controls of
system X
Oh what can be in there
so basically folks you can see from all
my gameplay whoa that kind of screwed me
up that's uh sometimes I'm getting up to
60 frames per second usually around 50
frames per second though 1920 by 1080
to maximum so now now let's go in here
and let's change the resolution up let's
go up let's take the resolution now to
2560 by 1600 frame rates are between 25
and 30 now and the game is barely
playable you can see it's jumping around
on me everywhere I go
getting blown up
now you can see it looks this is Nick I
it's incredible but it's not very
publishers where where's profit
but always want to guilty
as you guys can see with everything
turned on to full it's just not playable
but why don't we go in here and let's
make it playable so let's go back into
the options let's make some changes go
to the graphics we'll take the Santa
aliasing we'll take it down to TS ax
high we'll go back out of here
thanks graphics I'm not going to turn
the Esther stuff in filtering off turns
in 2x
let's see how much of a change that
all right so now look just those few
major changes I made minor changes I
mean the game is already much more
getting my butt kicked here
still not really too playable it's not
very responsive
so let's go back out let's make some
more changes this resolution obviously
we're gonna have to make some more
changes for it to be very playable let's
go back out here again the graphics
let's take the system specs just the
high now
already we can see that frame rates have
jumped up to almost 40
now you guys can see with that I'm
getting 40 to 50 frames per second
now it was I gotta get down that thing
down there suck it up move it
how'd it get over there the center over
all right folks now that you guys have
seen the footage from behind my back
let's jump in now and show you guys some
canned frappe recordings
Romeo one Fulton dam is fully automated
but the generators have failsafe
overrides trigger the overrides and we
shut off the power
we are in Quadrant two six
all right so there you have it man
Crysis 3 on the GTX 690 it's kickin
serious ass now you guys can see even at
2560 by 1600 if you turn everything up
it even brings the GTX 690 to its needs
so Crysis 3 is no game to sneeze at it
has serious power and serious graphics
requirements if you want to run it at
ass-kicking levels now obviously if I
turn to 1920 by 1200 or 1920 by 1080 it
gets a lot lot better so if you're a
person out there and you're going oh is
this cosplay gonna play on my 650 Ti and
stuff you're probably going to be
getting about 20 22 frames per second
probably if you try to turn it up now
you want us everything to medium high
you guys can see as I went through there
and I change the settings the game
became more and more playable so even at
2560 by 1600 you just got to sit around
there and screw with all the things and
then you can figure out where exactly is
the best combination you might try a
whole bunch of times you know I mean sit
in the computer change it play it change
it play it change it play it until you
get that perfect combination that you're
comfortable with that looks awesome as
well so that's it folks Crysis 3 shoot
him kill him new suit
people don't even think you're human man
it's awfully mean anyways hope you guys
like the style of video if so hit that
like button and let us know so we know
to bring you more videos of this style
if you not subscribe please make sure
you do so and we'll see you guys back
here on tech of tomorrow
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