hey what's going on tech fans and
Friends Elric here once again the tech
Oh tomorrow YouTube channel to bring you
guys the unboxing review and demo of the
brand-new Fat Boy Nokia wireless
charging pillow now what is this thing
well it's a wireless little pillow that
will charge anything that supports the
wireless chief function so that means if
you have like the Lumia 920 or you have
the Google Nexus 4 you can charge those
devices now this particular device is
very much kind of a novelty item it's
coming to market at about $100 so it's a
bit pricey but they're gonna have other
models for half the price that are just
your standard wireless chargers so with
that said let's jump in and let's check
out this very expensive pillow that you
can't even set your head on alright
folks like every good unboxing where it
starts off is with the box this is the
Fat Boy Nokia give your phone a power
nap you can see it's got a little red
pillow shows a phone the Nokia wireless
charging pillow by Fat Boy lay it down
power it up front of the box back in the
box shows you a bunch of different color
options black white blue yellow and of
course red like we're looking at today
Sony's a little pop the cap here
take the box top side like that and then
here we have the pillow those kind of
interesting you get that out there let's
see what else is inside of the box
alright so there's a few other things
let's just remove everything outside of
the box and talk about that stuff so
shut off there so what do we got here
alright we've got the Fat Boy the power
charger itself with its power connection
cable you can see it's a very tiny
little plug therefore the power
connector then we have the power unit
itself the plug which kind of strangely
does not look like it's a meant for
American soil now I think they might
have the adapter in the box if not I'm
lucky enough that I had another one of
these so I have another adapter so I
have the American one so it's not gonna
be any really big deal now let's go
ahead and just pull this out of here so
you guys can see this here's the actual
charger itself so you're really paying
50 bucks just for this pillow so I mean
I know some hippie girls in Oregon will
make this up for you for 10 bucks but
hey that's just me anyways we've got a
few other items in here got some
instruction guides on how to use it
you know just blam blam blam blam blam
cover it stick it in the way you go got
the Nokia while it's charging yada yada
just shows you some color stuff no big
deal there and just have more different
charging stuff basically the same exact
thing as the other one okay kind of
redundant so now folks let's go ahead
and let's set this up and let's show you
it in action alright folks and I've
plugged it in I've removed all the
additional plastic stuff that was on
there I'm going to go ahead and insert
it into the little pillow that you're
paying 50 bucks for then you just easily
set the phone on it and away it goes
and starts charging so it's pretty
simple and easy to do now if you guys
don't think you need the pillow at all
we'll have the link down description
below where you can
I the other one or like I said just take
a trip to Oregon
there are plenty hippie girls up there
they be more than happy to go ahead and
make you one of these alright folks so
there you have it the first pillow that
you can't sleep on but you guys can see
it charges phones pretty interesting and
it is a very much novelty item being
that it's a little red pillow you know
there's all kinds of chicks out there
they're gonna be like oh I'd like to
have a cute little red pillow to store
my phone and charge it on so for that
type of person this is gonna be the
great holiday gift you know some check
out there's gonna be like ooh thank you
so much for that pillow or if you're a
guy you know and you know you have a
feminine side here in touch with it then
you might want to check this out
like I said before they're gonna have a
version that's Wireless that's half the
price at 50 bucks so if you don't need
any of the fluff any of the stuff and
you just need a simple basic charger 50
bucks is what it's going to be so I hope
you folks like the video if you did hit
that like button and show me some love
make sure subscribe because like always
we have lots of contests and giveaways
always going on here at tech of tomorrow
see you later
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