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Finally Beating Diabetes And High Blood Pressure!

friends family and tech fans from around the world glad to see you guys back here now it's been about 12 days maybe 13 days now since I've been out of the hospital it's been really kind of an adjustment period because not being able to walk normal is definitely tricky and since I don't have any toes on my left leg and then my left legs you know when I can use it's really hard to balance like no way can I use crutches at all those are just not for me man me trying to use crutches is like the the leaning tower of pizza for Pisa Louie leaning tower at Leaning Tower anyways but instead of just going a little bit it just yep can I smack down to the ground and bounce my head on the sidewalk so don't want to be doing that anymore but health-wise I am doing really really good and also Jonathan Morrison from TLD he was totally really cool to start up this GoFundMe thing so if anybody out there is like like the person's going hey man I wanted to help you I'm here's the way that you can do so so we also have the patreon thing going on so there's lots of different ways that can go on plus when we put links and videos and stuff like that to Amazon that all helps in every way to keep going through stuff I'm doing good though I mean I'm definitely not used to changing my own IV every day but it's not really an IV I've got like this I can't really show you guys at my sweater on but the PICC line for you guys out there you know what it is a PICC line is this thing that they put in your arm and it goes like right by your heart and it's how they deliver medicine so every day I've got an unhook my vie bag up there change it clean it and do this and it was very stressful at first but I've got it down to a science I changed my diet a lot now I know a lot of people out there say hey man you know you got to go strictly vegetarian to beat the diabetes but my doctor says that for me right now going strictly vegan probably isn't the absolute best thing in the world because they said my body needs protein to heal so I've been kind of eating steak chicken salad steak chicken salad vegetables steak chicken salad vegetables vegetables take stick and salad eggs eggs eggs so every day in the morning I start off I have some eggs so I have some nice scrambled eggs in the morning folded eggs or even whatever or whatever kind of eggs are served up I eat those eggs in the morning for lunchtime it's usually a salad of sometimes with either chicken or beef and the same thing with dinner now there's been two times where I actually had a hamburger but my blood Sugar's still or low because I'd really didn't eat very much the rest of the day and climbing up and down the stairs and actually using this wheelchair believe it or not using this manual wheelchair is quite a bit of effort and a good exercise so as long as I keep busy moving around and doing stuff and just you know trying to live as much of a normal life as possible it's cool the only thing is though is that I'm supposed to get this foot back what's called a wound vacuum it's this device that hooks on like kind of just like sucks your wound kind of close by taking everything out of it and kind of closing the wound and I don't know what's going on my doctors have completely messed up the order and don't know how to get it and it's just I don't on there and it's a complete cluster you know the next word that comes with that so you know it's just it's not really happening but when that happens it's going to be very very more difficult for me to move around at all because I'm gonna have this thing stuck to my foot this machine that goes tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick all the time because you know it's sucking things away from the footing that tick tick is pretty much the motor you know taking it away and pulling it now I've heard that I can may be able to sling it over my shoulder it's just gonna be crazy I'm never this like wound thing on my foot slinging this thing over my shoulder and a backpack maybe who knows you know I mean and that'll be the only way excuse me there mm-hmm I'm gonna be able to get around and I'm I'm it's kind of you know I'm looking forward they say the wound looks good like I said I'm on a totally new diet before my doctor's did mess up on my diabetes medicine the subscriptions to it I mean you know I'm not gonna like point fingers or anything but yeah it was wrong one of the main differences was short-acting insulin all they were giving me was this very long and so on that didn't work like four or five hours down the line and when my blood sugar was high taking that really wasn't helping with my pills but now if my blood sugar ever gets over 200 I have this fast-acting stuff now here's what's even stranger though I really got in a briefs case about getting me this short-acting stuff because I'm like okay I needed it but since I've been on this diet my blood sugar has yet to be over 200 175 and 185 or the highest it's actually been and one of those days I actually broke my fly in my diet you guess you could say and I drank at I iced tea I'm evil I know but I drank one and my blood sugar was still solo because everything else I'm eating is really good for me I really didn't eat that good in the past I thought I did but no I really didn't pay attention to carbs I'll just like okay this looks cool it says healthy it's natural okay hey thumbs up I can eat this and that's just not how it really is however though even small portions though of rice or noodles as long as they're taken in small portions and earlier in the day time the calories seemed to get burned off as well as the blood sugar rising as long as I'm moving around and doing something so as long as I'm not just totally sitting still doing absolutely nothing which I mean sometimes I do is I'm sitting watching TV but a lot of times I'm cruising around my wheelchair like I'm trying to talk to Jesus we're trying to schedule the videos and talk about what's going on and then I'll go up to my room because I got to go up there I got to put my V in my arm and I got to take all these medications which sometimes make me sick and make me pass out and then I gotta wake back up and do it all over again so it's climbing up and down the stairway if you guys want to see it I can show you it looks like it's pretty funny I actually have to crawl like a dog up the stairs like literally to get up them this is funny because I can't throw any pressure on my foot to come down I kind of like just hop up my butt and then I'm down into my back down to my wheelchair so they become portable Elric and the dog he's running around he says I want to be in this video he wants to be but overall everything is good its new it's different not being able to walk they say the thing is healing up really good like I'm not a doctor but they say that it looks good it's nice and red and fleshy as what they said okay hey red and fleshy you don't know but they say it's looking good now hopefully with the wound back though it will totally close and heal I'm keeping my hopes up on that because I'm really stricken you know sticking to a diet as much as possible trying to get as much exercise as I can and just keeping a positive attitude and hoping it'll heal but if it doesn't totally heal what they'll do is they'll take a skin graft I guess I'll take a piece of skin off my butt or somewhere and then they'll put that over that and then after that battle bet will close it up and become my new skin but as long as I stay healthy and don't let my blood sugar or my blood pressure or anything like that go up I'll probably heal up and do pretty good so all you guys are absolutely great your best wishes and all your your your your great things you guys said have been so positive in every I just appreciate that so much god bless so many people around the world honestly so many people have reached out to me and helped me Rob thank you very much for the scooter ingo thank you very much for the advice all my friends man especially you know some people that I know Brian I'm Dell Rizzo he's been a great friend through all this helped me out through a lot of stuff talking to me because honestly this has been stressful and scary thanks to my mom just thanks to so many people out there like the list is so long I feel like I'm at the Academy Awards I'm trying to thank all the people that helped me with the movie and tonight we're gonna thank all these people anyways you know who you are you know what you've done I love you peace out and thanks for watching Tecna tomorrow your support has been generous and awesome
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