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Galaxy S6 & S6 Edge: Did Samsung F**K Up?

Samsung has just released their brand new galaxy s6 and s6 edge but did they fuck up alright folks before we jump into today's video i just want to give a special shout-out to my friend Jonathan from TLD he went up there to San Francisco and check that stuff out cuz you guys all know I'm injured and still laying here my butt but he got some great footage and there's a lot of cool things about these new phones from Samsung but first off you got to pretty much anything you've ever known about these phones as far as the design and all that stuff you pretty much have to just toss that out with the window and expect something totally totally different now these phones are made totally different obviously neither previous generations these are like a trifecta it's kind of like the galaxy s5 the iphone 4 and the iphone 6 we're all thrown into a blender and you blend them together and you came out with hey the new galaxy s6 and s6 edge now these things are made out of aluminum and glass and they look totally totally cool actually looks like one of the best phones you're going to see probably this year just as far as design goes now I know Samsung in the past seems like they've failed in some of the design areas people always complain though they're not up to par to all the new stuff well they've taken drastic measures to actually make these phones you know close that gap now with all that said there are two things though that stand out that are going to make users out there just go what and the hell is Samsung thinking and that is no more removable battery that's right so for those people out there who dug the fact of being able to have that portability remove a battery and stick a new one in you're not going to have that now to me personally I don't care about that feature I've actually never taken my battery out of my phone back got my s5 right here I take one of those little portable chargers around with me and I just plug the thing into that and away I go but for some people out there they're going to say I want nothing to do with that phone that's your choice now the next one is though no expandability as far as memory or anything else so you can't stick an SD card in there and get some more expandability what you're going to get though is that there are 32 gigabytes right off the bat all new models though have 32 gigabytes of onboard memory instead of the original 16 on the previous generation so what do you guys think is a new design worth sacrificing those features let us know down below in the comments now though let's talk about some of the really cool features of these new phones now first of all they each have a 5.1 AMOLED screen and that amounts to 2560 x 1440 resolution that's really a high pixel density and a really tiny screen think about this most big old monitors have that resolution so you're going to get that same resolution in a 5-inch screen so it's going to look really really clear another great thing is one-handed use as far as one-handed use goes my friend from TLD said that he would actually sacrifice and give up his iPhone his iPhone that's like saying give his mom way for Christmas almost like he's willing to sacrifice his iphone to have that so that's obviously a really really great feature being able to have the phone in one hand look at it operate everything on it that's actually pretty cool some phones are too big some are too small but this one's kind of like that story about the three bears this one's just right now the new Galaxy s6 and the s6 edge feature a lot of the same features they both have an eight-core processor they both feature a 16 megapixel camera they both have 3 gigabytes of RAM and they both come with Android 5.0 lollipop the house will all have the same 5.1 screen which features that 2560 x 1440 resolution now the edge just like the name implies has two edges on each side unlike the standard Galaxy s6 now the cool thing about the edge is that it gives you notifications shows you the time and it has a couple different modes it has night mode which offers lower screen resolution and lower obviously brightness and this helps conserve battery life so you can also set it we roll your finger across it so it actually brights up to the normal thing another really cool feature about the edge and this is actually really is a cool feature is that you can know if your phone is facing down who calls you by this color lighting up on the side of the phone check this out this looks really cool so if your mom's calling you family friend or whatever you can actually set them up V your contacts and when the phone rings it'll ring in that color also when it gives you a message it will show you that color so you set up to read if you know that's the absolute you'll want to talk to you is calling you up you can just totally ignore it and if it's green it's mom you know to pick up that phone earlier video I talked about batteries now the galaxy s6 enter has a 25 50 milliamp battery and the edge has a 2600 milliamp battery now this isn't going to really result though at all in the edge having better battery life in fact battery life in these things isn't that well at all we'll talk about that a little bit more but it basically just bounces out due to the fact you have that edge that extra screen will obviously that's going to take up more battery power true so to compensate with that they've given the edge a little bit bigger battery now one thing that my friend Jonathan touched on about the video is that one of the technology doesn't seem to really be advancing is battery life I mean in all actuality with my thinking every phone that I've actually got from Samsung the battery life just keeps getting worse and I'm not even joking about this at all my original one I hadn't had awesome stuff I had the note to that damn thing would literally last me three days without a charge I'm charging this every day and it seems like with the new and if I get it I might be charging twice a day so that's a technology that really needs to be worked on and I guess it's true they keep trying to make the phones you know thinner and thinner and thinner thing foot in your pocket you guys all saw the big ass been gate thing flew out there and all that shit but maybe having a little bit bigger phone with a longer battery life would be something to seriously think about both the galaxy s6 and the s6 edge both feature a 16 megapixel rear facing camera now this is the same as previous generations but there are some new features a much wider aperture allows for a lot more light to enter into the camera which allows for better close up pictures and more blurred background as well as those low light situations you'll get a much clearer picture now the front facing cameras also improved as well it's gone from a 2 megapixel to a 5 megapixel with all those same features one complaint that people had on the previous generation galaxy phones was the ability to quickly access the camera now all you have to do is double click the home button from anywhere and you're instantly into your camera another really cool feature is tracking autofocus now what this allows you to do it actually allows you to track the person while they're moving and still keep them in focus here you guys can see Lamarr Wilson is we're tracking him and you guys can see this feature works pretty well I was thinking about maybe doing a music video with the camera and seeing how well would actually do that and locking on to musicians actually moving around their instruments and just seeing how well it works now folks before i bounce out of here i want to talk about a feature that i think is actually really great and a lot of you probably were out there will agree and this is multitasking now both the new phones have this there's no difference between the two now if you go into your recent apps menu you guys can see there's a screen on top but if you scroll down below that you can actually open a second screen so not only can you access one thing but now you can XX to within that apps menu that's a serious improvement for people who like to do more than one thing at once this is a great feature so I'm network you guys have been watching tech of tomorrow this has been the video just pretty much introducing the brand new galaxy s6 and the galaxy s6 edge all the information will be down below I want to spend a special thanks out once again to my friend Jonathan from TLD for making it possible to use the footage from his video so thank you Jonathan we'll see you guys back her on techna tomorrow me and buddy the dog or out to have some fun see ya my hair he will be you
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