what's up Tech fans Kevin here at Tech
tomorrow we're finally seeing some major
PC game releases and today we're talking
about the sequel to one of my favorite
series reboots castlevania lords of
Shadow 2 now this is the third and final
entry in the lords of Shadow trilogy so
the important question is of course does
it bring a satisfying conclusion to it
we're going to find that out today on
tech o tomorrow
now where the first game left us off we
saw the main character Gabriel Belmont
transform into the longtime series
antagonist Dracula who you're still
playing as in this game so what this
means is that the first game basically
serves as one gigantic prologue to the
events of this one not only changing the
main character to reflect his new
vampiric nature but also moving the
setting from medieval fantasy to modern
day combos work identically to the first
game and several Dracula's attacks are
the same during his time as Gabriel
while you no longer wield an actual whip
attacks consist of lashing out at your
opponents with one made of blood now
there are a few changes to the game to
reflect your newfound vampiric powers
first off the fact that you can now
finish off enemies by sucking their
blood and regaining a little bit of
health one of the more noticeable
changes is to the game's magic system
before all that happened was that your
whip would glow either a red or blue
color and gain some kind of special
benefit like healing or increased damage
alongside getting some new moves this
time around however you still have
access to basically the same two powers
but now they also change your weapon
into being either a sword or gauntlets
offering an entirely different moveset
which is a good change of pace boss
fights are for the most part fun and
unique with each one having little rules
you need to learn over the course of the
fight one thing I am a little saddened
by is that there aren't really any giant
fights in this one like there were in
the first occasionally you have to grab
ahold of an enemy or climb up their side
for a moment but it's nothing like
taking on and climbing the giant golems
of the first game despite that missing
however what boss fights we do have are
still enjoyable and are varied and short
enough to keep them interesting now
another returning mechanic in this one
that hasn't seen too many changes is its
platforming with with the exception of
one or two little annoying bits is solid
throughout the entire game you almost
never find yourself feeling lost and
there's always a reason to go back to
locations later with new abilities to
get new power-ups and new explorative
skills are added at a healthy pace this
one is a bit more nonlinear than the
first four rather than picking levels
that you proceed through in a linear
fashion there's just two big locations
you travel through and revisit including
options for teleportation to help speed
things up now aesthetics is another area
that the game continues to excel at from
its predecessor especially in its
backgrounds and lead character designs
some of the enemies and monsters are
fairly plain but every major character
is really detailed and locations jump
between either being absolutely gorgeous
or so-so as I said earlier the game is
divided into two
locations the modern-day cityscape which
is for the most part the weaker of the
two visually and Dracula's castle which
has some of the most interesting and
beautifully designed backdrops well it's
not the most graphically intense game it
does manage to run nice and smooth on
our system which includes an i7 4770k
processor and an msi gtx 780 twin frozer
we saw an average of about 98 frames per
second on 2560 by 1440 and 155 frames
per second on nine to twenty by ten
eighty while having all of the game
settings set to max so as I've said
combat and visuals are really solid in
this game and are by far its biggest
strengths however once you get past
these two things you come upon two
glaring problems first off the writing
is just a lot weaker than the first
games which is a shame considering how
much that one built up the story in
mythology several events happen with
zero explanation characters come off
more stock and flat and despite still
having some great voice talents
including Patrick Stewart the dialogue
just doesn't work this is all made worse
by the fact that the ending which I
won't spoil is just entirely too short
unresolved and in some ways defeats the
purpose of what the overarching story
was originally about this one also does
draw a lot of its plot from the events
of the 3ds tidal mirror of fate though
thankfully the game does give you a
quick overview of the events at the
start of the game otherwise those that
skip that side entry would find
themselves completely lost then we come
to my biggest complaint and grievance
with this title stealth segments now
personally I am a huge fan of stealth
games and games that are focused on that
mechanic but it never really made sense
to me why a third-person action game
focused on killing things and fast-paced
action would try to shoehorn in stealth
segments that break that all up so in
this title even though you're the Prince
of Darkness and over the course of the
game kill some of the biggest most
ridiculously powerful monsters there are
these regular guards that you are just
never strong enough to fight ever and so
you're forced to sneak by them by
possessing rats turning into mist or
just staying slightly crouched in the
shadows I'm not over exaggerating when I
say that not one of these segments was
enjoyable and each time the game started
building up some great momentum there
was always a stealth segment interrupted
and bring that fun to a halt despite
these two glaring problems I do have to
say that overall I did still enjoy lords
of Shadow 2 removing the stealth
segments would have done wonders for my
final thoughts and while the story was a
lot weaker in this one it was still
bearable enough to allow players to
enjoy its combat doing one straight
playthrough will get you a bit over ten
hours of fun that the game can easily be
worth more that if you focus on tackling
it special challenge modes find all its
collectables and upgrades and of course
if you want to play through it again
with the unlocked heart or difficulty if
you're a fan of the first reboot or you
just want another third-person action
game to knock enemies around in then
lords of Shadow 2 is worth picking up at
some point though I personally recommend
waiting to have a price drop or two
before feeling like you truly get your
money's worth playing it now for full
price has a good chance of just leaving
you with a bit of disappointment
especially if you played the first game
and got hyped up so that was our review
of castlevania lords of Shadow 2 if you
happen to pick the game up already let
us know your thoughts on it in the
comments and if you haven't picked it up
and you want to you can check out a link
in description to grab a copy for
yourself if you enjoyed this video
please make sure to let us know with
that like button and if you're not a
subscriber yet then you should be we
have more game reviews on the way
including thief and South Park the stick
of truth until then I'm Kevin protecting
tomorrow we'll see you later
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