
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Gaming At A Resolution of 11.520 X 2160 Is Insane!

okay got some real cool gaming stuff going on today but before we jump into the gaming let's real quick here word from today's sponsor hey guys is soccer your thing are you into the players are you into the game well if you are check this out FIFA 19th has hit the market it's regularly $59.99 but it's currently on sale for $54 on SCD key and with an additional coupon you can get even more savings so if soccers your thing get into FIFA 19 today don't forget about the ultimate and championship editions as well to get your savings on just use the key SK 19 alright so if you're into soccer there you go FIFA 19 on the cheap even so check this out a few days back maybe a week now I talked to you guys about how's it gonna be setting up this three monitor gaming system with the ex3 203 monitors now these are those BenQ monitors that I reviewed there 32 inches wide they feature free sync they have HDR they're really just really nice monitors and they come to market at about $700 a piece which I mean seems a little bit pricey but when you're talking about building a giant surround area I mean it's really crazy and the numbers are on this and the numbers on this honestly are just in sane really insane I guess the dog wants so bad to me the video he's over here scratching my chest you can see pull them up here for a second since he wants to be in the dang video so bad so I just got this all set up this week we've got a pretty decent system going on and also going to be bringing you guys a video this week because I told you guys that you could build a really nice AMD gaming system for under $1000 I'm gonna be bringing that to the table this week as well so pay attention for that but right now though before I talk to you guys you know about all the different scores and all that stuff let's just take a look at the three games and see how wonderful they look on this set up now you guys can see the setups all back behind me I'm kind of waiting right now for a Zeus to release their product they have this product that you can stick in between the monitors that totally gets rid of having like you know looking it little bezel between them it pretty much gets rid of that altogether although when you're in game you really don't notice that you're so busy in the game and you're kind of your peripherals are just checking out all that you know extra landscape that you really don't even notice the small amount of bezel that's on it whatsoever I thought that I'd notice it a lot more when I was doing my gaming but I started playing the games I was like you know what this really is it that noticeable whatsoever so real quick though let's check out tomb raider in what I would call ultra ultra ultra widescreen so if you're wondering what the resolution is and what you're watching will you're watching it at eleven thousand five hundred and twenty by twenty one sixty that's right I said it eleven thousand five hundred and twenty by twenty one sixty now this is just huge pretty much going side to side it's almost like having 8k now obviously the up and now at 21 sixty that's just your standard 4k but with that number of eleven thousand five hundred and twenty that is just a lot of landscape now I told you guys I'd talk to you about the system so this is an AMD based system completely as well the CPU were running is the 1900 X thread Ripper CPU this is an eight core CPU with 16 threads really nice CPU honestly runs just as good it's pretty much any Intel CPU of I've ever seen in gaming next $3.99 motherboard 32 gigabytes of RAM we have a couple of different SSDs and hard drives in there to store all the different games now the only thing I feel that this system is lagging and you guys will agree with me is in Tomb Raider you know we're only getting 19 frames per second at this resolution and games got a little bit choppy in some places although it was never completely unplayable I'm gonna clarify that it wasn't unplayable it was just at 19 frames per second so the card that I have in right now is a Vega 64 I'm obviously I'm gonna go out and get another one put two of those in crossfire and see how much those scores improve because I just don't feel these scores are all that great but as you guys can see in Tomb Raider though I mean everything still just looks frickin amazing I think with another video card the numbers are going to go up even more now this next game it kind of does trip me out because dos X dou X however you want to say it tomato tomahto this game has been out for quite a long time and it only got 14 frames per second in mind you we're running all these games at the low settings if I put everything up to the completely high settings probably would even run this resolution by scope but you guys can see even this game though just looks amazing it's just right now a matter of getting the right power balance with this so that I can get more frame rates on the screen now I know there's rumors out there that that the brand-new 411 7 driver from Nvidia will support free sync and a workaround if I can't get the actual frame rates that I want with using two vegas 64's and obviously i'll switch up and I'll go to my 220 ATT eyes and I'm sure those cards are palet you know power this without any problem at all it'll do it like it's a breeze but I really need to work on getting that free sync feature to actually work and work well before I bring a video like that and make sure that everything works so there's two games out of three now let's check out for honored and this actually did pretty decent 40 frames per second better than the other games and the graphics will look really nice so we could probably turn the settings up on this just a little bit and still get the same performance as we were getting in the other two games the biggest thing about all of this though is just all that huge real estate and how beautiful I mean that looks I mean when you're in the game and you're sitting there playing it the distance that we're playing it the peripheral stuff just really goes all the way around your eyes so you feel like you're almost you know inside the game you're more embedded in the game now obviously if they had a way to make the surround sound so it went completely around you and like you maybe make BBB some kind of tricky green screen that they made that you know was seamless and went around and you had that that would probably make it really seem like you're in real life but then you're probably gonna have to use some of that stuff that's more virtual reality and stuff like that you're going to have to definitely do stuff like that because you're gonna want em you know be interacting with the game more now Nvidia says that with their new stuff that we're gonna see a whole lot of new change is in VR so hopefully we'll see a VR change we can maybe kind of mix this type of surround sound thing into the VR barn blend but make it so it's like more affordable so people can jump into it now the next thing I'm going to do though is I'm going to test my racing games racing games to me are like one of my favorite things to do I didn't really have a lot of time to do that actually the last couple of weeks have been really hard with the launch we had a lot of people getting sick and me sick too and everything was just like completely tumbled over and we've been trying to catch up with all this stuff since then but for the price of these three monitors you might go oh my god Eric you know three times seven hundred is just ridiculous well three times seven $2,100 I mean last year people were paying that for a video card my worth of it's just a fact so if you want this type of setup it's gonna cost you a little bit of money but if I get the chair let's share I have upstairs excuse me it's called the throne now the throne chair has vibrations and all this kind of stuff in it so I've got a force-feedback joystick this chair you know excuse me a racing wheel type thing I'll bring this video guide to you guys to you next week got a racing wheel all this other stuff now I know I'm not going to be able to you know make that huge setup like you saw you know if you went to CES or saw the videos they this giant car thing where the car is like moving all around it's like you're in a real car I obviously don't have the Duckett's for that whatsoever so I'm gonna do what's called the ghetto-fabulous version of that you know what I mean I'll still have petals and the joystick and all that stuff I just won't have all that you know pneumatic stuff moving me around like I'm really in that really in the game but I mean it'll be a much cheaper solution when we get that all set up I'll bring that to you guys as well now if you guys had suggestions as you always do what would you suggest if you were doing a setup like this with this particular setup satisfy you or would you just be like you know what at those frames per second it's really just honestly not worth it and and truthfully with those frames per second with just one video card yeah investing in those three monitors is kind of a crazy thing but I plan on trying different video cards and you know even putting a second video card you know in here to up those numbers but the point I really wanted to make with this video is just how beautiful and how great these their monitors work you know in a surround vision type situation and you guys can see that with that really small bezel man these monitors are pretty much I feel a perfect candidate for doing this type of thing now if they had a monitor that absolutely no bezel at all and you could pop them right next to each other that'd be even cooler but we haven't technologically got to that particular place yet and until we get there like I said I'm waiting for this product from a Zeus that they showed if you guys happen to miss this product it was actually really cool what it did is it is it fit in between each one of these monitors things start for turning around it fit in between each one of these things it's kind of a plastic thing when it did it spread the light and it made it through you were looking at it it really didn't look like there was a bezel whatsoever and honestly it was ghetto cheap it was like only like 200 bucks this particular product now I've been bugging these guys for like for the last year asking hey when's this product coming out guys I really want to show it off but it's always it's been delayed it's been delayed hey I don't know maybe it's not coming I don't know I'm starting to honestly think that though I'm starting to think that hey you know maybe this particular product just isn't going to see the light of day but why it's not I don't know the only thing that I can think of is maybe they tested it with their own particular monitor brenner only works with their stuff for some weird reason although I don't really know why that would be happening but that's really the only thing I can think of either that or they're just really not happy with it but I saw it at the event you know and I thought it was a really nice product especially for the price that it was I'd gladly pay it even for the way that it was working before me personally it would it would just make that experience just that little you know tiny wee bit better so I want to hear you guys suggestions do you guys particularly like these three monitors in this thing because I do I think it's a really great solution I'd love to hear your guys solution as well the system that we're using yeah it's a complete AMD system it's really kind of decked out definitely need another video card I mean come on 19 frames per second 14 frames per second and even though for honor had 40 frames per second still you're like what no but hey 40 frames per seconds getting close that's only you know 20 frames per second lower than most people feel is like hey the decent gaming value so if I get to 60 frames per second in all these games that would definitely be a thumbs up I don't know if to Vegas 64 cards will power that but I'm sure that two of the 28 he's had the cameraman shaking his head come on no way dude you're dreamin man you're on a pipe dream no just not I haven't smoked Jack diddly maybe and maybe I should maybe it'll make me think but anyways Cameron chickens have you saying no frakkin way so it probably isn't going to be enough power but I know that 220 ATT is will be enough to power this a decent framerate so that'll be the next video that we bring you guys actually you know what I'd actually wish I could hear from you guys what you would like to see first would you like to see 264 x' and crossfire first would you like to see the video with all the gaming stuff and a ghetto-fabulous racing setup first or would you like to see a video with 220 ATT eyes powering this this thing and see how it runs all have a thing appear will you guys can vote and tell me what you want it well whatever one is voted the highest is the video that will do so I'm Network you guys been watching taking tomorrow I gotta say this is a lot of fun it still has a poor potential we can still make it even better than it is now and make it more brutal and stronger but that's the direction we're heading so make sure you vote let me know what you want to see if you guys are in the soccer we'll have a link down below to that thanks for watching the channel we'll see you guys back here for more tech on teka tomorrow you
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