cockers trekkers and for those who just
absolutely love hardware shizmik you're
a tech of tomorrow we're always bringing
it to you all the time I've got my
special guest Leon from gigabyte and
we're bringing you more in our series of
z97 motherboards now this one is a
different segment than the one that we
looked at previously which was a higher
segment this one's a little bit more
affordable and we're gonna let Leon
discuss the different segments and what
this new motherboard is gonna bring to
you the end user so what's up bro it's
that man welcome back once again I see
we got another motherboard here their
ultra durable definitely and just like
you talked about the segments with our
z97 series we do carry four segments now
from our z87 we had three which would be
our performance our gaming our
overclocking and with our z97 we
introduced black edition what we have in
front of us here is our performance
Edition and this is our Z 97x UD 5h wait
so you guys are literally back in black
so we are back in black we have black
and gold though right on so this one is
actually in black and gold you can see
this is actually one of our performance
models we have a very clean box you guys
can get a shot of the back and see
what's inside
also some side shots right here front
the other side and lastly the back and
the bars being a Wang Chao China by my
name Chen Lee I'll number three section
five eight of nine all right so
basically guys with our ultra durable
motherboards you're gonna get one thing
ultra durable quality and so let's get
into it let's just open it up let
everyone see what we're gonna get all
right joining gets bored oh yeah so like
usual folks always we have the board on
top we'll take that out we're gonna move
that aside to our beautiful stamp but
I'll go ahead and break the seal here
for you folks let you guys just see that
it's gonna have that beautiful nice new
electronic smell oh yeah it does I love
that smell me too I just love a group of
that smell so here's the board we're
gonna set the board off
side real quick and we're gonna look at
all the accessories then we'll bounce
back and see this beastly bad boy
so Leon's got the contents out here and
it's nice and compact not a whole lot
but enough to get you going
so let's talk about it yeah what we got
what we have here we actually have a
user's manual we have the multilingual
installation guide books so different
languages just in case English is not
your primary language or strong suit
we have a driver disk for you and with
the driver disks we also have a lot of
software inside including our App Center
our cloud station and a lot of different
neat features that you can actually use
we have a program called gigabytes smart
switch so if you're actually not
familiar with windows 8 or 8.1 and you
want to have Windows 7 feet like
convenience but features of Windows 8
you can definitely use the Smart Switch
it'll actually give you a toolbar and a
start button you know as that what a for
I thought that was just for like you
know for dumb people I think that they'd
automatically just be sport and I
wouldn't have a better conversation with
them well it's about that slide to that
what Sarge says so smart switch will
give you that performance of the eight
Windows 8 as well as the convenience of
Windows Center so what does it like
change it like so that it looks like
Windows 7 like the interface that what's
doing it adds an interface a Windows 8
like look but it gives you the start
button with your programs and how
Windows 7 is later so it's kind of gooey
inside of a GUI correct oh it's pretty
and you can also select which which you
boot into so you can actually avoid your
metro tiles if you want oh ok cool now
all the other stuffs honors well the
like all your overclocking software
everything everything would be coming
into app center so all you have to do is
install app Center once click live
update it'll update all your
applications all at once you don't have
to go through click next next next
finish or anything and you can like dues
your BIOS and everything through live
update as well as live update actually
will update your programs but to get the
BIOS you would still need to download
the boughs from the gigabyte us site and
then actually use at BIOS which is
actually in the application suite and
you can actually update your file I
guess my question is can you still flash
this BIOS from the Windows environment
yes you can ok that's like an important
of a lot of people they don't want to go
full asses want to be able to click a
button and go right very important to
people out there alright so that's these
we also include four SATA cables to
write 90-degree angles and one straight
to straight for each total and then we
also have the back IO shield which is
padded right here for you we also have
an SLI cable for you and also a case
batch all right so that pretty much
covers just the package this would be
like if you guys were reading a written
review this would be what's called the
bundle section we'll go ahead and just
set this stuff gently off to the side
though and then we're gonna get Leon to
talk about this motherboard now you guys
can all see the color scheme is totally
black and gold which is really cool a
lot of people like that this this kind
of look Anthony Reynolds our tech he has
to be a black and gold freak he's gonna
really love it so with that said let's
take us on a little guided tour though
of this brand-new motherboard alright
and I'll work just like you said what
we're talking about we have different
color schemes this time around if your
viewers or anyone else if you guys are
seeing this video you guys don't like
the colors leave a comment let us know
we love to hear back from you guys we
always make changes to our products
depending on what the viewers say what
consumers say and we want to know what
you like I don't really think they'll
Leon there they would actually dislike
this type of a color scheme and even
though like we talked about I mean I
don't think is even a dislike any color
scheme I think that all the users are
probably gonna want you guys didn't
comment down below is I think they just
want to see more color options so I
think what I think really and you guys
can confirm or deny this I think what
our users would really like to be able
to do is to be able to buy this
particular board and just to be able to
get these parts in whatever color they
wanted to be I think that would be the
ultimate way to go for you guys
everybody else because then you could
offer this motherboard and say hey you
custom guys are doing a gold build hey
we've got the gold one we've got the red
one we have the blue one I don't think
they dislike any color I just think they
want more color options
all right well definitely if that's the
case let us know yeah alright so moving
on with the board overall the first
thing you notice is the heat sinks these
are very durable heat sinks you can
actually tell by the feeling of the
board it's actually a pretty heavy board
lots of weight there lots of weight the
regular four dimm slots across the way
we have the three PCI ease right here
lots of room lots of room for liquid
cooling closed loop open a
and air cooling all of that even custom
cooling so just to start off with we can
start off with the back IO
so with the back IO you actually see
that it has the D sub it has the DVI and
it also has an HDMI for if you're using
the integrated graphics we also have the
rear USB 3.0 so that's six of them total
all on the rear and we have two 2.0
right here and we also have to nix and
with the tunics one is an Intel NIC one
is a killer NIC so depending on what you
do with your board if you'd like to do
some gaming you want to have better
gaming performance on your internet
bandwidth so you're now often so you
have the Intel and the killer on here on
this one yes okay folks I don't know a
lot people say meant a lot of people go
I don't mean insult to the people at
real tech but a real Tech is a pretty
cheap solution it really is and most
boards come with a real tech solution
along with it having the Intel and the
killer on one board is actually it just
really is because the Intel one for me
is like my favorite other people out
there who know about are gonna like it
and a lot of people like the killer one
you're gonna get those features so to me
you're getting actually the best of both
worlds and the difference between the
two are small but very subjective and
that's definitely something we want to
point out because this is definitely
something that's been brought up to us a
lot of gamers saying hey you know we
don't we're not a big fan of killer but
we want to have it until Nick and we
also see people saying hey we don't want
an intimate we want a gaming Nick
exactly and so this is definitely a good
choice we try to balance between the two
but this is definitely from feedback so
any feedback we receive it's something
that will let our HQ know we'll let the
R&D team know and these are things that
you can see changes in in our future
products right so if you want to change
squeaky wheel gets the grease
alright not only that you can actually
see right here we also have the noise
guard this is an audio path separation
this separates our digital side from our
analog side and all of these are using
solid black capacitors rated at 100 um
110 thousand hours at 105 degrees so
those are on the realtek ALC 11:50
correct this is okay so that's a pretty
standard sound chip for most people you
know so so this is the 1150 yeah right
1150 is pretty much the highest sent
they have right now and is a lot better
than pre
generations it's not like jumping into
the creative or just some of those
things but it's actually a very solid
chip that's used in actually most boards
alright so next thing we can notice is
right but not interrupt you but now most
Bordeaux don't so great the audio though
right that's a big thing that's a big
thing so you usually only see that in
the very very high end boards my
competitors and by these guys now you
can see it technology trickling down
into the lower end boards which is
awesome right and all in that speaking
of technology the new technologies of
90s we see are m2 and SATA Express so we
can start with m2 right here this is
actually just this little connector
right here which allows you to put on an
add-on card for storage
this is next-generation storage and
there are different form factors so when
you guys are actually looking to buy
something like that make sure you get
the right form factor and the right size
there's actually two different ones
isn't there there there's actually
multiple ones depending on the key that
you have your it's measured by with your
length and then the key so our width is
actually 22 I know a lot of girls to do
that our width is 22 our length can go
40 to 60 or 80 and our key is a B and M
compatible key all right all right so
that's definitely the thing with
nitrogen so you guys should be careful
when you guys do purchase your m got to
storage okay just make sure you guys do
the research cuz you hate to order that
thing on Amazon have it coming to your
prime the next day you're like oh I
heard the wrong ones this is a hassle so
just make sure you do your research
before you place that order alright and
the speed of that is a theoretical speed
of 10 gigabits per second that gives you
about a thousand Meg's which is really
fast rock and speed alright and the next
one is our SATA Express so you can
actually see SATA Express right there
it's the one on the bottom with that
weird-looking piece that does not look
like a SATA connector the weird-looking
one yes so that is actually a SATA
Express connector which you're able to
do and that's also a next-generation
storage for looks like a display board
yeah almost looks like the exact same
thing as a display port and then once
again what's this one right here that's
an OC peg that actually allows you to
stabilize the power when you actually
use multiple PCIe cards so why don't you
guys get that or not but basically if
using a lot of cards on the board you
want the board to be more stable you can
use this that it actually is like adding
more power to the board
creating a more stable working
environment pretty cool stuff alright
and we have our standard debug light our
USB 3.0 some quick switches power button
reset clear CMOS and some triggers right
here that actually allow you to switch
between the BIOS and disable your dual
BIOS function let's see so how many
factors do we have in this motherboard
right here we have one two three four
five six so six six fan head so there's
six fan hairs in this board now all
these fan headers offer the new they do
at both feed p.m. PWM and therefore and
three pin but there's one thing I want
to note these two fan headers right here
they're meant for the CPU so users who
actually have an open-air set up who
actually have two fans on top of their
heatsink you can do connect both of them
to it ah okay so that'll be perfect
so that's good and it's also good for a
water pump you can actually connect a
water pump to it and it'll push out a
hundred percent power a hundred percent
of the time OCP oh that's awesome
so you guys can see Matt back finished
though on the PCB board front and back
always a favor River buddy um like I
said a lot of people out there do all
their builds specifically by color for
those who actually like this this is
gonna match it very very well
I like how the goal is it really super
bright in your face it's not like super
duper bling I like how it's kind of a
burnished it's kind of a board the
probably fits kind of a burnished gold
and I really like that I think it looks
very very well if you use that there I
know a lot of people are like not
they're going home what should we buy if
you guys are getting ready to go out and
you're getting ready to buy a new system
do not buy any of the previous
generation motherboards because they
will not support the new CPUs that are
coming out from Intel that's gonna be a
big change between the 97 and the 87 so
if you're going out there and you're
buying something new stick with one of
the newer boards like this one from
gigabyte definitely and even then we do
have different models like we said
earlier we have different series this is
our performance series if you're an
overclocker we have an overclocking
series if you're a gamer we have a
gaming series and if you're looking for
something that's very reliable what
about if you will play a player we have
a black edition okay alright then so
everybody's cover
so that's it folks now all these
motherboards have hit the market they're
for sale there are still some NDA
limitations on what we can bring the
table for you guys but as of Sunday May
11th we'll be able to bring all the
stuff for you so we'll have full reviews
of these or you guys can see what the
performance differences between the old
chipset and the new is so I'm a
protector tomorrow once again thank my
special guest Leon from gigabyte hope
you guys liked this video down below
that like button which I know you guys
are going to go martial art style on you
guys will see all the information where
you want to buy it more information on
all that stuff if you guys have anything
you want to say to leon directly leave
it in a comment down below and he'll be
sure to answer you guys directly back so
thank you guys for watching if you like
this type of video hate subscribe at
Tecna tomorrow we'll be in your inbox
every day
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