Happy Holidays, 12 Days Of Christmas & New Weekly GiveAway!!
Happy Holidays, 12 Days Of Christmas & New Weekly GiveAway!!
oh-ho-ho bitches welcome to our crispy
Christmas video brought to you guys in
glorious 4k and if you're wondering
today's video was filmed using the sony
a7s I'm just kidding cyan't commercial
but hey check it out it's Christmas Day
happy Holidays to everybody out there
Happy Hanukkah happy Kwanzaa if I missed
you we'll get you next year so it's
Christmas Day here in America that's
what a lot of us celebrate I know
there's a lot of people celebrate
Hanukkah I'm like I said there's a few
other things here but generally happy
holidays so first off thanks every much
to everybody who's been following the
challenge following us over there on
Twitter you guys see I've been giving
stuff away every single solitary day and
today being Christmas you're going to
definitely want to be over there because
today is when we're going to announce
the winners of the 980 TI and the huge
alienware steverson so if you're not
buying us on twitter you've been missing
out ah that's just all there is to it
now check it out since we're getting all
kinds of cool stuff all the time in it
from review for companies I decide that
we're gonna have actually a weekly
drawing now so every week I'm going to
do it on friday i'm going to draw a
winner and i'm going to pick from
twitter and send you guys a free gift so
you guys need another incentive well
there you go free stuff all the time so
I keep saying so so so so so so so it's
so holiday time right I know it is so it
is so my parents were out here and so
I'm gonna be taking a little time off
spend some time with my mom and buddy
the dog so you guys might not see a
video on here for a few days but we will
be back very soon for more videos got a
lot of stuff coming up got a whole video
based on smart home technology be the
basically the top five smart home
products for your home and they're
really cool they include like a doorbell
I have a thing it helps you sleep a
thing to actually monitor your house for
security a thing for cooking I mean
pretty much anything of your house its
kind of smart homie it's going to be in
there which is kind of cool so they like
basically starting from your door you'll
have security with a camera by motorola
then we'll have this door bird thing
it's like a ring doorbell type product
better actually but it's in the same
type of category guy this thing that
actually monitors your sleep and tells
you like how you're sleeping and what
sleeping to improve your sleep so you
could possibly sleep better that's
pretty cool right and then we got this
thing that we showed you guys actually
the previous version last year it was a
product that you guys use in your
kitchen now this thing's going to be a
real cool products it's a full-on tablet
but you can all get all your recipes all
your drinks and all this other stuff off
this product so it's going to be pretty
cool so stay looking out for that will
get that up for you guys probably next
Tuesday because we're going to take a
few days off way back to work next
Monday I wish I could take a longer
vacation but still four days is better
than nothing so I love you guys thanks
for watching the channel love it next
year we're going to do a lot more stuff
pc really there like we said we're going
to get back to our roots new test
station windows 10 all new stuff so
stick around we know you guys want
change we're going to bring it to you
love you hey you want to win prizes
follow me on twitter Jonesy's see you
happy holidays bitches
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