all right you're back and I'm back so
it's our time anybody know what movie
that comes from leave a comment down
below and I'll give you a free game
anyways beyond all that I'm Network
welcome back TECA tomorrow and today
we're going to do something that we
usually don't do but I thought it would
be pretty interesting to actually try to
debunk all the stuff I hear over and
over and over again about bottlenecking
I mean I got to say no matter what
system we ever build it just seems like
there's a billion people out there go oh
did you know what everything you've done
is just totally bogus the CPU is
bottlenecking that video card so you
suck so I decided to we'll start with
the AMD side of things and we tested all
of the brand new rising CPUs we tested
the risin three to 1300 X the risin 5 to
1600 X and then the rise in 7 1800 X now
all these different systems that we have
done you guys have seen in other videos
and will have links down below so you
guys can check out those vids as well
and they were all very nice systems with
with the latest 1300 X we just did
open-air testing it's the only system
that we actually did air cooling on it
has the spire Clarence we decided hey
let's roll with that so when you guys
see the temperatures you're going to
notice that that CPU does run a little
bit hotter now between the three systems
I got to say the 13 or next one is a
little bit sluggish if you start trying
to do a bunch of things all at the same
time but honestly it's really
entry-level doesn't cost a lot so you
can't really expect much but like I've
said before I really feel the 1600 is a
really nice sweet spot all the way
around other people disagree they're
like I've done the CPU but that's just
my personal opinion and opinions are
like assholes we all have them and they
all stink but that's mine so there you
go so today's video is really about
debunking the myth of how much totally
you're getting your the worst absolute
stuff from your GPU depending on the CPU
you're using because in all honesty
between the r3 all the way up to the r7
honestly I think going to be surprised
we used a GTX 1080 video card and
honestly the video card that we use has
nothing to do with the testing
whatsoever so you know why do I use a
580 honestly the video card is totally
pretty much irrelevant the base of
today's testing is to show you guys no
matter really what system that you have
in 1080p there's really not that much of
a difference you guys will see overall a
total of
maybe a maximum of six frames per second
less that's right that's it and when
you're doing 4k gaming it doesn't matter
you'll see the between the three systems
that there's absolutely really no
difference whatsoever in 4k because
almost all the 4k stuff is being
transferred over to the video card so in
that case it really doesn't matter what
CPU using especially if you're only
doing gaming so if you're a person out
there and that's all you do is gain you
nothing else maybe surf a little bit the
honestly that brand new stuff that just
came out from AMD 1300 X is really
really price efficient a whole system
you can get for round almost 300 bucks
and have a really nice little system you
can spend 100 bucks in the video card
and still be good to go or if you have
an old video card lying or I just want
to update you'll probably be good to go
so with that said though let's jump in
let's rock out to the benchmark song and
you guys will see how much the
bottlenecking thing I feel is really a
myth it's not killing the card all that
much at all sure it's killing it a
little bit but we're talking about a lot
more money now we'll get onto the Intel
side of things at a later date but for
now let's check out the differ between
AMD's entry-level top-of-the-line CPU to
their top-of-the-line CPU and really see
how much bottlenecking is going on let's
you need to move
all right folks so there you have it you
guys can see that overall even from an
entry level system all the way up to a
top-of-the-line system there's really
not that terrible bottle necking going
on sure you lose a maximum probably six
frames per second but at the end of the
day if you've got a really good video
card is that really going to matter I
mean unless you've got 144 Hertz locking
monitor with free sync it's not going to
really matter all that much you know
what I mean it just really isn't going
to so I have to say all the comments I
always see about oh my god that's CPUs
totally bottlenecking that GPU I don't
really agree I mean it does a little bit
of bottlenecking sure it does
bottlenecking but is it so bad that
you're like oh my god like that system
just totally sucks so let's just face it
let's just say that you have a nice
video card or like most gamers want to
do they want to spend the absolute
prettiest penny on their video card your
system you're like oh my god doesn't
only might onto that much I want to have
the best gaming experience so they go
out and they buy the top-of-the-line
bigger car when it comes out or they buy
a 1080 TI what really matters is how
well that card is going to do regardless
of manufacturer in the system and if all
you do is game you guys can see honestly
if you're buying a 1080i if you think
six frames per second is going to really
matter all that much it's not you'll be
able to 140 first Hertz gaming on their
GeForce type stuff and the same thing
with AMD freesync you have a great video
card you guys can see those few frames
per second I don't really think they
matter all that much especially if
you're on a budget so peace out like
usual like I said we'll have links down
below for all the different systems that
we use and we'll see you guys back here
on the channel for more tech tomorrow
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