How To: Change Liquid Cooling Colors for Water Cooled PC
How To: Change Liquid Cooling Colors for Water Cooled PC
hey what's going on my tech friends
check this out now today we're doing
something that's really kind of
interesting and kind of different here
on TECA tomorrow something you don't
normally do and that is we're gonna be
showing you guys how to do a liquid
cooler coloring that's right liquid
cooler color like what that frack does
that mean well basically means you have
a liquid core and you want to change the
colors in now nowadays a lot of people
do a lot of different builds and there's
a lot of different companies out there
today we're gonna be featuring a kit
from the people over at mayhem we want
to send a special thanks out to Michael
Wood for sending us this kit and now
we're going to show you just a couple
different color variations that are
available now they have a lot of
different kits out the one that we got
it just was basically a sample kit but
you guys all know if you know there
anything an art or anything in school
you can basically create a bunch of
different colors off basic colors and
that's what we're gonna do right now so
I'm gonna start off right now I'm gonna
put some white stuff in here now this
exact name of this stuff is the pastel
ice white concentrate I'm gonna begin by
just pouring a little bit of this in
here make it nice and little frosty in
there so you guys can see that if you
guys want to make it darker what you can
so I'll show you guys that as well this
would be cool and build like the tron
that we were doing actually were gonna
modify the tron and actually create a
water cooling kit Anthony's all pissed
off me about that he's like why it's
done but I'm like he's even flipped me
off in the background how but still it
has to happens so we're gonna be using
this kind of stuff and check it out it's
all dark nice thick white liquid with
lighting and stuff it'll actually change
the dimensions not the dimensions but
rather that color the way you view it
the color but dimensions I'm in another
dimension no alright then so next up
we're gonna throw in a couple drops of
red um it's suggested you just use a
couple of drops and then see what you
guys want to go with it you guys don't
know what I mean so we're gonna take one
two and three little drops in there you
can see now we've got kind of a milky
type of red I can add more to it
get it to be a thicker type of red now
by the way without any type of white in
there using the red you get a much
darker red but we're gonna go for kind
of right now kind of a military green
type theme because I actually Anthony's
next build is gonna based on the bomber
so it's got the Corsair 900 d and the
bomber case by that cool dude Bill Owens
who got kicked that thing down to us yep
thank you mr. Bill Owens a shout-out to
you for that the awesome case which
anthe will be working on next and so
we're gonna be showing you like
basically how to do that so this color
by the way for the actual name will be
mayhem 15ml red that's what this
particular stuff is we'll have all this
information down below the details below
the like button everything later but for
now let's just move forward so this one
right here is Mayhem UV green UV green
ultraviolet couple drops in there one
two three almost three there we go
kind of three big drops okay soon see it
changed the color now now we've got kind
of an orange thing going on so you guys
can see the orange all inside of there
it's kind of cool drop a couple more
drops in there change the color up a
little bit more you guys can see it's
changing and then for this particular
for the first demonstration we're doing
one tap it around a little bit they're
like a mixed drink get it all mixed
drink E in there you guys can see it
turned a kind of a darker orange but
there's so many different colors that
are available just by adding the
different chemicals inside of them we're
just going to show you a few today
because it's kind of cool now we're
gonna go with what they call blue just
plain a blue I guess the 15ml was just
how much is in here so this is just blue
one two three and now you can see we're
getting kind of getting towards a
militaria screen it's hard for me to see
because I'm over here the people in the
background should too I'll be relying on
them slightly for their thumbs up or
they were crazy it looks as it gets the
right color cuz the right now it's not
the proper color but we're getting there
add a little bit more blue into the mix
and then we start seeing that military
green looking
now this actually to me doesn't look
totally military green and we've sat her
today and done a bunch of them I wanted
to film them halt I guess if we could
have been here all day long doing it
different ones create different colors
this to me isn't totally the military
green that I particularly was looking
for with this but it's another color
variation now we're gonna stop for a
second we're gonna drain this thing out
we're gonna start with another color and
just show you guys some different
variations that can be done by the way
you guys at home who have ever tried
this we'd love to hear what you guys
have to say and I think it's kind of
cool with like the tip the way that we
did this thing for attestation though
because it gives you a good kind of look
at what it looked like in both the tube
and inside of the tubes inside of your
test station so with that said we'll be
back in a minute with a new color
alright folks will we drain the lizard I
mean the system and now we're back so
what's it gonna start with that pastel
white bass this time we're gonna go for
something a little different a little
kind of like more along the lines of our
Metro not quite exactly so one little
pour of that the Metro neither being
very specific that I need you just three
drops three drops like you're like
militant about it out here so this one
right here is UV yellow green three
drops no more like freakin bakers who
like you know hurt her knee or something
on me
you've ruined in my design Edmund hmm I
just work here so let's see here all
right three drops
one drop
two drops
three drops lure that it's getting all
yellow a yellow and yellow we now we're
gonna go to a different color and this
one right here is ocean blue or once
again the militant color people are
saying three drops so here we go one Oh
a two and then three drops so please
check that out looking pretty cool not
to me it's looking kind of Gatorade II
kind of glowing Gatorade II or you know
those sticks you use those nice things
that you break at night you guys that
I'm talking about you guys use my
Halloween that's kind of really what it
looks like quite a bit I think you guys
agree that's what it looks like but
there you guys can see another color
variation now just for shits and giggles
because I'm here I'm just going to
randomly grab something over here and
still add more color like this one over
here is kind of interesting it looks
pink let's see what it is
it's pink so let's see what happens when
we have all this UV color and we add
just one drop of pink it's getting murky
getting murky getting more swamped like
mix that stuff around real good not too
much of a color difference there let's
go ahead and make sure I've got pink in
let's add the two more required drops a
one and then lastly a to get it all on
the tube and get an interesting color
right there now I don't know exactly
what color this is I'm trying to mix it
all around there like a bartender here I
don't know exactly what color that is
but I don't know root beer I mean yeah I
don't know but hey it's just a color
variation I'm gonna keep going with this
because it's kind of fun so let's just
see what else we can do here I've got
over here some UV green so let's see
what happens when you add you've agree
on top of all these other colors one
dew drops and three drops a couple taps
mix it around like a bartender whoo oh
boy that is looking awfully kind of
wacky crazy colors are let's just keep
going though what I got here
let me keep going red let's add a little
red to the mix just keep going we're
gonna start over again folks but I
figure what the hell so one two three
drops of red back inside of there
see what we get going on here mix it all
up and there get it off the walls now
you guys can see we've once again got to
a kind of orange color once again this
is kind of a burnt orange this time so
you guys can see just by adding
different colors you can get this so if
you guys had a system that was all like
burnt orange eeee you could do that we
keep going add a little bit of blue see
what we get see what we do when we add a
little blue so here we go 1 a 2 up 2
there we go and lastly 3 now this to me
looks almost exactly like where we got
with the original coloring that we were
doing so it just shows if you actually
just mix a whole lot of colors
eventually you kind of get two green one
type of green hence you know what I
think if you mix them all together you
just call that sewage because in that
basically with sewage is every different
color every different type of thing
turned into green and that's what we've
got here the motley green so let's start
over again though using a different
color base and see what we can come up
all right folks one after another
draining I am back now this time we're
gonna do something a little different
this time and we're going to start off
with a different base this time it's
going to be pastel sunset yellow I'm
gonna go ahead and take off the top off
that bad boy and get just basically kind
of about a half a capful probably in
there and pour it into the cap and just
pour that stuff over on into here PAH
boom we're at the bat you guys can see
it makes a cool-looking yellow kind of
toxic this is almost kind of all the way
almost on the way towards the Metro
theme here you guys can see it's got
that next up I've got
once again we use this before this is
the UV yellow green I'm going to use
three drops of this stuff in here so we
have one two and three and then tap the
old thing to get the old liquid down
there tap tap tap tap tap tap another
tap tap tap you guys can see it already
starting to get all blinging it up now
this right here resembles pretty closely
what we used in the metro metro a little
bit more I think but this is getting
pretty close now we got one more we're
going to use right here and this one's
called a still is blue bear that's right
the berry and I don't really know how
much blue bear to use so I'll pour some
out I'll try it in little small steps
and we'll see how it looks so here
blueberries a different color all
together so check that out this is gonna
be pretty awesome looking and stay toxic
green now look at that totally awesome
that just a little bit more blue in
there to give it that extra bling bling
bling and look at that that is just
amazing looking now that's really cool
so many different color variations can
be used by just taking more or adding
actually they're adding more adding less
actually so but like I'm saying you can
go forever with this I'm just showing
you guys a bunch of different ways of
the Pelican basis I think this looks
pretty awesome looking now we're gonna
once again change the color base and
show you guys another color theme so
let's go alright folks and now we're
gonna bring you something a little
cooler for those people out there who
like purple and wine this is for you so
we're gonna start off with the blueberry
that's right
blueberry is always a tasty flavor right
so once again getting come over here
pour ourselves about a half of cup full
of that dump it on down into the chamber
now first off I really want to say how
cool this looks by itself though like I
could roll right now instead of going
the direction we're going I could take
this and add a darker blue and make this
a darker blue in the tube you guys can
see this is like an aqua color blue so
if you guys would want to make a color
like that you could also make it like
Windex color depending on which
looking for now what I'm gonna do right
now is I'm just gonna add a little bit
of UV pink basically probably the three
drops and this is going to color this
into purple so we're going to do the 1
the 2 and the 3 and now you guys can see
this is a badass-looking purple really
cool-looking actually kind of matches
the tech of tomorrow theme actually
protects from our if you go to our our
youtube channel if this kind of purple
is actually kind of you know prevalent
inside of our color design so like I
said if you also want to take this to a
wine color though you could just add a
little bit of red you got a little bit
of red you can make this reflect wine
red red wine three drops will be fine
alright so there we go mix that in there
now to me this kind of turned actually a
darker purple not quite the wine I was
looking for but let's now take a little
bit of blue and let's see what happens
when we add a little bit of blue into
the mixture as well so we get another
three drops two and three now it's
starting to get a little bit of that
green color not totally though still
getting darker and darker purple as we
go now I mean trying to do something a
little bit different see what else I can
get going here because to me is all
experimentation folks really the point
of this video is to basically show you
guys that Mayim has this really cool
bunch of different kits that you can get
and with those kits with enough time and
enough trial and error you can pretty
make you can clue that you can pretty
much make whatever color you so desire
obviously it's gonna take a little bit
of trial and error you're gonna have to
do some experimenting at home this was
really cool that they made this because
it gives us an excellent way that we can
test everything outside of the case
first and get a pretty close active you
know measurement of what we're doing
it's not quite totally scientific but
you know if we had a half a spoon of
this the drop of that you know it
eventually equal to this you know kind
of like baking a cake so right now we've
got this color I will go ahead and just
add a couple more
I think we've got some of this this
ocean blue here see what ocean blue does
to this one two three
ocean blue in and on me - I'm ocean blue
and so are you so basically it just
seems like it's getting to be but this
basic blueberry theme it's getting
darker and darker purple so instead of
getting green less I add more blue you
can see those just keep going more and
more towards purple now a little bit
more red just to see what it'll do
because this actually I would think
would take it to me now at this point
more to be a wine type of color and
there we go and we'll be back into the
second with more on liquid cooler
coloring all right folks so here we go
the last round we're gonna start off and
now we're gonna try to make something
called some orange and some toxic orange
so I'm gonna start off once again with
some red here pastel red I've opened
that bad boy up put a little bit in the
chamber you guys saw once before we use
a little bit of red now we're gonna use
some more red put that in there now
you'd have used a very light amount of
this you get kind of a semi orange color
even right now so get a little bit more
in there the nice solid red color
starting off there now we're going to
move up now we're going to use some of
the sunset yellow concentrate once again
this is a pastel color - whoa
a little spillage there a little nuclear
waste get that going a little bit more
orange in there the variety Brody Brody
Brody Brody all right so check that out
so now we've got a really cool looking
orange going on
pretty cool right now we're gonna move
it up a notch we're gonna throw in some
ice white and change up the color a
little bit more now you guys can see get
a little bit of a different color there
I'm gonna step it up a little bit now
I'm gonna use some UV green
now we're getting even different type of
color orange in there with your bass
call that you start off with you're
gonna get a lot of colors that are
similar in that same range of colors
trying to take that you know into mind
so if you put white you start pulling
color it's gonna be a lighter version of
each one of those as you add more
different colors and mix them around now
I'm gonna continue on adding a little
bit of blue and we'll see what blue does
now blue usually always turns everything
to green so let's see if it turns this
once again to green and yep now we see
once again another type of green so
check that out shake that up now that to
me doesn't actually look that green that
actually looks kind of more like a root
beer brown or kind of a maybe a light
wine or like I was saying before you
could make your system trying to make it
look like oil this does has a very oily
look to it it's a light oil you could
darken this up make it a little bit
darker and then you would have something
that definitely looked like oil so
that's pretty much it folks I mean the
main purpose of this video was just to
thank the people over at mayhem for
sending us out this color package we
want to show you guys how simple it was
though to actually go ahead and
experiment to get the exact color that
you want so no matter what color that
you want in the spectrum ma'am has a
color that will match now this
particular kit is one they also have a
brand new kit they just came out with if
you guys are interested in doing stuff
like this you guys might want to hit up
Michael Wood and his company mayhem now
all this stuff is made in England so
it's got a little bit of fish and chips
in every single purchase that's right
and I'm just kidding but that's pretty
much it folks hope you guys like this
video it's a little bit something during
that we normally do around here
but we thought you guys might like to
see something cool like this this test
station all the parts and everything all
right we'll have anthea rows give us a
list of what he used to make this so if
you guys are looking to make something
similar yourself you can do so so thanks
for watching Dekker tomorrow everything
will be down below that like button
which I hope you guys will hit
appreciate this video in the description
if you're not something you like this
type of stuff then hey hit that sub
button and subscribe to take them out
we'll see you guys back here for more
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