How To Get A GTX 1050 Ti Or RX 560 For Under A $1 (Closed)
How To Get A GTX 1050 Ti Or RX 560 For Under A $1 (Closed)
okay Tech fans today's video may make
you feel a little bit weary because the
sponsor of today's video is the super
evil make it Corp that's right the super
evil Megacorp let's check out their game
so check it Tech fans we all love a cool
game now vainglory it's totally free to
play it's a real-time player versus
player MOBA mobile game filled with
dragons heroes and other actual players
that are waiting to fight by your side
or actually against it now you can
master 37 playable heroes across a
variety of themes and play styles and
you can unlock different skins and
talents for each character while you
play with casual ranked and brawl game
modes you can play vainglory in five
versus five three versus three or even
play other players in a battle royal
mode you can also play BOTS by yourself
or in a co-op mode featuring easy touch
controls you can use your character's
attacks and abilities to destroy the
enemies vein crystals to come out on top
you can also play van gory on a variety
of detailed maps and watch your heroes
defeat your enemies with i popping
animation so if you're looking for a
cool mobile MOBA game look no further
vainglory five versus five might just be
for you
alright so hats off to our sponsor if
you guys are interested and checking
this thing out we will have a link down
below so what's today's video all about
we know that the industry has gotten
very expensive on video cards it's
getting really hard to get anything if
you want super high end video cards
we're talking about price in the $1,200
range like the other day I actually saw
a Vegas 64 selling first $1300 we'll
actually be bringing you a full review
of that card we tested it with 30 games
so be on the lookout for that
but today we're actually going to be
giving you guys two different video
cards that's right not one but two
different video cards the first the
zotac gtx 1050 TI very very nice card
nice entry-level car they'll play all
the games at 1080p nicely and best of
all and guess what one of you lucky zat
winners out there from around the world
or here at home this could be your car
now the next
now the next card is an Asus rx 562
gigabyte card and that card is right
here so I don't if you guys have ever
seen these cards before but just so you
know what you'll be getting let's say
let's show you what you'll be getting
something a little different here that
we haven't ever really done so let's
just actually show you what you'll be
getting in case you're wondering so in
this particular box you'll get the card
itself a couple of old manuals there's
no actual driver because they you know
everybody gets their drivers off the
internet and then here's what the card
itself looks like it's actually a very
small card so if you guys are wondering
hey will fit in my system I got a small
system definitely this card will fit in
it a very nice card simple all around
but hey that's it so if you're wondering
what you're going to win this is it
something different right put that right
all right and in the other box this card
the Arctic's I go over here and pop the
cap on this little bad boy you can see
it as well just in case for some reason
you have it now this part is a little
bit larger card in the Box in here you
actually do get a driver CV and you do
get a little speed setup so it blows you
out there don't know what you're doing
there you go and by the way this card is
a brand new part I just got it from u8
the other day so - fan design a little
bit longer than the other card but still
a nice card I Oh about the same the back
of it so those are the two prizes so I
know the next question is going to be
okay well how are we going to do this
well in the future after this particular
video my girlfriend Shan she's gonna be
doing everything for us when we got a
lot of nice stuff coming up working with
inner max a Zeus just lots of companies
we're gonna be doing a lot of gleam
giveaways in fact probably next month
we'll have a few a month what's even
better is that this will all be done and
be given away from the company so I
won't even have to be involved I'll be
able to pick the winner all you guys
gotta do is do your part and those
products will be sent directly out to
you guys so it's gonna work out
absolutely great
I'm gonna be able to give you guys just
all kinds of tons of from the
sponsors so you guys are gonna get just
lots and lots of stuff from us
on tech of tomorrow and I know lately
I've been doing a lot of personal videos
and we said we're changing our videos
around and doing stuff getting back to
our PC roots but all the testing and
everything that has to be done and I'm
trying to launch a website and all this
stuff right now and get that done it
takes a lot of time and you guys who
follow the channel you know I've had a
lot of health issues I've been really
sick my blood pressure my blood sugar
everything I had a hole in my foot so
like we're getting our stuff together so
please bear with us so now you're
wondering how can I win these cards or
it shut the frak up and just tell us how
to win okay
so here's how you gotta win okay we're
gonna be giving these cards away over on
Twitter not for those that Google oh I
hate Twitter I don't want to use Twitter
I don't know why it's simply you don't
have to do anything there you can simply
go over there do it and enter the
contest and we were randomly picked the
winner so it doesn't matter I don't go
okay well this guy has this many subs
this many likes it's not done like that
so you don't need anything plus on
Twitter it's very easy to contact you I
send you a direct message you send me
your address I can send the cards
directly out to you it just works much
better and Carl will or Andy mr6 fing
wizard if you have to be watching this
something's coming your way buddy so
thanks so you got to like this video
share this video and then go over and
leave a comment over on Twitter and like
my Twitter page and follow me on Twitter
simple things cards cost money it cost
me writing running the business and if
you look oh my god just like give stuff
away and don't do anything I'm sorry man
everybody knows there's no such thing as
an absolutely free lunch and in order to
do this to that's why I have a sponsored
video because I get so many sponsors
videos so that I can afford to give this
stuff to you and then we all work it out
all our kids got to do is pay little
shipping money and you get your good
stuff so there you go I thank you guys
for watching the channel I think this is
a cool thing a lot of people out there
don't even have video cards to play
games whatsoever so now is your chance
to get your hands on a video card
without paying a bunch of extensive
prices ain't worry about any of those
silly minors out there and getting your
money and rising your prices yeah
something like that anyways like usual
all the details about this will also be
download like but hopefully you guys
will like this video
and guess what in two weeks from now
we'll be announcing the winner on
Twitter so please make sure you do all
the things we asked share this video
like the video Twitter I like a comment
I'll have a little post over there on
Twitter too that the talks about this
stuff so you guys can go and make your
comment over there and then we'll pick
it so that's it
peace out thanks for watching we've got
more coming lots more
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