today's video is brought to you in part
by doctor phone having a lock screen for
your smart device is a must in today's
world but with different pins and
patterns to remember it can be easy to
forget the right passcode to get into
your device doctor phone unlocked for
Android removes the hassle of trying to
unlock your device without a password
and all in just five minutes doctor
phone can also remove four types of
Android lock screens patterns
fingerprints pins and passwords so no
matter what lock screen your Android
device has you won't have to worry about
that with doctor phone and best of all
you don't have to be a tech wizard to
use doctor phone either was simple and
easy to follow on-screen instructions
anyone can unlock their Android device
in just minutes so if you forgot your
passcode or maybe just got a secondhand
Android device with a lock screen let
doctor phone take the stress out of
getting your device unlocked without
losing any data ok so following on the
heels of the GPX 1080i giveaway I
decided to why not just continue the
ball rolling with a few more killer
giveaways now the giveaway today is
actually really easy so if you complain
about this you'll just honestly you'll
complain about anything and it's just
getting kind of old to hear complaints
that are just completely meaningless
like saying that oh you know I don't
have a Twitter account so it's not fair
just because you choose not to
participate in social media it's not my
fault or anything to do with me there
are parameters for everything that goes
on and that's just the way that it is
but today the parameters are pretty easy
now let me be very clear
I'm not picking the winner out of my 600
K subs okay that's not how it's going to
work the winner will be picked from the
comments left down below and that's
pretty much it now in order to qualify
for this contest you must be subbed to
Tek of tomorrow gotta get something back
for putting out my money that's just the
way it is and by the way few people out
there were saying I'm making millions of
dollars off of subs honestly you gotta
quit hitting that crack pipe brother
because subs mean absolutely nothing on
YouTube absolutely
they don't get me any money they don't
get me any viewers they don't get me
anything if you don't believe me go
check out Linus's site where he has a
video that clearly says I have six
million you know six million subscribers
and none of them matter because
subscriptions don't matter so you're
leaving a comment saying oh yeah I'm
using you to get your sub to make money
no it's just ridiculous it looks better
to have more subs and I'll admit that I
mean obviously for someone who has 6
million subs looks better than a guy who
has you know six hundred thousand subs
I'm not going to deny that whatsoever
but that's all that it really is it's a
visual thing or maybe just a pride thing
of hey I have this many followers but it
doesn't make me any more money not a
penny doesn't get me any more viewers at
the end of the day doesn't the bottom
line is it doesn't make me any money
which is a lot of you people keep
implying that I'm making all this money
off the stuff on the NVIDIA GTX the
1080i review lots of people said oh yeah
me and video are making millions of
dollars in advertising money really I'd
like to see this millions of dollars in
advertising money that you're talking
about how is there any advertising money
from you going over and leaving a
comment on Twitter saying why you'd want
to win the card where is this where is
this advertising dollar you're talking
about who's paying is so twitter is
paying us if you make post on Twitter I
mean seriously you really didn't need to
think about what you say before you say
it because a lot of the comments
we're just honestly so far out there and
left peel I just had to sit back and go
okay I'm not even gonna pay attention to
this anymore because it's just
ridiculous now today's giveaway is
pretty cool PayPal
spending spree so yes you have to have a
PayPal account and a PayPal account is
free and so if you're gonna say I'm
making money off you're getting a PayPal
account once again I'm not making a
penny but I'm not going to be able to
put money into your PayPal account if
you don't have a PayPal account can you
understand that it is pretty simple
logic so I'm gonna be giving away three
things $100 $50 and $25 awesome stuff
I'll PayPal the money directly to your
account it doesn't matter where you're
at in the world if you're on planet
earth you qualify as long as you can get
yourself a PayPal account and I believe
PayPal is available almost every country
that there is
now you can qualify so all you need to
do is leave a comment down below telling
me why you think it'd be cool to win a
paypal spending spree very easy stuff
very easy all you have to do is leave a
comment down below you know down below
down here very simple of why you think
winning a paypal spending spree would
help you out and maybe make your life
just a little bit better for that
momentous time when you get it once
again I'm not picking from my 600 k sub
so don't leave me a stupid comment
saying oh I don't want to enter because
my chances are only a half a million to
one so I don't want to participate
because I've got a big stick up my butt
don't have to worry about it it's being
picked by the comments down below this
video if that's too much for you then
please just move along with your day I
don't need to hear your comments your
complaints telling you how unfair and
how terrible I am this is money directly
out of my account right out of my
account money that I earned my personal
money it's not coming from a sponsor
it's not coming from my mommy it's not
coming from anywhere but out of my
PayPal account which means it's my money
so show a little respect because I'm
giving you some of my personal money in
this giveaway it's very simple to do
once again I'll go over it for some
people who happen to not be following
along we're picking the winner from the
comments down below to win all you need
to do is leave a comment down below
telling me why you'd think that winning
a paypal sprinting spree would be great
for you I will pick the winner in 15
days from now I will announce it here on
the channel won't be on Twitter won't be
on Facebook won't be anywhere else but
here on tech of tomorrow and yes in
order to win the paypal pissed spending
spree you have to have a PayPal account
which once again I must say I'm not
making any money off this PayPal doesn't
give money to me for you getting a
PayPal account but I cannot give you
PayPal money if you don't have a PayPal
account so please are you with me on
this because it's very simple and if you
truly don't appreciate me giving money
out of your pocket and you think this is
all just some Ponzi scam that I'm making
money off of man I honestly feel sorry
for you because your world just must be
absolutely terrible for you to think
such stuff I'm doing this just to give
it thank you back to my fans that's this
is all about
I appreciate the fans I always have so
there you have it
PayPal spending spree coming out of this
guy's pocket no sponsors nothing else
first winner $100 second winner $50.00
third winner $25 and like usual down
below that like button will have
instructions for you to read it for some
reason you couldn't have follow along
with this video so there you have it
PayPal spinning spree on me peace see
you later
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