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How to Overclock Your CPU Using ASUS Dual Intelligent Processors 5

Tech fans welcome back once again detective tomorrow we're today we've got something kind of cool to show you with our guest Jay Z from Asus now I don't fly to you guys know about optimization but now we're going to show you some from these guys which is five-way optimization all software oriented on their mainstream and WS series motherboards for 2014 so without me talk anymore let me just hand the floor over to JJ and let him tell you all these great things and how you can optimize your motherboards the absolute most that you've ever been able to do now well thanks as always meant for having me appreciate it one thing to clarify though definitely is that this is a software level functionality in terms of how you interface it within the operating system but this is hardware based so this is not a question of just you thinking that it's software overclocking this is working on you know a hardware and firmware level so there's full interaction this is actually making full adjustments to the UEFI just like I don't know is that actually from the users actually faces alright for the users themselves actually going to making any hardware changes they're doing it all through the 100% but I think it's also important that we clarifying that too because I think you know we both known that even though we've now shown you guys here at taken tomorrow and in the past in other videos as far as showing you guys our automated auto clocking technologies there's still some people that sometimes might only think that this is just a pure software implementation and I think it's really important because the complexity of how we have this work and the effectiveness of how it really works really only comes through because of the advanced combination of it being firmware hardware and software base so it's a process of really leveraging all aspects of how the system comes together so like your messaging mentioning here you know real big focus that we did when we first designed and developed Auto tuning as well as now with forward optimization in the z87 based platform and now 500 optimization for z97 is trying to make sure that when a user takes advantage of one of our you know mainstream series boards or WL series boards that they're going to have essentially the easiest way to be able to fully take advantage of their system get it overclocked get it calibrated in terms of fan speed so that it's cool it's quiet it's easily adjustable in terms of all those points as well as even be able to have more advanced levels of functionality how they can take performance and even assign it to specific item always in the Windows environment correct all easily so that's what I meant when I said by software not for the user they're basically for them they're going to speak either clicking a mouse for them it's very very easy all the technology thing you guys have already done all the hard work double user there's going to be click on the GUI going oh wow cool that works awesome yeah no definitely it's it's a very seamless process for the user so what we've gone ahead and done here is we've opened up the a sp3 system utility so this is pretty much the same as the last generation we've gone ahead and overhauled and made some changes here and what we've gone ahead and done is if I just click back and I go here to this big button that says 500 optimisation this is pretty much integrating each one of the individual modules like the TPU the fan expert the digi+ the EPU function and the turbo app but it's all self-contained in one program so we're just going to go here and you can see right here we have fast tuning extreme tuning and we're going to select extreme tuning because extreme tuning is going to allow us to dynamically overclock the system just like a normal user would where it's going to increase voltages it's going to increase the multiplier it's going to make setting adjustments to things like the power of erm and you know phase response the phase loading policy OCP and a whole bunch of other you know technical parameters if you were manually overclocking a board inside the UEFI right and we're going to do through the ratio which means it's just going to increase increase the multiplier but if you wanted to do BC CLK overclocking that's also supported but for this generation we've taken a lot of the feedback from the community and also from our experience and really evolved how we can go about the auto tuning process in the past what we've essentially done is we fixed a maximum target voltage of one point two seven five we did that because that was the realistic limit of what probably most cooling solutions on the market could handle even though you could maybe put more voltage than that it really wouldn't make sense because you wouldn't be able to thermally control that level of voltage so this is us also keeping in mind hey we're keeping your guys's safety on your hardware and also relating that to what the real cooling solutions are out there in your ecosystem right now in addition to that if we run it's once again reference the older design it would dynamically overclock the system up to whatever the CPU and your cooling solution your memory your power supply your line level quality from your wall all those things would allow for that could be maybe four point two it could be forty three it could be forty forty-eight it all varies but the great thing is exactly it's specific to your system but we've gone ahead and done for this generation is even taking it further - a lot for some really cool granularity and control so you can see right here we have ratio start from that means that if I want to start the audio tuning process from a specific frequency I can go ahead and do that so instead of it starting from just the pure stock frequency if I wanted to start from forty one and then just ratchet up from there to short maybe the auto auto tuning process you could go ahead and do that now if you want to go ahead and even get a little bit more specific there are some users out there that we've seen in the community that sometimes they buy their hardware and even let's say if they oughta tune their system and it could do 4.6 they actually don't want 4.6 for some reason maybe some users feel more comfortable saying I only want to shoot for 4.2 or 43 or 44 because I think they think it's going to make it last longer it's a possibility whatever your preference might be what we've decided to do is evil to give you guys the flexibility to do that so what you can do now is you can drive towards a specific target frequency so let's say I only want auto tuning to go up to 44 well I can do that I can pick 4.4 gigahertz as far as my target frequency and what audio tuning will do is will attempt to dynamically tune up to that now if your CPU and your cooling solution and everything can do up to 44 you'll get to 44 but if let's say you can really only do up to 42 because you know it hits that that voltage wall or the CPU margin just isn't good enough to get to that frequency that'll only go up to 42 but essentially you can define now will this tell you if it does that though if you try to go for frequency that it won't hit what tell you hey we're only going to be able to go this far correct but we won't know that until the end of the process right because of course it doesn't have any any way of knowing what the CPU is but as it's going through the tuning process at the end outcome it's either going to tell you that you've hit that target frequency or that it's only been able to successfully achieve you know 4.2 but it allows you guys to even have more flexibility and how you want to define your overclocking but we've even done more than that for this generation we've added in temperature target based overclocking this is pretty crazy so the morning which means if you only want the thing to go 247 Celsius nothing higher it goes to that point and then throttles down from there correct for all intents a pretty interesting thing actually nobody would ever pick such a temperature that low but most I'm not just getting an example yeah but for a user what they might target would be something let's say like ADC right you know a lot of overclockers they set to something because I don't ever want my system to go over ADC so now what you can do is you could go in there and same thing if I want to go ahead and set this to ADC it will only overclock up to ADC so what it will do is it actually tracks the temperature as we're doing the overclocking and doing the stress testing and it's accounting for what the temperature it's running at and if it gets to the point that it goes over ATC it says oh that's it not going to go any further I'm going to stop so it's not even frequency based it's temperature based so that's a low these means guys is like basically if your CPU goes to three point five and it breaks that threshold it's gonna throttle down that's right pretty much but if you've got a great cooler you know like here we've got this coarser h1 10 right this is going to be really well cooled even at higher frequencies so this might allow us to get to like you know forty seven uh you know forty seven or maybe forty six right as far as our multiplier and still have that be a DC even under full stress tests but essentially here you're going to have that flexibility to be able to target in your specific temperature yeah that gives a lot of flexibility to a different type of using what they're looking for correct now if you don't want either one of those it'll fall to the default option which is like I said it's pretty much just going to go to what the maximum that the CPU will allow for and it will still target still track the temperature but we're only going to be accounting for what's called thermal throttle so essentially we're just making sure that that CPU temperature never reaches essentially the throttle or the breach point so what is like pretty much the four point seven is the top target CPU thing that you guys have in this as evidence they're technically is no limit it would be the limit would be imposed by the cooling solution and by the voltage that would allow for that frequency now in our experience one point two seven five for the best CPUs will probably realistically be somewhere between four point eight to four point nine gigahertz but you know the majority of CPUs are probably going to be much closer to maybe you know 43 to 45 somewhere in that range as far as what they would be able to achieve at one point two seven five because voltage is ultimately what's great heat and what allows you to scale keep scaling higher exact keeps you stable yeah the voltage baby so an additional item that we've added for this generation is something really cool we've also added full system memory stress testing what forces of memory service testing so the cool thing about this with the memory stress testing is that we can dynamically now stress test memory with also stress testing the CPU and this is an important consideration because sometimes what happens is is that users when they dynamically overclock their system they don't realize that the CPU frequency can affect the actual stability of memory and so sometimes you might have a CPU thing to do 4.6 gigahertz but it can't do 4.6 gigahertz and ddr3 2400 it might you only be able to not fighting time yes correct it might only be able to do four point six at 21 33 at the same time versus at stock it could do stock frequency and 2400 which is true which is why actually those pro overclockers spend so much time doing and trying to find that balance between all the highest of everything exactly stable exactly and that's also why actually all the memory kits that you buy the generally don't test the memory kits at high CPU frequencies the XMP profiles are always designed to be run at CPU stock frequency versus running it at a high frequency because you can never insure that that memory could run at that speed at a stock value but see makes that XMP profile so many users still out there don't even engage XMP they just stick it in their system and go and then then they go and they look they go oh why is my system not running it that just cracks me up and the really cool thing about Auto tuning is Auto tuning will automatically apply your XMP profile for you so you don't even need to do anything when you run the actual proof yes when you run the auto tuning process right here we've got some Corsair Vengeance Pro ddr3 2400 kits when it goes to the auto tuning process once it reboots it will have automatically set that for us so not only we didn't get an overclock but we're also going to have our memory overclocked as well yeah I mean I personally this kind of stuff is great because so many users out there don't really know a whole lot about their system or how to use it they know they might have bought the absolute best equipment but with this you get honestly when with all this stuff in there you can pretty much get everything to go as best as you want without having a really tweaking thing that's going to go oh my god I just wrecked my system that's what makes it awesome yeah and we've also taken into thing a consideration a lot of things that users don't always also realize too that we talked about last generation our voltage policy unlike a lot of other um you know it might be on competitor solutions when we default our Auto overclocking technology it's using efficient adaptive voltages which means we're now using like fixed manual vids so even though we're limiting it to one point two seven five that means when your CPU is idle guess what the voltage also comes down we're not always forcing this consistent manual vid which is going to produce more heat it's going to actually consume more power as well as over the long term we could also produce what's called voltage segregation so right all the way around you'll notice uh for you for the overclocker who like who's like the really extreme guy like all those guys but they can still go in the BIOS and change the voltage to any damn thing they 100 percent of course all our boards whether it's tough whether it's rog whether it's ws to the mainstream series all of them have the same class of manual level overclocking capabilities so however you want to be able to achieve your results our goal is to be able to make that happen for you yeah we're in a tense guy where the guy wants to lay back and click a button right correct so at this point we rounded things off with like I said a saying that we added in the memory testing and one last new option that we've also added in is the ability to go ahead and extend the stress test duration so in the past we had a fixed interval of essentially that would run approximately 15 to 20 seconds in between each step increment uh now you can change it to a longer shutter so if a user wants to if they want to do one hour in between each increment where it's running that full system stability test they can do that so we can you can't fall asleep on your shoulder if we're going to do that guess we're going to be royal don't worry we're not going to do that we're going to keep that at the default and we actually find that in the majority of cases especially with the improvements that we've made for this generation with the memory stress testing and even further advancing the actual system stability tests that probably over 85 to almost 90% of you will find that this will give you full system stability but for you guys that want to just take it to a little bit more kind of extensive measures and be able to feel a little bit more confident you can now go in there and customize it so that if you want to have it go take longer in between each interval then you can go ahead and do that I personally think though for most people unless you're out there really you're trying to break a world record I think this is just the way to go it's just so much more easy for the user you just click a couple buttons do a couple restarts get a nice solid overclock you know your systems not going to be burned up breaking down and you get good results I mean I think that actually most people are going to choose to go this route well we've been really happy with it you know we invented Auto tuning technology in p55 and we've we progressed upon it and we feel it's absolutely the best audit overclocking technology out there and I actually really challenged it even guys that are manual based overclockers in most situations you're not going to really be able to get more out of the system manually than you would be able to do it in this way we're doing it effectively efficiently and also with great level of scaling that correlates to your hardware well plus all the testing that goes involved in doing this like so you're not a user experimenting this is actually a stuff that's been tried and true methods to actually achieve a result where a lot of people if you're new to overclock you might go in and click the wrong thing and the next thing you know boom bye-bye CPU I mean no yeah I mean your hundred percent right I mean there's definitely safeguards that we put in to protect the users but at the end of the day you know we've put in literally tens of thousands of man-hours collectively from our team doing a lot of this work and analysis to make sure that we've got something that's functional useful and ultimately beneficial to you and especially if you're buying a board right now at the launch of a chipset Pike cycle you don't know what the voltage ranges are you don't know what the parameters to do a card doesn't need a speedometer but it's sure nice to have lime sure so let's go ahead just kick this off or so we're going to go and click the start button and we're going to go ahead and allow it to go through the auditing process alrighty so at this point what's going to head out how I work broader tuning yes we are totally Auto tuning so it's not going to be a bad rap song we promise that totally totally um so what's happening now here is that the operating system has sent that information over to the UEFI and the ufi is now acknowledged okay I'm ready to go ahead and start dynamically tuning the system so what it's going to do is going to apply an initial profile overclock to start the actual audio tuning process off and once it now it starts out Auto overclocking process in the operating system it will then begin to dynamically scale everything upwards so we're going to be increasing the multiplier we're going to be increasing the voltage we're going to be tracking the temperature all these things are going to be happening in real time and how many restarts would you say that it actually takes before you get the absolutely best results in a single one two or three it actually because because it depends on your configuration right I would say if you were running like the intel retail fan you know and you had a very poor quality cpu in terms of the margin it could maybe take a one reboot and it would be done if you had a great system like ours where we've got a good quality CPU great quality cooling good quality power supply on average I would probably say maybe takes about 10 to 12 minutes maybe up to 15 minutes so it could be probably in the vicinity of maybe 2 to 4 reboots but probably I'd say average users are probably going to be having the Auto Tune process take about 10 to 12 minutes and it's going to probably be in the target range of probably about 2 to 3 reboots right on I just know about a whole lot of time well when you think about manual overclocking at a minimum would at least take you a couple of hours and that's a few probably new start and that's a few if you knew what you were doing exact for somebody that doesn't know you probably have to spend hours to research go into some forums look at some videos you know look at some guides and try that I mean what does that do I think I'll change it oops and then you have to reboot set go in stress tests find out what's wrong and keep going through that same exact process so you can see here our system is gone ahead and already pre defaulted to 4.3 gigahertz because we're actually not using an integrated excuse me we're not using a discrete graphics card the IGP you also got overclocked so it went ahead and set our XMP profile to 2,400 we overclocked to 4.3 and we overclocked the I GPU now if you want to stop at that point you could and we could just click stop but we're now continuing the overclocking process so you can see right now what's happening is that the fans are revving up because the system is actually under full stress tests so we're going to open up our task manager right here and if we start to see we can already see that of course the load occurred right it shot up to 100% load and now we're going to 4.4 here we can see active cores at 43 still because we're doing the two core stresses because do you have what's called per core overclocking sometimes you can have higher frequencies on one and two threads versus you having them on three and four threads so we're checking all this stuff for you and you can see right here we're even tracking the temperature and we tell you what the maximum temperature is and we even subtract the maximum temperature based off of what's called a thermal junction so you know how close you are to the thermal junction directly below that you can see how much voltage is being applied in real-time to your system and will even tell you what the maximum level of voltage is that's applied but like I said it will not exceed one point two seven five in terms of the voltage and then lastly we even show you how much wattage is being taken up because what is generally correlates the heat but also helps you know how much power consumption increases occurring on your system as well so it covers everything so yeah you're getting everything so you can see right here our memory hit up all the way up to seven point eight gigs in terms of active memory usage our CPU is pegged up on multiple occasions here up to a hundred percent and we're throwing all kinds of complex instruction sets to the CPU just like complex real applications will so overall you're getting this full dynamic real-time audit overclocking processes are occurring and as you can see here we're now continuing to scale up we're now at four point five gigahertz and it's going to now just continue to keep tuning now like I said depending on the now I must put on this particular system that you've been using JJ what are you generally saying I know because I know that eventually it probably does change every so often but when you when you reset this a default and then you redo this again what is the average overclock you're seeing on this particular so on our specific system with this CPU and this cooling solution it's probably going to hit I would say probably with 4.8 gigahertz it's probably a pretty damn good overclock yet well I mean for 4770k it's probably about the best you could actually see well I mean and there's I mean this water coolers are very like inexpensive water cooler it's considering it's not like going on buying one of those break apart system that cost you $100 that's an all one system about 130 bucks yeah yeah definitely I mean it's it's probably one of the best closed-loop water cooling solutions but I definitely could tell you you could probably mimic similar results of this you know even with you know coarser h80 so the double wide radiator would still give you comparable results but overall that's really the big benefit that we're trying to tell you guys is that the great thing that you have here is regardless of what parts you're buying whether it's you know a twenty dollar cooler whether it's a forty dollar cooler or a hundred dollar closed the water cooling solution right you're going to have a customized result that specific to your system and so this just feels ultimately like you're getting really that like you said I think that's the best way to interpret this the don't various turn this over you're getting the best experience possible right you're getting ultimately an experience that's tailor-made to the hardware that you've purchased so like you said you can buy some great quality hardware and even if you don't necessarily know how to fully take advantage of it or even if you're a veteran like me that's been building and tuning systems for a long time I feel comfortable I won't you know my system at home I've got one that should I mainly tweaked in tune just for my own kind of inside in edification but I've also got a system I totally let auto-tuning do his job because I felt confident in what it was giving me because it was efficient it was effective and it overclocked it very competently you know ever since the beginning when these program first started coming out I've always actually liked them quite a bit because going in there and tweak a bunch of stuff I mean it's cool if you're really you know just trying to try push things to the limit but if you're trying to get some really solid results without app to give yourself a headache this is just always the way to go yeah well if it works right and I think both of us have been in the game a long time that we remember that you know way back when first generation ought overclocking technologies weren't really that reliable they weren't that stable and they weren't effective but I mean at that point though a lot of times back then like in Tony the companies didn't really embrace overclocking as much as they do now either so now like even the companies themselves like oh okay we're going home for overclocking more in the past they were kind of like oh overclocking so I think it's me I think it's made easier to for everybody yeah I mean overall you know there's always been different kind of perspectives that how overclocking has been evaluated been embraced but you know our goal is ultimately regardless of how you guys are integrating or considering your systems we just want to give you the flexibility so we can see right here we're probably about to get at the top end and systems actually going to probably get ready to crash so we can see we've gotten to four point nine Giga it's now on it's not it's not going to burn is it no it's going to four point nine gigahertz on one and two cores and four point eight gigahertz on three and four cores right eventually though we're going to hit a wall where the voltage that we have supplied or the CPU margin or the cooling isn't good isn't gonna loud there's going to be one that will cause an issue at that point the system essentially is going to acknowledge that fact because it's going to register the crash I think because you hear that it's just gonna hit 5.0 no I don't think so so you can see right now five point nine folks what do you think you know seven point no I mean with it we're going for the extreme overclock you know so at this point once it goes ahead and finishes up it'll reboot and then it'll finish out and provide us its results we'll see but I don't think it's gonna go Oh 5.0 folks what'd I tell you see here taking tomorrow we take that just a little bit there okay oh I read your restart yeah so I can see now it might be maybe actually your house is fairly warm so I'm surprised it got to that because sometimes in a cooler temperature my get to that level right because like I said it's it's system-specific right but now what's going to happen is that the system is going to gone it's going to realize the fact hey I got to a point that there was too much instability and it's going to go back and it's essentially going to revert to settings so whatever when we get now though is the one that is right yes so what it's going to do now is it won't continue the audio tuning process it's essentially going to go I've reached that maximum result now what I need to do is roll back to actually the last very verified stable setting that and give you that setting as your default Auto overclock so it's now going to come up here in a moment and then actually after that after that it will then progress to the second portion which will be the automatic fan tuning process so then calibrate all of our fans that we have in our system allowing us to go ahead and make sure that every single fan we figured out the minimum and maximum so we can see right here it's moved straight into the fan expert we're tuning every single one of the fans all you see all the fans have ramped up really high but they're also now going to ramp all the way down to effective zero rpm so they're going to be pure silent and the reason why is every single one of these headers are going to be manually defined so that we know regardless of what type of fan you have on there we know what it's minimum maximum operation is now the really cool thing that we're not showing here but definitely you know make sure to check out more information that you're going to see here on the technodrome our Channel is that these motherboards for this generation we've given the ability to have full DC and PWM output control for every single header so not only can we control every single type of fan that you connect to this motherboard but we can set to control it in the most unique and configurable ways possible and just adding a splitter you could add even more fans that's the awesome part so like in this Corsair chassis with the side panel and having actually additional fans that be mounted there the motherboard only has six fan headers but having that ability to set it to PWM like I said and you noted you can go ahead and plug in your PWM splitter run three more fans to that and they could be powered by the power supply but they can be all controlled by the motherboard so a really awesome level of control and flexibility that also for this generation we've given you the ability to map multiple temperature inputs to different headers so you can map to chassis fan header the vrm temperature the PCH or even on some of our boards and optional temp sensors on the motherboard delay okay so then you could increase the rpm in that particular area to cool that area them for whatever position you put that optional temp sensor so on the back of your GPU or on top of your SSD whatever it might be so we can see here it's the gone ahead and actually finished the effective overclock 4.8 4.8 gigahertz ddr3 2400 it's gone ahead and fully calibrated all of our fans and it's gone ahead and given us that complete 5 way optimization so I think some pretty impressive come on 4.8 from from a programmer you hitting a button it's totally stable that's really actually quite amazing so we're just going to go have been a aida64 here to confirm that our XMP has gone ahead and also been applied and so we can see right here you can see right there ddr3 2400 it's gone ahead and automatically set the timings the voltage the frequency and this is the kicker look at the efficiency we have all the C states enabled we have the adaptive voltage policy so when the system is idle guess what it's dropping on to that lowest CPU frequency and it's dropping down to the lowest voltage so that we get that best balance of not only high speed high performance but great efficiency and low power consumption cool and quiet and cool and even for those fan controls after the fan calibration we've gone ahead and integrated a great new option here for this generation where we can go ahead and click easy profiles to dynamically change your fan profiles so you can go ahead and go from silent to full speed if you want you don't even need to jump into the full program so the last portion that we just want to show right here is going to be the app tuning portion so after you've already gone ahead and completed your Auto overclock well guess what we're giving you an ability to do application specific overclocking and profiling now what does mean folks that means that you can launch a certain application and you can have all the setting gear for that particular application you can set for single core all the way perked up multi core perked up however you want to do it right yes it's totally for me when we realized giving you this flexibility I was totally like ok mind blown I was like totally surprised by this level functionality and just to quickly show you what it would be example let's say you did it for a game we're opening up Marvel heroes here but it could be battlefield 4 you could go ahead and refresh the tab you click over into this and let's say you know that that game utilizes all those cores well you want to set it to the maximum frequency that could be advantageous because let's say if you jumped into Adobe Lightroom Lightroom is more maybe single-threaded right I want energy but one thing you my folks might want to do is you might want to go out and do some research on your program and find out you know how it runs best because then that will lead you to the road of how to set this up correctly correct because some applications are going to be more so than others but the advantage of this is with perk or overclocking maybe you want to go ahead and have one program running out 4.8 gigahertz on a single thread where your CPU can't do 4.8 on all cores but for the other application the other application can do more frequency across all course so you know premier could do 4.6 on all cores and then light room could do 4.8 on a single thread and then lastly what we can also go ahead and adjust is audio we can go ahead and customize it so that you can go ahead and automatically set a specific audio preset to that application that will change automatically as well as the land prioritization so once again if we have Marvel heroes it's a game we would want the audio to automatically set to the game preset and then the land we would want it to have high because since it's an online game we want the lowest want make sure you and Lois Lane seem exactly and that would all happen dynamically so that you can go ahead and map this to as many programs as you want and be able to have this dynamic system specific overclock and presets lebreton so some pretty awesome functionality we've introduced here with five optimization it's amazing stuff so there you guys have it folks never is optimization been easier so if you want to build your system be you know as flexed out as you want it to be hey it'll do it here automatically for you without headache foes you guys that were like the extreme overclocking guides we know that you're not going to be using this but for people out there who are new to this and want to take their time and work their way into doing that this is the absolute best stepping stone I think you're gonna be able to get yeah it's awesome and I'd love to see your guys's comments I'll definitely follow up and respond into the comments section but I definitely love to hear what your guys's feedback is on what we've done for this generation of optimization so as always thank you guys so let us hear your comments down below like we the information about this probably down there blunt like but in the description I'm Eric Whitacre tomorrow this is a JJ from azuz thanks for watching TECA tomorrow we'll see you guys back here for more videos
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