hey what's going on fans and fellow
youtubers LR care once again with buddy
the dog and G behind the camera to bring
you guys in their extra-crispy 4k video
you guys avoiding a long time to see the
deep cool try stellar system in action
and so we have built that system we
actually chose our own names we didn't
like any of the names that were down
there sorry guys so we're calling this
one the x-factor has you know has that
brand-new 1080 card and we did something
a little different then we had done on
all of our systems in the past this time
we did our build which obviously knows
sometimes we have a lot of parts we get
to review so arsons are usually based on
the high dollar stuff but this time we
actually give you guys a choice between
higher value parts or the higher value
of Arts higher price parts more like it
and the parts that you can actually
afford so with that said let's check out
the x-factor and let's see how much it
kicks ass yeah now obviously folks the
case of this system is the deep cool try
stellar case and the only motherboards
you can use in this case are mini ITX
port so the mini ITX board we chose was
won by gigabyte this is the Z 170 n
gaming 5 motherboard it has a lot of
features all packed into a very small
board if you guys want to see the
unboxing and features we'll have a link
to that down below as well now as far as
the CPUs go we actually tested with two
different CPUs taken to mind that some
people can't afford the highest and i7
6700 K so we tested with both that and
an i5 6400 both of them actually scored
pretty close and I think there's not
that great of a difference to make
somebody totally go oh my god it's
either i7 or nothing now for the video
card in our build we use the brand new
1080 founders dishing car but the only
one that we could find on the market was
actually at over $1100 and that's crazy
shit you guys should be waiting for the
cards to come out so we actually chose a
980 that was less than $600 for your
alternate card for this build now the
memory that we use is very very
expensive stuff I'll say that right off
the bat it's the corsair dominator
Platinum Series 32 gigabyte kit and this
thing's pretty expensive it's 240 $9.99
so you might not want to use this in
your build but we have an alternate that
you can definitely afford and that's the
Corsair Vengeance lpx 32 gigabyte kit
this kit
only a hundred and twenty nine dollars
for fast-ass ddr4 memory as far as
storage space goes it's very limited
choices when you're using the Tri
Stiller case in fact it only takes 2.5
inch drive so we decided use three of
them and fill all of those Bay's up like
usual you guys can choose something
different but we use the Kingston HyperX
3k drives and ours now these are 240
gigabytes SATA 3 drives that are very
fast but they're very pricey as well but
if you want to save yourself some money
you guys can use the Kingston HyperX
savage drives these drives are only $90
for the same 240 gigabytes of storage
space steam is where I keep most of my
games so the biggest Drive I reserved
for that account and that's the zotac
Premium Edition foreigner' 80 gigabyte
SSD and this thing right now is it an
amazing fucking price this thing is a
hundred and $59 so I just have to
mention that it's actually cheaper right
now then some of the 240 gigabyte drives
from other companies you guys can see in
the video so obviously we needed
something to cool the CPU I want to get
something that was an all-in-one cord
that would actually fit like a glove
inside of the Tristar so we chose the
corsair hydra series h75 and this thing
fit inside of that case like it was made
for it and powering the x factor system
is the corsair RM series r em 750i we've
actually used us in a few bills because
it's a fully modular power supply that
comes into market at 80 plus gold for
under 140 bucks doing cable management
inside of the Tristar case is not an
easy feat but we were actually able to
do a pretty damn good job and you guys
can see that pretty much all the cables
are hidden and there's no air flow
restrictions through the system
whatsoever the air flow itself isn't the
absolute best in this system but no
cable management is getting in the way
you guys can see that there are all
kinds of lights inside of The X Factor's
system I know some of you guys like it
some of you hate it me personally
actually dig it quite a bit but deep
cool was actually able to ship us one of
their brand new hue lighting systems and
this thing is like 30 bucks but what's
cool about it is you can operate the
entire thing by remote control and it
has all kinds of different flavors that
you can choose you can make it solid you
can make it do rainbow colors you can
even make it dance to a disco beat or
whatever you want so it offers a little
bit more than
your standard lighting and it's all
built into the kit and last but not
least I know some of you people out
there feel that a system is not complete
without a Windows disk so we included
Windows 10 in our price but like I said
there's also all kinds of options out
there for you guys to change the system
RAM we gave you a few to choose from but
the some things you're not gonna be able
to really change you're not gonna be
able to real get a cheaper price in the
case the motherboards gonna be about the
same the CPUs are gonna be about the
same power supply about the same so all
those things are pretty much in a fix
Ram if you want to use low end crap and
make your build you could probably do
that I would not recommend that
whatsoever I want my build to run
totally awesome and one thing I want to
mention right now the system is on and
running it's been on and running the
entire time that we've filmed this video
so I know some people out there to go oh
my god dude why do you use a water
cooler and you didn't tell you like
overclocked everything well I personally
prefer to have my system completely
silent I'm kind of like the Germans in
this way I like my system to run totally
silent so the one I'm in my room or I
don't hear something going forever and
actually you know it kind of bounces
over to Nvidia in there take a card as
well because you guys know in the past
most of the video cards that come out
really from either company have these
frickin wind blowing lawn mower fans and
you're like this system runs completely
silent now if I wanted to overclock the
frak out of this thing I could turn the
fans up and I can overclock it but for
right now what we're doing I prefer a
totally silent silent system another
thing that you guys asked for you're
like hey man why don't you ever
recommend some other stuff well I'm not
gonna recommend your keyboard and your
mouse because I honestly feel like
that's kind of like taste like in your
girlfriend like you like what you like
you may not like what I like
front of my name Adrian I love this
keyboard so I said hey dude I'm gonna
send you this keyboard as a gift dude he
goes dude what in the fuck did you send
me I hate it this is a very very
high-end key word I'm not gonna mention
any names but basically I found out my
friend hates mechanical keyboards he
just doesn't like him at all he like
likes his old membrane little soft
touchy things so I'm not gonna recommend
that stuff but I'm gonna recommend is
two monitors for you and what I want to
say here as well is that as far as
monitor goes the difference between a 4k
monitor and a 1440 monitor
isn't really very much you're better off
I think to get a 4k monitor so let's
check out the two that I'm recommending
so the first monarch choice is obviously
a 4k monitor with 3840 by 2160
resolution this is the a Zeus P b 28 7 q
it's a black 20 H monitor it's coming
into the market at under $500 and right
now it's actually $50 off which is 10%
off the major price and for the 2560 by
1440 monitor we chose one from Philips
now this nomenclature is very long it's
the 272 s for LP JCB 27-inch monitor it
features a 16 to 9 aspect ratio height
the judgment pivot it also has stereo
speakers built-in so if you don't want
to buy extra speakers they're built into
the monitor this monitor is on sale
right now $300 which is 12 percent off
the normal price alright folks so there
you have it the x factor system with a
couple of different variations for your
choice now we're gonna show you the
scores and remember we test this with
both the i7 and the i5 CPU so you can
get your choice of what you want to buy
there you have it in your face the X
Factor system based off that deep cool
tries stellar case that everyone loves
and I hope you guys really appreciate
the fact that we took the time to find
lower price parts that way you guys
could afford to build a system at a
little lower cost here than we did like
huge although all these parts and
everything that we talked about today
will be listed down below like button
hope you guys just liked this video and
if you did you know what the frak to do
about it so I'm Elric GB on the camera
buddy the dog our mascot we got more
videos coming up for you more today
stuff and there's lots of exciting stuff
coming around the corner more releases
see you later thank 10
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