hey what's up tech world today I want to
talk to you guys about something that's
been happening over and over and over
honestly the cycle is just repeated
itself for over ten years now and this
cycle is pretty much this
it's AMD trying to keep up with both
Intel and NVIDIA at the same time now
for any company out there or for any
person out there you know that fighting
two people at once is much harder than
fighting one person right you fight one
person you can concentrate on that
particular person and take them out you
got two people well your chance of
getting your butt kicked have just
doubled because well check it out
there's two freaking people they're
doing it so AMD fighting on two fronts I
don't really know how this is going to
pan out for them I mean every year we
all hope okay finally AMD is gonna make
a CPU or they're gonna make a GPU
they're gonna catch up they're gonna
beat Intel they're gonna beat Nvidia
it's gonna be cheaper it's gonna be
faster it's gonna be better how many
times how many years have we been
hearing this go on I mean it's been a
long time and the cycle doesn't seem
like it's going to break whatsoever
now it's 2019 AMD has released the
Radeon 7 is the Radeon 7 going to be the
card that you thought it would is it
going to be a card that's going to be
kicking butt all over Nvidia no it's not
once again even with the Reese's that
card it's not going to be exactly what
you expect it might be what you want I
mean the card is pretty expensive though
the cards coming in at $700 so I mean in
videos you know 2070 is like in that
price range do you know 28 he's like
about $900 so it's coming in you know at
a pretty high price range and it doesn't
seem like it's going to be able to beat
any of the high-end Nvidia cards
whatsoever it's just gonna hit the
market you were gonna see probably a
little slight performance booths with
stuff that's what's gonna happen and
it's not gonna really be much more now
on the GPU side of things it doesn't
really seem like in 2019
that AMD is going to be able to take
and honestly beat nvidia at all this
year Nvidia pretty much seems like they
have all their ducks in a row they've
got cards out it just seems like they've
got cards sitting around so whenever I
am do you need does anything they kind
of just laugh and that's it okay here's
another card go ahead and lower your
prices somewhere to compete and let's
move on with our day now on the CPU side
of things though AMD has grown pretty
close to in town even though you know
the i9 CPUs if you buy the
top-of-the-line it is the fastest gaming
CPU but it's also very very pricy AMD
CPUs are much less expensive now the
question here though at the end of the
day though is is having the fastest
thing and the most performance hungry
thing really the most important aspect
of what you're going to be doing with
your build and stuff I mean sure yeah I
mean it's great to have the fastest
thing it's cool you know if you can
afford to buy a 20 80 I paid 1,300 bucks
and get one of those you know that's
great so even when the Radeon seven does
you know mass-market and stuff at $700
it's still gonna probably sell okay just
because the AMD fans who completely hate
NVIDIA and hate everything about the
company they're going to buy those cards
regardless of what's going on but it
still puts AMD as the underdog now I was
really hoping in 2019 that we would see
Andy finally overtake somebody I don't
care who it is I don't care if it's
Nvidia I don't care if it's Intel I just
want to see those guys come out on top
at least once now nears past yes AMD has
had some new stuff a bunch of different
times but the only problem is it seems
like when in when Nvidia releases
technology that makes absolutely no
sense people still buy they're like oh
you do guards if AMD does anything like
that though they literally get you a new
butthole by everybody what's in kind of
a way you know really isn't fair because
even in the past when AMD came out with
technologies that were ahead of
everybody else like let's just put it
this way their CPUs were the very first
CPUs to handle 64-bit windows how long
though was it before 64-bit Windows came
out though when they had that support it
was almost two years down the line and
then by that time Hague
guess what hey Intel and the other guys
already all ketchup
so even when AMD does come out with some
ideas that are ahead of the pack it
seems like their ideas sit around and
wait and they get really beat up for it
now NVIDIA this year has released all
this new stuff with RT X and RT X has
been kind of a kind of a hit and miss
thing we all know this but it does give
Andy a chance to come up the ladders I
just really hope that they would choose
one area or the other and focus their
battle in that direction
because fighting two people on two
different battle fronts is gonna be a
hard battle and it kind of seems like on
the GPU side of things that AMD might be
giving up it doesn't seem like they're
putting their full afternoon I know if
you were gonna say oh well Rick you know
they brought this guy in from so-and-so
and they've got this new dude there and
this guy's like Jesus Christ and he's
gonna save the world with his new
technology and all this stuff it's just
really not going to happen that way and
I'm gonna tell you why the main problem
is money okay just face it you're a
person you're fighting a battle you're
spending money on every battle that
you're fighting every battle every
battle that you do is costing money from
your company now Nvidia they've got shit
loads of deep pockets of money so they
can play games do whatever they want and
it's not gonna really hurt them but AMD
on the other hand doesn't have that same
financial stability to do that and I
really want to see them in 2019 come
ahead somewhere so they really need to
focus their energies in one direction I
want to know what you guys think about
this as well do you guys think that AMD
should just keep trying to compete in
every market and just keep coming in
second best or do you think that AMD
should Farkus Blizzard Farkus should
focus I don't that new word is it's a
new word Farkus it means when you're
trying to focus but you fart it's a
Farkus know that's getting but it sounds
funny right I think though that they
should focus on one area or the other
like just accept something like you know
if you know if your GPUs aren't going to
be able to be able to beat Nvidia quit
going around touting how you're going to
beat Nvidia quit counting this horn that
is just complete bull crap at the end of
the day it's really like a false alarm
like oh my god the sky is falling
blowing oh wait I was underneath the
tree and that's a walnut you know I mean
you know not very logical
AMD needs to focus on one area if they
want to beat intel the nadie to
concentrate on beating intel pour their
energies into the CPU market be very
competitive and just go all out and do
that and let the video card market be
secondary or focused on the video card
market quit trying to compete with Intel
and compete with Nvidia because I
honestly feel that as long as AMD keeps
trying to fight on two fronts they're
going to keep being the underdog and
they're gonna keep being second best I
want to know what you think there's a
lot of AMD fans out there we all know
that AMD has always been the price King
they're always a team of people you go
to if you don't have a lot of money you
want a good system you go to AMD if you
want to have the absolute best and
fastest up well then you go with the
Intel and video route in 2019 though do
you think do you honestly think that AMD
can beat either one of these companies
and a fair playing field and we all know
that a lot of these companies don't play
fair we've talked about in other videos
about Intel and NVIDIA they play really
dirty pool and AMD does too they just do
it on a little bit different level and
try to keep it on the low they don't do
slopes you know so it's like pops in
their face like a balloon they try to
keep really a little key about it but
those things as well factor and
everything at the end of the day so what
do you guys think should AMD keep
fighting to battles on two fronts or
should they concentrate on one specific
target and take that target and actually
become the top of the line you know and
do this with a product that's not only
current technology but currently
something that everybody could use I
want to see this in 2019 do you think
that AMD can beat either company in 2019
let me hear your thoughts down below I
want to hear what you guys have to say I
love always interacting with you folks
so let me see your comments I may lurk
you guys been watching ticker tomorrow
thanks for watching this discussion you
know won't be any links down below
because basically there's nothing down
there to link you to I just want to see
your guys opinions and let you know let
me know rather what you guys think do
you think that AMD can win in 2019 and
you think they can do it fighting two
at once all of a poll piece out we'll
see you guys back in the channel for
more tech I'm taking tomorrow
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